Page with BRAZIL. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:- BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMPANY. Notes. Great Britain and United States. Ad- Intervale, 3rd July, 1907. 636 BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA. Act of Parliament. Union of South Africa. Sandringham, 2nd December, 1909. 39 See also CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. NATAL. BULGARIA. Accession to International Agreement of 1907. Creation .... of International Office of Public Health. 29th November, 1909. 193 Agreement. Government of Bulgaria and "Compagnie des Chemins de Fer orientaux." Transfer Sofia, 13th (26th) June, 1909. 380 Declaration. Russia and Turkey. Settlement of Turco- Bulgarian Claims, &c. St. Petersburg, 8th (21st) December, 1909. 384 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Denmark. Notes. Most - favoured-nation BULGARIA. TREATIES., &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :- Page Sofia, 31st October (13th November), 64 CABLEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS. See TELEGRAPHS. CANADA. Act. Creation of Department of External Affairs. 19th May, 1909. 486 Paris, 23rd January, 1909. 81 Treaty. Great Britain and United States. Boundary Page CASABLANCA. Protocol. France and Germany. Formula of Regrets for Events at Casa- Berlin, 10th November, 1908. 916 blanca. Berlin, 24th November, 1908. 916 The Hague, 22nd May, 1909. 597 Do. Expressions of Regret for Events at Casa- Berlin, 29th May, 1909. 602 CEYLON. Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 CHAD, LAKE. Notes. Great Britain and Germany. Confirming Pro- tocols. Yola- Chad 11th March, 1907. 94 CHILE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 Great Britain, &c. CHINA. Convention. France and Japan. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Note. Date of Opening of Order in Council (British). Do. Ordinance (Hong Kong). 18th June, 1907. 913 China and Corea (Consular London, 28th June, 1909. 50 China and Corea (Amend- London, 18th October, 1909. ment. 53 CHINA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:- with Do. Page Agreement. River Tumen Boundary 4th September, 1909. 393 Peru. Protocol. Confirming Validity of Com- CIVIL PROCEDURE. See PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW. CLAIMS. Declaration. Russia and Turkey. Turco-Bulgarian Claims. St. Petersburg, 8th (21-t) December, 1909. 384 Protocol. France and Guatemala. Arbitration. Bezault Claim. Guatemala, 25th April, 1904. 604 United States and Venezuela. Arbitration. Ori- noco and Crich- Carúcas, 13th February, 1909. 896 CLIPPERTON ISLAND. Convention. France and Mexico. Arbitration. Question of Mexico, 2nd March, 1909. 610 COALING. Rules (Egypt). Coaling by Belligerent War-ships in Suez Canal. Cairo, 10th February, 1904. 591 COASTING TRADE. Convention. Mexico and Russia. St. Petersburg, 19th September (2nd October), 1909. 684 COLOMBIA. Decree. Establishment of Foreign Companies. Bogotá, 19th January, 1906. 578 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with COLONIES. Accessions of British Colonies. Commercial Convention. Great Britain and Cairo, 29th October, 1889. tain, France, &c. of Berne, 26th September, 1906. Commercial tion, Conven- 1889. Great Britain and Egypt. Cairo, 16th December, 1907. Decree (Denmark). Application of Iceland Trade-marks Page 74 63 91 71 74 Fredensborg, 3rd June, 1909. 408 Note (British). Withdrawal of Australian Colonies from Anglo-Greek Treaty of Com- merce, 1886. Athens, 4th September, 1909. 636 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. Portuguese Colonies. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 Withdrawals of British Colonies. Treaty of Commerce. Great Britain and London, 21st November, 1848. 107 Treaty of Commerce. Great Britain and Paraguay. Asuncion, 16th October, 1884. 109 Treaty of Commerce. Great Britain and Athens, 10th November, 1886. Treaty of Commerce. Great Britain and Honduras. 98 |