EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Bulgaria and Denmark granting reciprocally Most-favoured-nation Treatment to Goods and Shipping of the two countries. - Vienna, November 27 (December 10), 1909. (No. 1.)-M. H. A. Bernhoft to M. Iwan Guéchow. Légation de Danemark, Vienne, le 10 décembre, 1909. Le soussigné, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark à Vienne, dûment autorisé à cet effet par son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de déclarer à M. Iwan Guéchow, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi des Bulgares en cette ville, que le traitement de la nation la plus favorisée sera appliqué, dans le Royaume de Danemark, aux marchandises et à la navigation bulgares, à condition que le même traitement soit appliqué, dans le Royaume de Bulgarie, aux marchandises et à la navigation danoises. Le présent arrangement entrera en vigueur à partir du 1er (14) janvier, 1910, et cessera ses effets le 1er (14) janvier, 1911. Le soussigné profite, &c. H. A. BERNHOFT. (No. 2.)-M. Iwan Guéchow to M. H. A. Bernhoft. Légation Royale de Bulgarie, Vienne, le 27 novembre (10 décembre). 1909. Le soussigné, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi des Bulgares à Vienne, dûment autorisé à cet effet par son Gouvernement, a l'honneur de déclarer à M. H. A. Bernhoft, Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipo'entiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark en cette ville, que le traitement de la nation la plus favorisée sera appliqué dans le Royaume de Bulgarie aux marchandises et à la navigation danoises, à condition que le même traitement soit appliqué dans le Royaume de Danemark aux marchandises et à la navigation bulgares. Le présent arrangement entrera en vigueur à partir du 1er (14) janvier, 1910, et cessera ses effets le 1er (14) janvier, 1911. Le soussigné profite, &c. IWAN GUÉCHOW. ARBITRATION CONVENTION between Brazil and Costa Rica. Signed at Washington, May 18, 1909. [Ratifications exchanged at Washington, August 10, 1911.] (Translation.) THE President of the Republic of Costa Rica and the President of the United States of Brazil, being desirous of concluding a Convention of Arbitration in accordance with the principles enunciated in Articles XV to XIX and XXI of the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, signed at The Ilague on the 29th July, 1899,* and in Articles XXXVII to XL and XLII of the Convention signed in the same city of The Hague, the 18th October, 1907,† have named for the said purpose the following Plenipotentiaries, namely: The President of the Republic of Costa Rica: his Excellency Joaquín Bernardo Calvo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rica to the Government of the United States of America; and The President of the United States of Brazil: his Excellency Joaquim Nabuco, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Brazil to the Government of the United States of America, member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague; Who, having mutually communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, agreed to the following Articles : ART. I. Differences of a legal nature or relating to the interpretation of Treaties existing between the two High Contracting Parties which may arise between them and which it may not have been possible to settle by diplomacy, shall be submitted to the Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration of The Hague, provided that they do not affect the vital interests, the independence, or the honour of the two High Contracting Parties, and do not concern the interests of third parties, it remaining understood, moreover, that, should one of the two High Contracting Parties deem it preferable, any arbitration treated of by this Convention, shall take place before the Head of a friendly State or before elected arbitrators, without being submitted to the members of the aforesaid Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration of The Hague. II. In each case, the two High Contracting Parties, before appealing to the Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration of The Hague or to other arbitrators or arbitrator, shall sign a special agreement determining clearly the matter in dispute, the scope of the powers of the arbitrator or arbitrators, and the periods to be * Vol. XCI, page 970. † Vol. C, page 298. fixed for the formation of the Tribunal or selection of the arbitrator or arbitrators and the several stages of the arbitration procedure. It remains understood that this special agreement shall be subject in the two countries to the formalities required by the constitutional laws of each of them. III. The present Convention shall remain in force for a period of five years, counting from the date of the exchange of ratifications, and, unless it be denounced six months before the termination of the period herein fixed, shall remain renewed for another period of five years, and so on, successively. IV. The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of the Republic of Costa Rica and by the President of the United States of Brazil with the authorization of the National Congress of the respective countries. The ratifications shall be exchanged in the city of Washington as soon as may be possible, and the Convention will commence to operate from the exchange of the ratifications. In faith of which we, the Plenipotentiaries before named, have signed and sealed the present instrument in duplicate, in the Spanish and Portuguese languages. Done in the city of Washington, the 18th day of May, of the year 1909. (L.S.) J. B. CALVO. ARBITRATION CONVENTION between Brazil and Cuba. Signed at Washington June 10, 1909. [Ratifications exchanged