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Whereas C. D., who lately arrived in this Colony by the ship has been forbidden to land under the provisions of The Immigration of Paupers (Prevention) Act, 1909," and whereas the said A. B. desires to enable the said C. D. to land in the island: Now these presents witness that in consideration of the said C. D. being permitted to land in the colony, he the said A. B. doth hereby for himself, his heirs, executors, and adminis trators, covenant with the Governor of the Island for the time being, and his successors in office, that the said A. B. will on demand forthwith repay to the said Governor as aforesaid, or the local board of poor law guardians of any parish who shall have incurred the same, any charges which within five years from the date hereof may be incurred in respect of the said C. D. In witness whereof the said A. B. has set his hand and seal the ,"19




ACT of the Government of Bermuda entitled, " The Immigration Act Continuing Act, 1909."

[No. 2.]

[ocr errors]

[January 22, 1909.]

WHEREAS The Immigration Act, 1902,"* expired on the 31st day of December, 1908, and it is expedient to revive and continue the same:

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Legislative Council and Assembly of the Bermudas or Somers Islands as follows:

1. "The Immigration Act, 1902," is hereby revived as from the 1st day of January last and shall, as amended by " The Immigration Act, 1907," continue in force until and throughout the last day of December next, and the said first-mentioned Act shall for all purposes be operative to the same extent as if the same had, prior to the expiration thereof, been continued until and throughout the last day of December next, and all acts and duties purporting to have been done and performed by the Immigration officers under the authority of the said first-mentioned Act between the 31st day of December last, and the commencement of this Act shall be as valid and effectual as if the said Act had not expired, and the immigration officers shall be entitled to receive the like fees for their services under the said Act as if the same had continued in force.

2. Nothing in this Act contained shall render any person liable to any penalty or liability for any act done between the 31st day of December last and the commencement of this Act which, if "The Immigration Act, 1902," had then been in force, + Vol. C, page 618,

Vol. XCV, page 205.

would have constituted a breach of any of the provisions of that Act.

3. No person shall be liable to any proceedings, civil or criminal, in respect of anything done, or attempted to be done, during the period mentioned in the last preceding section of this Act in the performance of any duties imposed on him by "The Immigration Act, 1902," but all such things shall be in all respects as valid and effectual as if the said Act had been in force during the said period.

ACT of the Government of Bermuda entitled, " The Immigration Acts Continuing Act, 1909."

[No. 21.]

[December 3, 1909.]

BE it enacted by the Governor, Legislative Council, and Assembly of the Bermudas or Somers Islands as follows:

1. "The Immigration Act, 1902," as amended by "The Immigration Act, 1907." is hereby continued in force until and throughout the last day of December, 1910.

2. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to prevent the consolidation, amendment, or repeal of the said Acts during the present session of the Legislature.

ACT of the Government of Canada to create a Department of External Affairs.

[8 & 9 Edw. VII, c. 13.]

[Assented to May 19, 1909.]

His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:1. There shall be a Department of the Government of Canada to be called the Department of External Affairs, over which the Secretary of State for the time being shall preside.

2. The Governor in Council may appoint an officer who shall be called the Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, and who shall be the deputy head of the department, and may also appoint such other officers and clerks as are requisite for the due administration of the business of the department, all of whom shall hold office during pleasure.

3. The Secretary of State, as head of the department, shall have the conduct of all official communications between the Government of Canada, and the Government of any other country in connection with the external affairs of Canada, and shall be

*Vol. XCV, page 205.

+ Vol. C, page 618.

charged with such other duties as may from time to time, be assigned to the department by order of the Governor in Council in relation to such external affairs, or to the conduct and management of international or intercolonial negotiations so far as they may appertain to the Government of Canada.

4. The administration of all matters relating to the foreign consular service in Canada shall be transferred to the Department of External Affairs.

5. The Secretary of State shall annually lay before Parliament, within ten days after the meeting thereof, a report of the proceedings, transactions, and affairs of the department during the year then next preceding.

6. This Act shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation of the Governor in Council.

ACT of the Government of Canada to amend the Extradition

[8 & 9 Edw. VII, c. 14.]


[Assented to May 19, 1909.]

His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. The Extradition Act, chapter 155 of the Revised Statutes, 1906,* is amended by inserting the following section immediately after section 30:—

"30A. Whenever, for the purposes of this Act, it becomes necessary or expedient to secure evidence by depositions taken in Canada to be used in a foreign State, any Justice of the Peace, or any person having authority to issue a warrant for the apprehension of persons accused of offences and to commit such persons for trial, may take depositions in the absence of a person accused of any extradition crime in like manner as he might take the said depositions if such accused person was present and charged before him with such extradition crime.

"2. Such Justice of the Peace or person having authority as aforesaid may, by subpoena or order, command the attendance, at the time and place therein mentioned, of any person or witness for the purpose of being examined as to any extradition crime charged under this Act, and may require the production of any writings or other documents relating to such a charge which are in the possession or power of such person or witness.

"3. Upon the service upon such person or witness of such subpoena or order, and upon payment or tender of the like conduct money as is properly payable upon attendance at the trial of an indictable offence in a superior Court, such subpoena or order may be enforced in like manner as a subpoena or order issued by such superior Court."

* Vol C, page 36.

488 GREAT BRITAIN (East Africa Protectorate).

NOTICE of the Deputy Governor of the East Africa Protectorate under "The Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908." -Nairobi, December 16, 1908.

It is hereby notified for general information that under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon him by section 2 of "The Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908,"* his Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct that the said Ordinance shall forthwith apply in the cases of the undermentioned foreign States and their Protectorates during the continuance of the arrangements made between His Majesty the King and the Rulers of such States under which the East Africa Protectorate is to surrender fugitive criminals to such States or their Protectorates.

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*Vol. CI, page 799.

For withdrawal of Tonga, see Notice of October 7, 1909, page 489.

NOTICE of the Governor of the East Africa Protectorate under "The Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908."*-Nairobi, October 7, 1909.

It is hereby notified for general information that under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon him by section 2 of "The Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908," his Excellency the Governor has been pleased to direct that the Kingdom of Tonga is withdrawn from the list of foreign States to which the Ordinance applies.

Nairobi, dated this 7th day of October, 1909.

E. P. C. GIROUARD, Governor.

ORDINANCE of the Government of Fiji to give effect to an International Agreement dated the 18th day of May, 1904,† and relating to the Immoral Traffic in Women.

[No. 15.]

I assent.


[June 10, 1909.]

WHEREAS by an international Agreement made between His Majesty King Edward VII and certain other sovereign Powers and States, signed at Paris on the 18th day of May, 1904,† and thereafter duly ratified by the High Contracting Parties thereto (which Agreement is commonly referred to as the Agreement for the suppression of the white slave traffic, and is, in this Ordinance, referred to as the Agreement) it was, among other things, agreed as follows:

Every one of the Contracting Governments pledges itself to institute or appoint an Authority, commissioned to centralize all information on the engaging of women and girls with a view to debauchery in foreign countries; that Authority shall be empowered to directly correspond with a similar service in every one of the other contracting States.

Each one of the Governments pledges itself to cause a watch to be exercised, with a view to finding out, particularly at railway stations, at ports of embarkation and along the way, the leaders or conductors of women and girls destined to debauchery. To that end instructions shall be addressed to the officers, or to all the other persons qualified for that purpose, to

Vol. CI, page 799. See also Notice of December 16, 1908. Page 488.

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