Page LICHTENSTEIN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protection of Birds useful to Agriculture. Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES. See MERCHANT SHIPPING. LOANS. See FINANCE. Exempting French Ships in London, 22nd November, 1909. LUXEMBURG. TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Austria-Hungarg, &c. Convention. Great Britain, &c. Do. Protection of Birds useful to Agriculture. 60 Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Regulations. graphic. Tele Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Convention. Inter national Copyright Berlin, 13th November, 1908. 619 M. MADAGASCAR. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Mexico, 3rd June, 1908. 6-45 Declaration. Denmark and Sweden. Marriages before Law (Sweden). MARTINIQUE. Decree (France). Copenhagen, 27th November, 1909. 500 Marriage. Stockholm, 6th November, 1908. 802 Residence of Foreigners and Protection of National Labour. Paris, 16th November, 1908. 445 MATCHES. Convention. Great Britain, France, &c. Use of White (Yellow) Phosphorus. Manufacture of Matches. Accessions of British Colonies. Berne, 26th September, 1906. 91 MEMORANDUM. See JAPAN. MERCHANT SHIPPING. Order in Council (British) Life-saving Appli- Page MERÍM, LAKE. Treaty. Brazil and Uruguay. Frontiers. Merim and River Yaguarón. Lake Rio de Janeiro, 30th October, 1909. 204 MEXICO. Accession to Declaration of Paris, 1856. Maritime Law. 13th February, 1909. 667 to Paris Sanitary Convention, 1903, and Agree- to Madrid Agreement, 1891. International 26th July, 1909. 669 Decree. International Registration of Trade-marks. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- Page MEXICO. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. : MINES. Agreement. China and Japan. Mines in Manchuria. MODELS. See INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. 1909. 685 4th September, 1909. 393 MONACO. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protec. tion of Birds useful to Agriculture. Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Great Britain, &c. Convention. International Do. Copyright Union. Berlin, 13th November, 1908. 619 Convention. International Circulation of Motor Vehicles. Paris, 11th October, 1909. 64 MONEY ORDERS. Additional Articles. Great Britain and Portugal. Agreement, 1883. Lisbon, 13th September, 1909. 120 Agreement. Austria and Mexico. Vienna, 16th January, 1909. 166 6th March, Great Britain and Japan. London, 4th November, Netherlands and Russia. The Hague, 18th August, } :} 1908. 101 1904. 712 Convention. Great Britain and France. Money Orders. New Zealand and France. Paris, 1st December, 1909. ১৪ Mexico and United States. Washington, 2nd February, MONOPOLY, TELEGRAPH. See EGYPT. Bulgaria. Com 685 Convention. Most-favoured- Page MONTENEGRO. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, Navigation. Cettinjé, 15th December, 1909. 694 Turkey. Convention. Commerce, &c. Cettinjé, 19th February (4th March), MOROCCO. Award. France and Germany Casablanca Affair. 1909. 695 The Hague, 22nd May, 1909. 597 Communications. Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, &c., 1908, 1909. 932 Compromis. France and Germany. Arbitration. Casa- blanca Affair. Berlin, 24th November, 1908. 916 Convention. France and Spain. Morocco. Paris, 3rd October, 1904. 432 Declaration. France and Germany. Integrity of Morocco. Position of France. 9th February, 1909. 435 Notes. Great Britain and France. Communication of Franco-Spanish Declaration and Convention respecting Morocco of October 3, 1904. London, 6th October, 1904. 450 Procès-Verbal. France and Germany. Regrets for action of Agents at Casablanca. Berlin, 29th May, 1909. 602 Protocol. France and Germany. Formula of Regrets for Events at Casablanca. Berlin, 10th November, 1908. 916 MOTOR CARS. Act of Parliament (British). Motor Car (Inter. national Circulation). 25th November, 1909. 40 Convention. Great Britain, Austria, &c. International Circulation of Motor Vehicles. Paris, 11th October, 1909. 64 MOZAMBIQUE. Convention with Transvaal. Natives, Railways and MUFTIS. See RELIGION. MUNICIPALITIES. See LAND. Port, Commerce and Customs. Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 MUSSULMAN COMMUNITIES IN BULGARIA. See BULGARIA (Treaties). * Ratified by Montenegro, May 20, 1912. N. Page Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 NATAL. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. See also BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. NATIONALITY. Act of Congress (United States). Expatriation of Law (Belgium). Citizensand Pro- Notes. Great Britain and Hayti. Abrogation. Con- vention, 1906. Port-au-Prince, 15th, 24th March, 1909. Protection of National Réunion. 99 Paris, 16th November, 1908. 445 NATURALIZATION. Act of Congress (United States). Expatriation of 895 Monte Video, 10th August, 1908. Law (Belgium)... .. ..... Laeken, 8th June, 1909. 182 NETHERLANDS. Communications. Great Britain, Netherlands, &c., and Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter as Sultan of Morocco. Decree. Factory and Trade-marks. East Indies. 1908, 1909. 932 Netherland Soestdijk, 31st May, 1905. 697 Amendment of Provisions in Force in Netherland East Indies. Factory and The Hague, 2nd March, 1908. 701 Rules for Admission of War-ships of Foreign Powers to Netherland Terri. The Loo, 30th October, 1909. 708 Law. Regency in event of Minority of Successor to Throne. The Hague, 2nd April, 1909. 703 Guardianship of King being a Minor on his The Hague, 2nd April, 1909. 705 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with France. Convention. Prolonging Arbi- Paris, 29th December, 1909. 611 Germany. Declaration. Direct Corre. Berlin, 31st July, 1909. 420 |