Page TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between Do. Do. Russia and Turkey. Sugar. St. Petersburg, 23rd January (5th February), 1908. 929 Declaration. Most-favoured-nation St. Petersburg, 28th October (10th November), 1909. 795 Declaration. Settlement of Turco- St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 384 Do. Do. Servia and Spain. San Salvador, 14th March, 1908. 795 Washington, 21st December, 1908. 797 Vienna, 5th November, 1908. 968 Spain and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 20th April, 1908. 800 Notes. Commercial Agree- ment, 1906. Washington, 20th February, 1909. 801 Sweden and United States. Washington, 2nd May, 1908. 805 Switzerland and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 29th February, 1908. 817 United States and Uruguay. Convention. Naturalization. United States and Venezuela. Monte Video, 10th August, 1908. 895 Caracas, 13th February, 1909. 896 TRENGGANU. See SIAM. Tunis. Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. Do. 61 Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 TURKEY. Agreement. Government of Bulgaria and "Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux." Transfer of dad Railway. 619 Sofia, 13th (26th) June, 1909, 380 Constitution of Ottoman Empire.. Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. 876 : TURKEY. Convention. Turkish Government and Ottoman Anatolian Page Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 833 Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. 881 Notification. Ratification by Turkey of Radiotelegraphic Convention, 1906. London, 1st July, 1909. 818 Statutes. Imperial Ottoman Bagdad Railway. Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 848 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Austria-Hungary. Protocol. Bosnia, Herze- govina, the Sanjak of Novi-Bazar, Commer- cial Treaty, and Aboli- tion of Capitulations. UGANDA. Notice. Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908. Entebbe, 20th October, 1909. 572 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. See BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. UNITED STATES. Act of Congress. Expatriation of Citizens and UNITED STATES. Proclamation. Duties on certain German Products. Page Washington, 1st June, 1907. 894 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. : URUGUAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- national Law Com- mission. Page Government of Venezuela and "Compagnie Caracas, 11th May, 1909. 950 Contract. Government of Venezuela and Compagnie générale des Câbles télégraphiques." Caracas, 11th May, 1909. 951 (Supplementary). Amending Telegraphic Contract between Venezuelan Government and Compagnie générale des Câbles télé- 6th July, 1909. 954 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Brazil. Convention. Arbitration. Caracas, 30th April, 1909. 190 Colombia. Bases for Treaty. Navigation, Frontiers, Frontierand Transit Decree (France). Admission of Ships other than Ships of VESSELS. Declaration. Copenhagen, 22nd October, 1909. 584 War into French Ports, &c., in Time of War.. Paris, 19th July, 1909. 963 in Time of War. Sant' Anna di Valdieri, 20th August, 1909. 453 (Italy). Entry of Vessels into Fortified Harbours See also DESERTERS. LOAD LINE. MERCHANT SHIPPING. SALVAGE. TELEGRAPHS. WAR-SHIPS. VIRGIN ISLANDS. See LEEWARD ISLANDS. |