at Havana, August 2, 1911.] (Translation.) THE President of the United States of Brazil and the an President of the Republic of Cuba, desiring to conclude Arbitration Convention in accordance with the principles set forth in Articles XV to XIX and Article XXI of the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, signed at The Hague on the 29th July, 1899, and in Articles XXXVII to XL and Article XLII of the Convention concluded at same city of The Hague on the 18th October, 1907,† have named as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: The President of the United States of Brazil: his Excellency Senhor Joaquim Nabuco, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plepi potentiary of the United States of Brazil to the Governme the United States of America, Member of the Permanent The President of the Republic of Cora: Who, after having communicated to each other ως powers, found in good and due form. have agreed me following Articles : ART. I. Differences which may arise of a juridi relating to the interpretation of Treaties existing between High Contracting Parties, and which it may Lot Lave her p to settle by diplomatic means, shall be referred to the manent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, providey Lot affect the vital interests, the independence, or the s the two High Contracting Parties, and do not affect the ve third parties, and, it being further understood that in case of the High Contracting Parties shall so elect any ara pursuant thereto shall take place before the Chef fa fr State or before arbitrators selected without limita o to of the said Permanent Court of Arbitration. II. In each particular case the High Contracting Part before appealing to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at lague, or to other arbitrator or arbitrators, sha.. Come a special agreement defining clearly the matter in d۲۲۰ extent of the powers of the arbitrator or arbitrators, and the periods to be fixed for the formation of the Court or inte selection of the arbitrator or arbitrators, and for the stages of the arbitral procedure. It is understood t at special agreement shall be made by the President of the Us tod States of Brazil with the approval of the two Chambers of the Federal Congress and by the President of the Republe of 6 ba with the approval of the Senate of Cuba. III. The present Convention shall remain in force for period of five years, dating from the day of the exchange of ote ratifications, and, if not denounced six months before the expiration of the aforesaid term, shall be renewed for a further period of five years, and so on, successively. A IV. The present Convention shall be ratified by the President of the United States of Brazil with the authorization of the Federal Congress, and by the President of the Republic of Cuba with the authorization of the Senate of Cuba. The ratifications shall be exchanged in the City of Washington as soon as possible, and the Convention shall come into force immediately after the exchange of the ratifications. In faith of which we, the aforesaid Plenipotentiaries, have signed the present instrument in duplicate in the Portuguese and Spanish languages, and have affixed thereto our seals. Done in the city of Washington, on the 10th day of June, 1909. ARBITRATION CONVENTION between Brazil and Norway. Signed at Christiania, July 13, 1909.* [Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, June 27, 1911.] SA Majesté le Roi de Norvège et le Président de la République des États-Unis du Brésil, désirant conclure une Convention d'Arbitrage en application des principes énoncés dans les articles XV à XIX et XXI de la Convention pour le Règlement pacifique des Conflits internationaux, signée à La Haye, le 29 juillet, 1899,† et dans les articles XXXVII à XLet XLII de la Convention signée à La Haye, le 18 octobre, 1907,‡ ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir: Sa Majesté le Roi de Norvège: M. W. C. Christophersen, son Ministre des Affaires Étrangères; Le Président des États-Unis du Brésil: M. Regis de Oliveira, son Envoyé extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté le Roi de Norvège; Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des articles suivants : ART. I. Les différends qui viendraient à se produire entre les deux hautes parties contractantes et qui n'auraient pu être réglés par la voie diplomatique seront soumis à la Cour permanente d'Arbitrage établie par la Convention du 29 juillet, 1899, à La Haye, à la condition, toutefois, qu'ils ne mettent en cause ni les intérêts vitaux, ni l'indépendance, ni l'intégrité, ni l'honneur des États contractants et qu'ils ne touchent pas aux intérêts de tierces Puissances; il est en outre entendu que si l'une des deux parties contractantes le préfére ainsi tout arbitrage résultant de la présente Convention sera confié à un Chef d'État ou à un Gouvernement ami, ou à un ou plusieurs arbitres choisis en dehors des listes du Tribunal de La Haye. II. Dans chaque cas particulier, les hautes parties contractantes, avant de s'adresser à la Cour permanente de La Haye, à d'autres arbitres ou à un seul arbitre, signeront un compromis spécial déterminant nettement l'objet du litige, l'étendue des pouvoirs de l'arbitre ou des arbitres et les conditions à observer, en ce qui concerne les délais pour la constitution du tribunal arbitral ou le choix de l'arbitre ou des arbitres, ainsi que les règles de la procédure. Il reste entendu que, pour ce qui concerne les États-Unis du Brésil, les compromis spéciaux dont il s'agit ne pourro être ratifiés sans le consentement préalable du pouvoir 1 latif. * "Overenskomster med fremmede Stater," No. 4, page 27, Ju ‡ Vol. C, pag † Vol. XCI, page 970. |