Applications for advices of payment of money orders will only be accepted within the period of one year from the date when the ordinary period of validity of such orders expires. The advice of payment shall be in a form in accordance with or analogous to the specimen (H) in the Appendix. The advice of payment shall be prepared either by the paying office or by the exchange office of the country of payment, when it is applied for at the time of issue of an order, and by the exchange office of the country of issue when the application is made subsequent to the issue of an order; and shall be transmitted direct to the office of issue or to the exchange office of the country of issue either by the office of payment or by the exchange office of the country of payment, provided that in the case of advice of payment applied for after the issue of the order, the particulars of payment must be entered thereon before it is returned. " Nevertheless advices of payment relating to "through money orders shall be sent through the exchange offices of the two countries. XVII. Orders shall remain payable in each country for twelve months after the expiration of the month of issue; and the amounts of all money orders not paid within that period shall revert to, and be at the disposal of, the administration of the country of issue. XVIII. In the event of a money order being lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be granted on a written application (containing the necessary particulars) from the payee to the administration of the country in which the original order was payable; and, unless there is reason to believe that the original order was lost in transmission through the post, the administration issuing the duplicate shall be entitled to charge the same fee as would be chargeable for a duplicate order under its own internal regulations. On receipt of an application, containing the necessary particulars, from the remitter, instructions shall be given to stop payment of a money order. XIX. Money orders sent from one country to another shall be subject, as regards issue, to the rules in force in the country of origin, and as regards payment, to the rules in force in the country of destination. XX. Should the Department of Communications of Japan desire to send money order remittances through the medium of the British post office to any of the foreign countries, British Colonies, etc., with which the British Post Office transacts money order business, it shall be at liberty to do so provided that the following conditions are fulfilled : (a.) The Japanese exchange office shall advise the amounts of such "through" orders to the British exchange office, which will re-advise them to the exchange offices of the countries of payment. (b.) No such order shall exceed the maximum amount fixed by the country of destination for money orders issued in the United Kingdom. (c.) The particulars of "through," orders shall be entered either in red ink at the end of the ordinary advice lists despatched to the British exchange office or on separate sheets, the total amounts of the "through" orders being included in the totals of such lists. (d.) The names and addresses of the payees, including the names of the town and country of payment, shall be given as fully as possible. (e.) The Department of Communications of Japan shall allow to the British Post Office the same percentage (see Article VII) on "through" orders as on orders payable in the United Kingdom, the British Post Office crediting the office of the country of payment with the same percentage for the "through" orders as for the orders issued in the United Kingdom, and, for its intermediary services, deducting from the amount of each re-advised order a special commission to be fixed by the British Post Office. (f.) When the amount of a "through" order is repaid to the remitter, the commission charged for the intermediary service is not refunded. If the British Post Office should desire to send money orders through the medium of the Department of Communications of Japan to any countries with which the Department of Communications of Japan transacts money order business, it shall be at liberty to do so under similar conditions to those stated in the preceding paragraph. Each administration shall also be at liberty to send, through its medium, money orders originating in any countries with which it transacts money order business to the other administration or to any other countries with which the other administration has money order relations, under the same conditions as those mentioned in the first paragraph of the present Article. Each administration shall communicate to the other the names of the countries with which it transacts money order business, the limit of amount adopted for each, and the rates of commission deducted for intermediary services. XXI. At the end of every month each office of excha shall prepare and forward to the other a list in accordance v the form marked (C) in the Appendix, showing the partic of all orders issued in the other country which have not paid within twelve months after the end of the month of and have therefore become void. XXII. At the end of every month the Department of munications of Japan shall furnish to the British post of money order account (in duplicate) which shall includ following items : (a.) On the debit side (to the credit of the United Kin the total amount of the orders advised on the lists desp from the