Abbildungen der Seite

TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between
Bulgaria and Russia. Convention. Financial Obliga-

tions to Russia on Declaration

of Bulgarian Independence.


St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 386

Bulgaria and Turkey. Protocol. Settlement of Railway,


Religious, and Financial Ques-
tions. Recognition of Bulgarian

Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 375

Do. Agreement. Mussulman
munities in Bulgaria.


Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 377

China and Japan. Agreement. River Tumen Boundary

[blocks in formation]

between China and Corea. Opening
of Ports. Position of Coreans in
Boundary Districts. Extension of

4th September, 1909. 391

Agreement. Railways and Mines.

4th September, 1909. 393

China and Peru. Protocol. Confirming Validity of Com-

mercial Treaty, 1874.

Lima, 17th August, 1909. 752

Do. Protocol. Immigration of Chinese into



Lima, 28th August, 1909. 394

China and Russia.

Preliminary Agreement. Organiza-

tion of Municipalities on Lands of
Chinese Eastern Railway.

Peking, 27th April (10th May), 1909. 396

Colombia and Italy. Convention. Article XXII of Com-

mercial Treaty, 1892. Consular

Colombia and Peru. Protocol.

Bogotá, 16th April, 1909. 400
Putumayo Occurrences,

1908. Delimitation of Boundary.

Lima, 21st April, 1909. 400

Colombia and Venezuela. Bases for Treaty. Navigation,
Frontiers, Frontier and
Transit Trade.

Curácas, 2nd June, 1909. 402

Costa Rica and Mexico. Convention. Parcel Post.

Mexico City, 21st June, 11th August,}

1909. 207

Costa Rica and United States. Convention. Arbitration.

Washington, 13th January, 1909. 404

Denmark and Germany. Agreement. Protection of
Patterns (or Models).

Berlin, 12th June, 1909. 213

Denmark and Mexico. Convention. Parcel Post. Danish

West Indies.

Mexico, 26th May, 1909. 580

Denmark and Norway. Declaration. Accidents to l'essels.

[blocks in formation]

Copenhagen, 22nd October, 1909. 584

Convention. Extradition.

Copenhagen, 1st December, 1909. 585


TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between
Denmark and Russia. Declaration. Amending Extradi-

tion Convention, 1866.

Copenhagen, 26th February,

(11th March), 1909. 406

Denmark and Servia. Declaration. Most-favoured-nation
Treatment. Commerce.

Vienna, 17th (30th) November, 1909. 408

Denmark and Sweden. Convention. Arbitration.


Stockholm, 17th July, 1908. 914


Declaration. Celebration of Mar-

riages before Diplomatic or
Consular Officers.

Copenhagen, 27th November, 1909. 590

Dominican Republic and United States. Treaty. Extra-


Santo Domingo, 19th June, 1909. 409

Egypt and Russia. Convention. Commerce and Navi.


Cairo, 28th February (13th March), 1909. 976

Equator and Panamá. Convention. Sanitary.

Quito, 26th September, 1908. 594

Equator and United States. Convention Arbitration.

Washington, 7th January, 1909. 596

Ethiopia and Italy. Notes. Commerce. Italian Colony
of Somalia.

Adis Ababa, 22nd-25th June, 1908. 418

France and Germany. Protocol. Formula of Regrets

[blocks in formation]

Guatemala, 25th April, 1904. 604

France and Italy. Regulations. Agreement, 1906. Acci-

dents to Workmen.

[blocks in formation]

Rome, 21th February,

1909. 164

France and Japan. Protection of Trade-marks, Copy-

right, &c. China.

Tokio, 14th September, 1909. 422

France and Mexico. Convention. Diplomatic and Con-

sular Marriages.

Mexico, 3rd June, 1908. 645

TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between
France and Mexico. Convention. Arbitration. Clip-

perton Island.


Mexico, 2nd March, 1909. 610

France and Netherlands. Convention. Prolonging Arbi-

tration Convention. 1904.

Paris, 29th December, 1909. 611

France and Norway. Declaration. Admission of French

Paris, 20th February, 1909. 425

Spirits and Wines.

[blocks in formation]

France and Switzerland. Convention. Simplon Railway.

Berne, 18th June, 1909. 614

France and United States. Convention. Extradition.

[blocks in formation]

Germany and Switzerland.

Treaty, 1906.

