EMIGRATION. Convention. Transvaal and Mozambique. Recruiting Page Pretoria, 1st April, 1909. 110 Decree (Portugal). Native Labour Regulations. San Thomé and Principe. Lisbon, 17th July, 1909. 754 (Do.) Modifying Labour Regulations of Lima, 28th August, 1909. 394 EQUATOR. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. Panamá. Convention. Sanitary. Quito, 26th September, 1908. United States. Convention. Arbitration. Washington, 7th January, 1909. ERITREA. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. ESTABLISHMENT. Treaty. Germany and Switzerland. ETHIOPIA. Law (France). 317 594 596 214 Berne, 13th November, 1909. 439 Consular Jurisdiction. Ethiopia. French in Paris, 16th November, 1909. 448 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- with Great Britain. Notes. Import Duties. Adis Ababa, 13th April-12th May, 1909. 75 Italy. EVIDENCE. See FOREIGN TRIBUNALS. Adis Ababa, 22nd-25th June, 1908. 418 EXPATRIATION. Act of Congress (United States). Expatriation of 2nd March, 1907. 974 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. Act (Canada). Creation of Department of EXTRADITION. Notice (British East Africa). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908. (Withdrawal of Page Nairobi, 7th October, 1909. 489 (Nyasaland Protectorate). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, Zomba, 20th October, 1909. 559 (Southern Rhodesia). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinances, 1905 and 1908. 30th December, 1909. 568 (Uganda). Fugitive Criminals Surrender Ordinance, 1908. Entebbe, 20th October, 1909. 572 Notification (Somaliland Protectorate). Fugitive Cri- minals Surrender Berbera, 1st October, 1909. 565 Order in Council (British). Extradition. France and Tunis. Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. 61 Ordinance (Hong Kong). Chinese Extradition Amendment. 29th October, 1909. 527 See also TREATIES. F. FACTORY AND TRADE-MARKS. See TRADE-MARKS. FEES. Order in Council (British). France and Norway. Paris, 20th February, 1909. 426 Assessors' Fees. Mixed Court, London, 28th June, 1909. 50 FIJI. Ordinance. Immoral Traffic (Women) Immigrants. FINANCE. Contract. Bagdad Railway 4 per Cent. Loan. First Series... Constantinople, 5th March, 1903. 869 Bagdad Railway 4 per Cent. Loan. Second Constantinople, 2nd June, 1908. 876 Convention. Bulgaria and Russia. Bulgarian Obliga- tions as result of Independence. St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, Declaration. Russia and Turkey. 1909. 386 Bulgarian 1909. 384 Turco Washington, 27th January, 1909. 145 FISHERIES. Convention. Roumania and Servia. Fisheries. Danube. Page 1908. 791 Law (Norway). Forbidding Trawl Fishing in Terri. torial Waters. (Portugal). Fisheries. Christiania, 13th May, 1908. 723 Notes. Great Britain and United States. Modus Vivendi. Newfoundland Fisheries. Great Britain and United States. 1909. 909 FOREIGN CONCESSIONS. Order in Council (British). China and FOREIGNERS. See ALIENS. Corea (Amendment). Police Force in London, 18th October, 1909. 53 FOREIGN RELATIONS. See EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. FOREIGN TRIBUNALS. Rules (St. Vincent). Evidence. Rule (Do.) 9th December, 1908. 560 Evidence. Rule 4 of 1908. 19th November, 1909. 563 FRANCE. Act of Parliament (British). Workmen's Compensation (Anglo-French Conven- 20th October, 1909. Award by Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague. 40 The Hague, 22nd May, 1909. 597 Circular. Descent of Foreign Balloons in France. Paris, 12th March, 1909. 603 Communications. Great Britain, France, &c., and Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter as Sultan of Morocco. 1908, 1909. 932 Decree. Criminal Jurisdiction in Siam. French Subjects Paris, 17th September, 1908. 957 Residence of Foreigners and Protection of National Paris, 16th November, 1908. 445 International Office of Public Health. Establish- ment of Public Utility. Paris, 23rd June, 1909. 962 Admission of Ships other than Ships of War into French Ports, &c., in Time of War. Paris, 19th July, 1909. 963 Termination of Commercial Arrangements with United States of 1898, 1902, and 1908. Rambouillet, 20th August, 1909. 446 Law. Consular Jurisdiction. French in Ethiopia. Order in Council (British). Page Ships and Life-saving FRANCE. Order in Council (British). Merchant Shipping. French (Do.) (Do.) Appliances. London, 22nd November, 1909. 58 Merchant Shipping. French Ships and Overloading. London, 22nd November, 1909. Extradition. France and Tunis. 60 Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. 61 ments. Berlin, TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with of Birds useful to Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protection Agriculture. Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 Belgium. Declaration. Delimitation of Posses- sions. Region of Shiloango. Brussels, 23rd December, 1908. 356 23rd December, 1908. 358 Petropolis, 7th April, 1909. 186 Germany. Protocol. Formula of Regrets for 1 |