Page SWEDEN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz :- SWEDEN AND NORWAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- ....... with • Rome, 12th June, 1881. 726 See also NORWAY. SWEDEN. SWITZERLAND. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic. Convention. Ex- SWITZERLAND. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-with Page TELEGRAPHS. Agreement. Austria and Italy. Service Communica- Lisbon, 2nd June, 1908. 171 Belgium and Germany. Convention, 1990. Berlin, 23rd January, 1909. 185 Hungary and Roumania. Service Com Budapest, 2nd December, 1909. 172 Venezuelan Government ani Compagnie française des Cibles télégraphiques." Caricas, 11th May, 1909. 951 Contract. Venezuelan Government and Compagnie française des Cibles télégraph quen." Cará as, 11th May, 199. 950 Venezuelan Government ani Compagnie française des Cifles télégraphiques" (Supplementary). Caricas 6th July 199 92 Convention. France and Italy. Teegraphic. Law (Egypt). Wireless Telegraphs, state Massas Ras-ei-Tin, 12th May,186 (Germany) Regulating Und Agusia Bert Wireless Telegrapan ny kunga Venera in German Waters. Bern. 12th December 2007 Ratification by Turkey. Rad stelegraphe Conventin Conventiom 1975 Revised st Line : 0 TERRITORIAL WATERS. See FISHERIES. WARRI 4 A 2.6 TERRITORY, ALIENATION. See SIAM. Agreement, 1891. International Page 26th July, 1909. 669 Convention. France and Japan. Protection. China. Tôkiô, 14th September, 1909. 422 tion. Athens, 9th (22nd) November, 1909. 639 Decree (Denmark). Application. Iceland Trade- (Do.) Lima, 10th September, 1909. 750 Registration of Trade-marks. Law (Peru). Registration of Trade-marks. Lima, 19th December, 1892. 739 Ordinance (Hong Kong). Trade-marks. See also INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. TRANSVAAL. Convention with Mozambique. 10th December, 1909. 527 Natives, Railways and Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 See also BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. TRAWL FISHING. See FISHERIES. TREATIES, &c., between GREAT BRITAIN and FOREIGN POWERS. See GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-between Argentine Republic, Brazil, &c. Inter- Convention. Page Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 Argentine Republic and Switzerland. Convention. Ex- tradition. Buenos Ayres, 21st November, 1906. 156 Austria-Hungary, Belgium, &c. Convention. Protection of Birds useful 10 Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Austria-Hungary and Italy. Agreement. Telegraphic. Rome, 7th December, 1908. Vienna, 14th January, 1909. { Austria-Hungary and Mexico. Agreement. Money Orders. 162 166 Tele- Lisbon, 2nd June, 1908. 171 Convention. 1909. 172 Com- mercial Conven- tion, 1893. Bucharest, 10th (23rd) April, 1909. 174 Austria-Hungary and Russia. Agreement. Importation of Sugar. 17th (30th) November, 1909. 179 Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Protocol. Bosnia, Herze. govina, the Sanjak of cial Treaty, and Aboli- Constantinople, 26th February, 1909. 180 Austria-Hungary and United States. Convention. Arbi- Belgium and Germany. Agreement. Prolonging Tele- graphic Convention, 1890. Page TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between .. Rio de Janeiro, 8th September, 1909. 199 Brazil and Spain. Treaty. Arbitration. Petropolis, 8th April, 1909. 188 Brazil and United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 23rd January, 1909. 202 Brazil and Uruguay. Treaty. Frontiers. Lake Merim Rio de Janeiro, 30th October, 1909. 204 Brazil and Venezuela. Convention. Arbitration. Caracas, 30th April, 1909. 190 Bulgaria and Denmark. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Vienna, 27th November (10th December), 1909. 194 Bulgaria and Germany. Declaration. Commercial Treaty, 1905. Sofia, 31st October (13th November), 1908. 912 Bulgaria and Italy. Procès-Verbal. Import Duties, Bulgaria. Most-favoured-nation Sofia, 31st October (13th November), 1908. 387 Bulgaria and Montenegro. Convention. Most-favoured- nation Treatment. merce and Navigation. Com- Cettinjé, 9th May, 1909. 374 Bulgaria and Norway. Notes. Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Merchandise Berlin, 30th July, 1908. 725 |