W. WALFISH BAY. Declaration. Great Britain and Germany. Arbitra- Page 91 Paris, 19th July, 1909. 963 (Italy). Entry of Vessels into Fortified Harbours in Sant' Anna di Valdieri, 20th August, 1909. 453 See also PEACE CONFERENCE (THE HAGUE). WAR-SHIPS. Decree (Italy). Entry of Vessels into Fortified Harbours in Time of War. Sant' Anna di Valdieri, 20th August, 1909. 453 (Netherlands). Admission of Foreign War-ships to Territorial Waters. The Loo, 30th October, 1909. 708 Rules (Egypt). Coaling by Belligerent War-ships in (Do.) Suez Canal. Cairo, 10th February, 1904. 591 Treatment of Belligerent War-Ships in War. Cairo, 2nd March. 1904. 592 WEI-HAI-WEI. Ordinance. Opium... WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. See TELEGRAPHS. WOMEN, IMMORAL TRAFFIC. See FIJL WORKMEN. Act of Parliament (British). Workmen's Compensation (Anglo-French Convention). 20th October, 1909. 40 Accident during Work. 55 Stockholm, 5th July, 1901 509 Notes. Great Britain and Sweden. Application to British Subjects. Swedish Law respecting 139 Order in Council (British). Workmen's Compensation (Ancio-French Conven- London 22nd November 198 506 Page WORKMEN. Regulations. France and Italy. Agreement of 1906. WORKS OF ART. Denunciation. Great Britain and United States. Agreement, 1907. Import Duties London, 1st May-30th August, 1909. 154 WOUNDED IN WAR. Accession of Cuba. Geneva Convention, 1906. 1st June, 1909.. 405 Ratification by Norway. Geneva Convention, 1906. Berne, 24th, 29th November, 1909. 724 See also PEACE CONFERENCE (THE HAGUE). WRECKS. See SALVAGE. Y. YAGUARÓN, RIVER. See MERÍM, LAKE. YAPURA, RIVER. Agreement. Brazil and Peru. Navigation of River Yapura, or Caqueta. Lima, 15th April, 1908. 912 YOLA. See CHAD, LAKE. Z. ZANZIBAR. Decree. Amendment of Decree of 1897. Abolition of Zanzibar, 21st July, 1909. 905 Order in Council (British). Zanzibar. London, 18th October, 1909. 55 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Great Britain. Treaty. Abrogation of Treaty of April 30, 1886. Zanzibar, 4th November, 1908. 346 |