FRANCE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:- with Switzerland. Convention. Simplon Railway. Page GAME. Proclamation (Northern Nigeria). Preservation of Wild GENEVA CONVENTION. See WOUNDED IN WAR. Animals, Birds, and Fish. 5th April, 1909. 543 GERMANY. Award by Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. Casablanca Affair. France and Germany. The Hague, 22nd May, 1909. 597 Communications. Great Britain, Germany, &c., and Law. Use of Signals and Wireless Telegraphy by Berlin, 12th December, 1908. 927 Commercial Relations with British Empire. Berlin, 13th December, 1909. 419 Notice. Commercial Relations with British Empire. Berlin, 22nd December, 1909. Order in Council (British). Copyright. German Pro- tectorates. 420 saving Appliances. London, 10th August, 1909. 51 French and German Govern- Procès-Verbal. Regrets of Proclamation (United States). Berlin, 29th May, 1909. 602 Duties on certain Ger- man Products. Washington, 1st June, 1907. 894 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Pro- tection of Birds useful to Agricul- ture. Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Belgium. Agreement. Prolonging Telegraph Convention, 1890. Berlin, 23rd January, 1909. 185 Bulgaria. Declaration. Commercial Treaty, 1905. Sofia, 31st October (13th November), 1908. 912 Page GERMANY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :- 28th June, 1909. 498 GREAT BRITAIN. Accessions and Withdrawal of British Colonies. 20th September, 1909. 5 Workmen's Compensation (Anglo-French Convention). 20th October, 1909. 40 Motor Car (International Cir- culation). 25th November, 1909. 40 Communications. Great Britain, Austria-Hun- gary, &c., and Mulai Hafid. 1908, 1909. 932 Page GREAT BRITAIN. Decree (Denmark). Applying Iceland Trade- marks Law to British Fredensborg, 3rd June, 1909. 408 Law (Germany). Commercial Relations with British Empire. Note (Anglo-Russian) informing Persian Govern- Tehran, 11th September, 1907. 906 Notice (East Africa Protectorate). Fugitive Cri- minals Surrender Nairobi, 16th December, 1908. 488 (Do.) Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordin- ance, 1908. Nairobi, 7th October, 1909. 489 (Germany). Commercial Relations with British Empire. Berlin, 22nd December, 1909. 420 ............ (Nyasaland Protectorate). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordi- nances, 1905 and 30th December, 1909. 568 (Uganda Protectorate). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordi- Entebbe, 20th October, 1909. 572 Notification. Denunciation by Honduras. Commer- cial Treaty of January 21, 1887. London, 25th October, 1909. (Somaliland Protectorate). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908. 63 Berbera, 1st October, 1909. 565 Order in Council. Southern Nigeria Protectorate. London, 15th February, 1909. Copyright. German Protec- torates. London, 2nd March, 1909. "The Patents and Designs 41 42 Austria- London, 17th May, 1909. 45 Page GREAT BRITAIN. Order in Council. Merchant Shipping. German Ships and Life-saving Ap- London, 10th August, 1909. London, 10th August, 1909. London, 18th October, 1909. 51 52 53 55 56 58 59 60 61 10th June, 1909. 489 |