PANAMA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Inter Conrention. Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 Belgium. Convention. Parcel Post. Panamá, 14th December, 1906. 371 Equator. Convention. Sanitary. Quito, 26th September, 1908. 594 Italy. Convention. Parcel Post. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with . Treaty. Commerce. With- Panamá, 30th January, 1909. 464 Great Britain. PASSPORTS. Act of Congress (United States). Expatriation of Citi- PATENTS. Act (Australia). Patents.... Agreement. Germany and United States. Protection. zens and Protection abroad. Washington, 23rd February, 1909. 443 Order in Council (British). Applying Section 91 of Act, 1907, to Austria-Hungary. 45 PEACE CONFERENCE (THE HAGUE). Accession of Uruguay. Conren- tions. Laws and Land. Adapta- PERLIS. See SIAM. 6th, 17th September, 1906. 903 PERSIA, Accession of Persia to International Agreement, 1907. Creation of International Office of Public Law. Electoral...... Note (Anglo-Russian) informing Persian Government of Tehran, 11th September, 1907. 906 Page PERSIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Law. Registration of Trade-marks. Lima, 19th December, 1892. 739 China. 199 United States. PHOSPHORUS. Convention. POLICE. Lima, 21st December, 1909. 436 Berne, 26th September, 1906. vision Order in Council (British). 91 Alexandria, 4th July, 1909. 414 PORTS. See VESSELS. Communications. Great Britain, Portugal, &c., and Decree. Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter Modifying Native Law. Fisheries.. 932 Lisbon, 17th July, 1909. 75-4 San Thomé and Principe. Lisbon, 9th December, 1909. 1012 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with PORTUGAL. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :- Page Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 Order Agreement, 1883. Lisbon, 13th September, 1909. 120 Windsor, 16th November, 1909. 123 Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. Page PROCLAMATION (British). Uniting Colonies of Cape of Good Hope, PROTECTION. PUBLIC HEATH. Do. Natal, Transraal, and Orange River Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. (United States). Duties on certain German Products. See EXPATRIATION. See SANITARY. See INTERNATIONAL LAW. PUTUMAYO. Protocol. Colombia and Peru. PYRENEES. Protocol. France and Spain. across Pyrenees. 39 543 894 Occurrences in 1908. Paris, 15th April, 1908. 956 Q. QUARANTINE AND SANITARY. See SANITARY. R. RADIOTELEGRAPHS. See TELEGRAPHS. RAILWAYS. Agreement. Bulgaria and " Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux.” Peking, 27th April (10th May), 1909. 396 Contract. Turkish Government and Ottoman Anatolian Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 856 Convention. France and Switzerland. Simplon Rail way Berne, 18th June, 1909. 614 Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 833 (Additional). Turkish Gorernment and Ottoman Anatolian Railway Company. Extension of Railway. Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. 884 |