Berlin, 14th December, 1909. 438
Treaty. Establishment.
Berne, 13th November, 1909. 439

Germany and United States. Agreement. Protection.
Patents, Designs, &c.
Washington, 23rd February, 1909. 443

Germany and Venezuela. Treaty. Most-favoured - nation
Treatment. Commerce and

Greece and Netherlands.

Caracas, 26th January, 1909. 444
Convention. Extradition

Treaty, 1905.

Athens, 9th (22nd) November, 1909. 618

Greece and Russia. Declaration. Trade-marks.

Athens, 9th (22nd) November, 1909. 639


TREATIES, &C., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between

Greece and Spain. Convention. Arbitration.

Athens, 3rd (16th) December, 1909. 966

Hayti and United States. Convention. Arbitration.

Honduras and Mexico.

Washington, 7th January, 1909. 451
Treaty. Arbitration, Friend-
ship, Commerce and Naviga

Mexico, 24th March, 1908. 655
Honduras and United States. Convention. Extradition.

Washington, 15th January, 1909. 639

Italy and Japan. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Treat-
ment. Merchandise.

Tôkið, 1st December, 1905. 456

Italy and Mexico. Convention. Parcel Post.

Mexico, 4th December, 1909. 457

Treaty. Arbitration.

Rome, 20th November, 1909. 462

Declaration, 1881. Dis-

Italy and Netherlands.

Italy and Norway.


tressed Seamen.

Rome, 10th September,

18th August,

1908. 727

Italy and Panamá.

Convention. Parcel Post.

Panamá, 30th January, 1909. 464

Italy and Sweden and Norway. Declaration. Assistance.

Distressed Seamen.

Rome, 12th June, 1881. 726

Italy and Switzerland. Convention. Telegraphs.

[blocks in formation]

Berne, 8th October,
Rome, 14th October,


1908. 165

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mexico, 16th December, 1907. 672

Merico and Nicaragua. Convention. Parcel Post.

Mexico, 11th October, 1907. 678

Merico and Russia. Convention. Commercial Relations

and Coasting Trade.

St. Petersburg, 19th September

(2nd October), 1909. 684

Mersco and United States. Convention. Arbitration.

Washington, 24th March, 1908. 696

TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :-between
Mexico and United States. Convention. Money Orders.


Washington, 2nd February, 1909. 685
Mexico, March,

Montenegro and Netherlands. Convention. Commerce and

Montenegro and Russia.

Cettinjé, 25th November

(8th December), 1908. 692

Convention. Commerce and

Cettinjé, 15th December, 1909. 694

Montenegro and Turkey. Convention. Commerce, &c.

Netherlands and Russia.


Cettinjé, 19th February

(4th March), 1909. 695

Agreement. Money Orders.

The Hague, 18th August,
St. Petersburg, 24th September
(7th October),



Agreement. Parcel Post.

St. Petersburg, 22nd August

1904. 712

(4th September), 1909. 716

The Hague, 21st October,

Netherlands and Sweden. Convention. Salvage of Wrecks.
Stockholm, 26th February, 1908.

Do. Convention. Commerce.


Netherlands and United States. Convention. Arbitration.
Washington, 2nd May, 1908.

Stockholm, 15th December, 1908. 720

Nicaragua and Portugal. Convention. Arbitration.


Lisbon, 17th July, 1909. 737

Nicaragua and United States. Convention. Naturaliza-

Norway and Portugal.


Managua, 7th December, 1908. 722
Convention. Arbitration.

Lisbon, 8th December, 1908. 728

Norway and Spain. Declaration. Importation of Non-
sparkling Wines into Norway.

Madrid, 11th March, 1909. 730

Norway and Sweden. Convention. Arbitration. Maritime
Boundary. Grisbådar Rocks.



Stockholm, 14th March, 1908. 731

Declaration. Distressed Seamen.
Christiania, 25th August, 1909.
Norway and Switzerland. Notes. Most-favoured-nation


Norway and United States.

Treatment. Merchandise
and Subjects.
Berlin, 5th-28th May, 1906. 734
Convention. Arbitration.
Washington, 4th April, 1908. 736

Paraguay and United States. Convention. Arbitration.
Asuncion, 13th March, 1909. 949

Peru and United States. Convention. Arbitration.

Washington, 5th December, 1908. 753

Portugal and United States. Denunciation. Commercial
Agreements with Portugal,
1899 and 1902.

Roumania and Servia. Convention.

30th April, 1909. 791
Danube Fisheries.

Bucharest, 27th February (12th March), 1908. 791

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