Page GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. -with Siam. Agreement. Do. Do. Cancelling Con- vention of April 6, 1897. Malay Peninsula. Bangkok, 10th March, 1909. 125 Treaty and Notes. Cession and Boundaries. Siamese Malay States. Jurisdiction. Siamese Bangkok, 10th March, 1909. 126 of International Courts. Bangkok, 6th July, 1909. 799 London, 11th January, 1909. 134 Sweden. Notes. Application to British Accidents. GREAT BRITAIN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz., with-- United States. Notes. Renewing Modus Page Treaty. Abrogation Treaty of April 30, 1886. Zanzibar, 4th November, 1908. 846 See also Notification. Withdrawals of Colonies. See under Accessions. GREECE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protection Great Britain. Treaty. Do. of Birds useful to Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 drawal of British Colonies. Athens, 10th November, 1886. 98 Withdrawal of Austra lian Colonies. Treaty, 1886. Commercial The Hague, 23rd October, 1909. 940 Convention. Norway and Sweden. Arbitration. Portion of Sea Limit. Stockholm, 14th March, 1908. 731 GUATEMALA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with national Law Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 France. Protocol. Arbitration. Bezault Claim. Guatemala, 25th April, 1904. 604 Ratified by Greece, July 26, 1912. Page HAYTI. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Convention, 1906. Port-au-Prince, 15th, 24th March, Great Britain, &c. United States. HERZEGOVINA. See BOSNIA. 1909. 99 Convention. International Copyright Union. Berlin, 13th November, 1908. 619 Washington, 7th January, 1909. 451 Denunciation by Honduras of London, 25th October, 1909. 63 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with national Law ICELAND. Decree (Denmark). Application Iceland Trade-marks Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Exchange of Postal Correspondence. India and China. Peking, 9th February, 1909. 388 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Page INDIES, DUTCH. See DUTCH INDIES. NETHERLANDS. INDO-CHINA, FRENCH. See FRENCH INDO-CHINA. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT. See WORKMEN. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. Accession of Austria and Hungary. INFLUX OF CRIMINALS. ventions, &c., 1883 to 1900. Con Bangkok, 6th July, 1909. 799 INTERNATIONAL LAW. Convention. Argentine Republic, Brazil, &c. International Law Commission. Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. INTERNATIONAL OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. See SANITARY. INTERVENTION. See CONSULS. Decree. Entry of Vessels into Fortified Harbours and other 347 Great Britain, Italy, &c., and Mulai Hafid. .1908, 1909. 932 places in Time of War. |