Japanese exchange office during the month to the account relates, and the allowance (Article VII) due on the orders (with the exception of orders intended for or sent by prisoners of war), less the total amount of Japanese orders authorized during the month to be repaid to the remitters, and the total amount of Japanese orders which have become void during the month. (b.) On the credit side (to the credit of Japan) the total amount of the orders advised on the lists which have been despatched from the British exchange office during the month, and the allowance due on the orders (with the exception of orders intended for or sent by prisoners of war), less the total amount of orders authorized during the month to be repaid in the United Kingdom, and the total amount of British orders which have become void during the month. The money order account shall be prepared on a form similar to that marked (D) in the Appendix, and shall be accompanied by detailed statements of the lists exchanged during the month, and of the repaid and void orders (see Forms (E), (F), and (G) in the Appendix). One copy of the account, duly accepted, shall be returned to the Department of Communications of Japan. XXIII. The balance of the account shall be shown in the currency of the country to which it is due, and in order that this may be done, the amount of the smaller credit shall be converted into the currency of the country with the larger credit at the rate 1 yen = 2s. 0.58d. or 17. = yen 9.763. This rate may, however, be modified by agreement between the contracting countries when they shall consider it necessary. XXIV. When the Department of Communications of Japan has to pay the British Post Office the balance of the account, it shall do so at the time of forwarding the account, and when the British Post Office has to pay the balance it shall do so at the time of returning to the Department of Communications of Japan the duplicate of the account accepted. Such payments shall be made in sterling by means of bills of exchange payable on demand at London when the balance is due to the British Post Office, and in Japanese money by means of bills of exchange payable on demand at Tokio or Yokohama when the balance is due to the Department of Communications of Japan. XXV. In extraordinary circumstances such as will justify the measure, either administration may temporarily suspend the money order service, either entirely or partially, on condition of giving immediate notice, if necessary by telegraph, to the other administration interested. XXVI. The Postmaster-General of the United Kingdom on the one part, and the Minister of State for Communications of Japan on the other part, shall be authorized to adopt, either by or not by common consent, any additional rules (if not in contradiction to the foregoing) for the greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the system generally. No of withdrawal, under the Agreement signed at Merova on the 23rd July, 1908, was given in 1909 in respect Of the fowing: Commonwealth of Australia. Foreign Office, March 31, 1910.5 CONVENTION between Great Britain and the Netherlands renewing for a further Period of Five Years the Arbitra tion Convention of February 15, 1905. Signed at London, December 16, 1909.|| [Ratifications exchanged at London, July 11, 1910.) His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Circal Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the * Vol. LXXII, page 20; Vol. LXXXII, page 21. + Vol. XXXVI, page 394. Vol Cl, page 104 § "Treaty Series No. 5 (1910)." "Treaty Series No. 20 (1910)." Signed also in the Dutch language Seas, Emperor of India, and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, signatories of the Convention for the pacific settlement of international disputes, concluded at The Hague on the 29th July, 1899;* Taking into consideration that by Article XIX of that Convention the High Contracting Parties have reserved to themselves the right of concluding Agreements, with a view to referring to arbitration all questions which they shall consider possible to submit to such treatment, Have named as their Plenipotentiaries : His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: the Right Honourable Sir Edward Grey, a Baronet of the United Kingdom, a Member of Parliament, His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: Karel Willem Paul Frans Baron Gericke van Herwijnen, Her Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London, Chamberlain Extrordinary; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: ART. I. The High Contracting Parties hereby renew for a further period of five years, dating from the 12th of July next, the Convention signed at London on the 15th February, 1905,† for the settlement by arbitration of certain classes of questions which may arise between the two Governments. II. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London as soon as possible. Done in duplicate at London, the 16th day of December, 1909. (L.S.) E. GREY. (L.S.) GERICKE. CONVENTION between Great Britain and Norway renewing for a further Period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of August 11, 1904. Signed at London, November 9, 1909.‡ His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and His Majesty the King of Norway, signatories of the Convention for the pacific settlement of * Vol. XCI, page 970. ↑ "Treaty Series No. 27 (1909)." + Vol. XCVIII, page 59. Signed also in the Danish langua |