H. Page HAYTI. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Great Britain. Notes. Abrogation. Nationality Convention, 1906. Port-au-Prince, 15th, 24th March, TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- ICELAND. Decree (Denmark). Application Iceland Trade-marks Law, 1903, to British Colonies. Fredensborg, 3rd June, 1909. 408 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. IMMIGRATION. See EMIGRATION. IMMORAL TRAFFIC. INDIA. Arrangement. See FIJI. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Exchange of Postal Correspondence. India Peking, 9th February, 1909. 388 Ambala, 31st March, Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Page INDIES, DUTCH. See DUTCH INDIES. NETHERLANDS. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Accession of Austria and Hungary. Con Great Britain and Siam. Establishment of International Courts at certain places in Siam. Bangkok, 6th July, 1909. 799 INTERNATIONAL LAW. Convention. Argentine Republic, Brazil, &c. International Law Commission. Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. See SANITARY. INVENTIONS. See PATENTS. ITALY. Communications. Great Britain, Italy, &c., and Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter as Sultan of Morocco. .1908, 1909. 932 Decree. Entry of Vessels into Fortified Harbours and other places in Time of War. Sant'Anna di Valdieri, 20th August, 1909. 453 TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:--with Austria-Hungary. Agreement. Telegraphic. Rome, 7th December, 1908. Bulgaria. Procès-Verbal. Import Duties. Bul } 162 tion, 1903. Paris, 24th December, 1908. 926
JAPAN. Memorandum. Administration of Justice and Management ITALY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-with France. Convention. Telegraphic. Rome, 24th February, } Page 1909. 164 of Prisons in Corea 12th July, 1909. 930 * Not ratified by Italy (March 1913). Page China. Agreement. River Tumen Boundary JAPAN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with ....... .... Do. between China and Corea. Opening 4th September, 1909. 391 Agreement. Railways and Mines. Man- 4th September, 1909. 393 France. Protection of Trade-marks, Copyright, Rio de Janeiro, 8th September, 1909. 199 JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Decree (Colombia). Establishment of Bogotá, 19th January, 1906. 578 JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES. See PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. Organization of Criminal Juris- Paris, 17th September, 1908. 957 Law (France). Consular Jurisdiction. French in Paris, 16th November, 1909. 443 Memorandum. Japan and Corea. Administration of Justice and Management of Prisons 12th July, 1909. 930 Order in Council (British). Southern Nigeria Pro- Procès-Verbal. Great Britain and Siam. Establish- Bangkok, 6th July, 1909. 799 ment of International Courts in Page JURISDICTION. Treaty and Notes. Great Britain and Siam. Cession LAND. Agreement. China and Russia. (Preliminary.) Organiza- tion of Municipalities. Eastern Railway. LAW (Belgium). Nationality and Naturalization. Lands of Chinese Peking, 27th April (10th May), 1909. 396 Lacken, 8th June, 1909. 182 (Egypt). Wireless Telegraphy. State Monopoly. (Do.) (France). Ras-el-Tin, 12th May, 1906. 644 Persons under Police Supervision. Alexandria, 4th July, 1909. 414 Consular Jurisdiction. French in Ethiopia. Vessels in German Territorial Waters. Berlin, 12th December, 1908. 927 Commercial Relations with British Empire. (Do.) Guardianship of King being a Minor on his 705 (Norway). Forbidding Trawl Fishing in Territorial Waters. Christiania, 13th May, 1908. 723 (Persia). Electoral. (Peru). Registration of Trade-marks. (Portugal). Fisheries. Lima, 19th December, 1892. 739 (Sweden). Workmen's Compensation for Accidents. Stockholm, 5th July, 1901. 809 (Do.) Marriage.... Stockholm, 6th November, 1908. 802 LAW, INTERNATIONAL. See INTERNATIONAL LAW. LEEWARD ISLANDS. Ordinance. Tariff Ordinance, 1905, Amendment. (Virgin Islands). 11th December, 1909. 542 LIBERIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Great Britain. Treaty. Commerce. drawal of Australia. With. London, 21st November, 1848. 107 Great Britain, &c. Convention. International Copyright Union. Berlin, 13th November, 1908. 619 |