Page NETHERLANDS. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Stockholm, 26th February, 1908. 718 Stockholm, 15th December, 1908. 720 United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 2nd May, 1908. 938 NEW CALEDONIA. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Tele 22nd July, London, 8th September, NEW ZEALAND. Convention. Great Britain and France. Orders. 1909. 909 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c Tele [1908-9. сп.] graphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 3Z Page NICARAGUA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Mexico, 11th October, 1907. 678 Portugal. Convention. Arbitration. Managua, 7th December, 1908. 722 NIGERIA, NORTHERN. Proclamation. Wild Animals. 5th April, 1909. 543 NIGERIA, SOUTHERN. Order in Council (British). Southern Nigeria Protectorate. London, 15th February, 1909. 41 Ordinance. Immigrant Paupers. 26th November, 1908. 566 Immigrant Paupers (Amendment). NORTH ATLANTIC COAST. Agreement. 4th March, 1909. 567 Great Britain and United Washington, 27th January, 1909. 145 NORTHERN NIGERIA. See NIGERIA, NORTHERN. NORWAY. Award in Question of Delimitation of a certain part of The Hague, 23rd October, 1909. 940 Law forbidding Trawl Fishing in Territorial Waters. Order in Council (British). Christiania, 13th May, 1908. 723 Nor- wegian Ships and Life- saving Appliances. London, 10th August, 1909. 52 Ratification by Norway. Geneva Convention, 1906. Wounded in War. Berne, 24th-29th November, 1909. 724 TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Page NORWAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. : See also SWEDEN and NORWAY. NOTES. See CHINA. GREAT BRITAIN. RUSSIA. NOTES, EXCHANGE OF. See TREATIES. NOTICES. See GERMANY. GREAT BRITAIN. NOTIFICATIONS. See BELGIUM. CUBA. GREAT BRITAIN. TURKRY. NOVI-BAZAR. Protocol. Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Constantinople, 26th February, 1909. 180 NYASALAND PROTECTORATE. Notice. Fugitive Criminals Surrender 0. Ordinance, 1907. Zomba, 20th October, 1909. 559 OFFENDERS. See EXTRADITION. OPIUM. Ordinance (Hong Kong). Opium ........ 2nd September, 1909. 500 (Wei-hai-Wei). Opium. 26th June, 1909. 573 ORANGE RIVER COLONY. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 See also P ISH SOUTH AFRICA. ORDERS IN COUNCIL. See GREA ORDINANCES. See GREAT P ORINOCO AND CRICHFIELD) United States and Venezuela. tration. Arbi 3th February, 1909. 896 PANAMA TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter national Law Com Italy. Convention. Parcel Post. Panamá, 30th January, 1909. 464 PARASTAY TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Great Britain. Do. Do. British Treaty. Commerce. With- of Asuncion, 16th October, 1884. 109 Declaration. Amending Commercial Treaty, 1884. Asuncion, 14th March, 1908. 886 Treaty. Extradition. Asuncion, 12th September, 1908. 340 United States. Convention. Arbitration. Asuncion, 13th March, 1909. 949 PARCEI Post Additional Act. Belgium and Mexico. Convention, 1909. Mexico, 28th August, 1911. 370 PARCEL POST. Agreement. Great Britain and Japan. Parcel Post. Page 1909. 646 1909. 716 Guatemala, 1st January, 1909. 359 Mexico, 4th December, 1909. 368 Belgium and Mexico. PASSPORTS. Act of Congress (United States). Expatriation of Citi- PATENTS. Act (Australia). Patents. PATTERNS. zens and Protection abroad. 2nd March, 1907. 974 Agreement. Germany and United States. Protection. Washington, 23rd February, 1909. 443 Order in Council (British). Applying Section 91 of Act, See INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. PAUPERS. See EMIGRATION. 1907, to Austria-Hungary. PEACE CONFERENCE (THE HAGUE). Accession of Uruguay. Conren- PERLIS. See SIAM. tions. Laws and Customs of War on Adapta- 6th, 17th September, 1906. 903 PERSIA, Accession of Persia to International Agreement, 1907. Health..... London, 25th October, 1909. 738 Law. Electoral.. Tehran, 11th September, 1907. 906 |