Page TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :—between Hayti and United States. Athens, 3rd (16th) December, 1909. 966 Honduras and Mexico. ship, Commerce and Naviga. Mexico, 24th March, 1908. 655 Italy and Japan. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Treat- ment. Merchandise. Tôkiô, 1st December, 1905. 456 Italy and Mexico. Convention. Parcel Post. 10th September, Italy and Panamá. Convention. Parcel Post. Panamá, 30th January, 1909. 464 Italy and Sweden and Norway. Declaration. Assistance. Distressed Seamen. Washington, 2nd March, 1909. 470 Japan and Russia. Notes. Boundary. Sakhaline. St. Petersburg, 24th July Merico and Netherlands. Treaty. (6th August), 1908. 931 Mexico, 16th December, 1907. 672 Merico and Nicaragua. Convention. Parcel Post. Mexico, 11th October, 1907. 678 Mexico and Russia. Convention. Commercial Relations and Coasting Trade. St. Petersburg, 19th September Merico and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 24th March, 1908. 696 TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :—between Washington, 2nd February,} Mexico, 8th March, Page 1909. 685 Montenegro and Netherlands. Convention. Commerce and (4th September), The Hague, 21st October, 1904. 712 1909. 716 Netherlands and Sweden. Convention. Salvage of Wrecks. Do. Stockholm, 26th February, 1908. 718 Stockholm, 15th December, 1908. 720 Netherlands and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Nicaragua and Portugal. Convention. Arbitration. 938 Norway and Spain. Lisbon, 8th December, 1908. 728 Madrid, 11th March, 1909. 730 Norway and Sweden. Convention. Arbitration. Maritime Boundary. Grisbådar Rocks. Stockholm, 14th March, 1908. 731 Do. Do. Declaration. Distressed Seamen. Christiania, 25th August, 1909. 733 Norway and Switzerland. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Norway and United States. Treatment. Merchandise Berlin, 5th-28th May, 1906. 734 Paraguay and United States. Portugal and United States. Denunciation. Commercial Agreements with Portugal, 30th April, 1909. Roumania and Servia. Convention. Danube Fisheries. 949 791 Bucharest, 27th February (12th March), 1908. 791 TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :—between Do. Do.. Russia and Turkey. Sugar. St. Petersburg, 23rd January Page (5th February), 1908. 929 Declaration. Most-favoured-nation Declaration. Settlement of Turco- St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 381 Salvador and United States. Convention. Naturalization. Switzerland and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 29th February, 1908. 817 United States and Uruguay. Convention. Naturalization. United States and Venezuela. Monte Video, 10th August, 1908. 895 Caracas, 13th February, 1909. 896 TRENGGANU. See SIAM. Tunis. Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. 391 87 61 TURKEY. Agreement. Government of Bulgaria and “ Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux." Transfer of 619 Constitution of Ottoman Empire... Sofia, 13th (26th) June, 1909. 380 Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 856 and Third Series. Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. 876 TURKEY. Convention. Turkish Government and Ottoman Anatolian Page Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 33 Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. Notification. Ratification by Turkey of Radiotelegraphic Convention, 1906. 881 London, 1st July, 1909. 818 Statutes. Imperial Ottoman Bagdad Railway. Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 848 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Austria-Hungary. Protocol. Bosnia, Herze- gorina, the Sanjak of Constantinople, 26th February, 1909. 180 Bulgaria. Protocol. Settlement of Railway, Do. tions. Recognition of Bulgarian Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 375 Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 377 Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Russia. Declaration. Settlement of Turco- Bulgarian Claims, &c. St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 384 U. UBA. See CHAD, LAKE. UGANDA. Notice. Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908. Entebbe, 20th October, 1909. 572 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA. See BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. Communications. Decree (France). Protection abroad. |