Page PERSIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. See also Accession. PERU. Decree. Registration of Names, &c., used on Trade-marks. Registration of Trade-marks. Regulations for Registration of Trade-marks. Registration of Trade-marks. Lima, 9th July, 1909. 744 Brazil. Agreement. Navigation of Rirer Yapura Do. or Caqueta.... Lima, 15th April, 1908. 912 China. Protocol. Confirming the Validity of Lima, 17th August, 1909. 752 Protocol. Immigration of Chinese into Do. Lima, 28th August, 1909. 394 Colombia. Protocol. Lima, 21st April, 1909. 400 1908. Delimitation of Boundary. Germany. Convention. Parcel Post. Lima, 21st December, 1909. 436 United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 5th December, 1908. 753 PHOSPHORUS. Convention. Great Britain, France, &c. Use of White (Yellow) Phosphorus. Manu- Berne, 26th September, 1906. 91 POLICE. Law (Egypt). Placing certain Persons under Police Super- vision. Order in Council (British). PORTS. See VESSELS. PORTUGAL. Alexandria, 4th July, 1909. 414 China and Corea (Amend- London, 18th October, 1909. 53 Communications. Great Britain, Portugal, &c., and Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter Decree. Native Labour Regulations. Province of San Thomé and Principe. Lisbon, 17th July, 1909. 754 Modifying Native Labour Regulations of July 17, 1909. San Thomé and Principe. Law. Fisheries .. Lisbon, 9th December, 1909. 1012 Cintra, 26th October, 1909. 788 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protec- tion of Birds useful to Agriculture. Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Page PORTUGAL. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.: with Do. Do. Convention. Transvaal and Mozambique. Natives, Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 Additional Articles. Money Windsor, 16th November, 1909. 123 Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. Do. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 30th April, 1909. 791 POSTAL CONVENTIONS, &C. Arrangement. China and India. Ex- change of Correspon. Peking, 9th February, 1909. 388 See also MONEY ORDERS. PARCEL POST. PREFERENTIAL RIGHTS. See CONGO. PRINCIPE. See SAN THOME. (Amendment). London, 18th October, 1909. PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Convention. Argentine Republic, 53 Brazil, &c. Inter- mission. Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 Declaration. PROCÈS-VERBAL. See FRANCE. GERMANY. respondence. Judi- cial Authorities. Berlin, 31st July, 1909. 420 * Portugal acceded, March 29, 1911. PROCLAMATION (British). Uniting Colonies of Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Transraal, and Orange River Colony in a Legislative Union under one Government under name of Union of South Africa. Do. Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. (Northern Nigeria). Wild Animals. Page 39 5th April, 1909. 543 (United States). Duties on certain German Products. PROTECTION. See EXPATRIATION. 894 Occurrences in 1908. Paris, 15th April, 1908. 956 QUARANTINE AND SANITARY. See SANITARY. R. RADIOTELEGRAPHS. See TELEGRAPHS. RAILWAYS. Agreement. Bulgaria and "Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux." Eastern Railway. Peking, 27th April (10th May), 1909. 396 Contract. Turkish Government and Ottoman Anatolian Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 856 Convention. France and Switzerland. Simplon Rail Page RAILWAYS. Notes. Italy and Switzerland. Military Works. 17th November, 1908. 465 Berne, 26th December, Protocol. Bulgaria and Turkey. Settlement of Rail- Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 375 France and Spain. Railway Communications across Pyrenees. Paris, 15th April, 1908. 956 Statutes. Imperial Ottoman Bagdad Railway. Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 848 RELIGION. Agreement. Bulgaria and Turkey. Mussulman Com- Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 377 Protocol. Bulgaria and Turkey. Settlement of Religious and other Questions. Constantinople, 6th (19th) April, 1909. 375 RÉUNION. Decree (France). Residence of Foreigners and Protection RHODESIA, SOUTHERN. of National Labour. Notice. Paris, 16th November, 1908. 445 Fugitive Criminals Surrender 30th December, 1909. 568 RIVERS, &c. Agreement. Brazil and Peru. Navigation. Convention. Roumania and Servia. Fisheries. Danube. Bucharest, 27th February (12th March), 1908. 791 Treaty. Brazil and Peru. Commerce and Navigation. Rio de Janeiro, 8th September, 1909. 199 Washington, 11th January, 1909. 137 ROUMANIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with RUSSIA. Communications. Great Britain, Russia, &c., and Mulai of Morocco .. Page 1908, 1909. 932 Note (Anglo-Russian) informing Persian Government of Tehran, 11th September, 1907. 906 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Austria-Hungary. Agreement. Importation of Sugar. Bulgaria. Convention. Financial Obligations to Russia on Declaration of St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 386 China. Preliminary Agreement. Organization Peking, 27th April (10th May), 1909. 396 Denmark. Declaration. Amending Extradition |