Page ARBITRATION. Convention. Peru and United States. Washington, 5th December, 1908. 753 Salvador and United States. Washington, 21st December, 1908. 797 Spain and United States. Washington, 20th April, 1908. 800 Sweden and United States. Washington, 2nd May, 1908. 805 Switzerland and United States. Washington, 29th February, 1908. 817 Declaration. Great Britain and Germany. Arbitra- London, 4th January, 1909. 100 Great Britainand Portugal. Renewal. Agree. Windsor, 16th November, 1909. 123 Great Britain and Spain. Renewal. Agree- London, 11th January, 1909. 134 Great Britain and Switzerland. Renewal. London, 3rd, 12th November, 1909. 136 Italy and Switzerland. Renewal. Conven. Rome, 16th November, 1909. 468 Protocol. France and Germany. Formula of Regrets for Events at Casablanca. Case to be Berlin, 10th November, 1908. 916 France and Guatemala. Bezault Claim. Page ARBITRATION. Treaty. Italy and Netherlands. See also AWARD. Rome, 20th November, 1909. 462 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- 13th December, 1909. 471 Regulations. Great Britain, Austria, &c. Telegraphic. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Accession to Industrial Property and Trade- marks Conventions, &c., 1883-1900. Communications. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. 214 1st January, 1909. 161 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, con. tinued, viz.:- with Roumania. Convention. Commer- Page BAGDAD RAILWAY. See OTTOMAN ANATOLIAN RAILWAY COMPANY. France. Paris, 12th March, 1909. 603 BARBADOS. Act. Immigration of Paupers (Prevention). BELGIUM. 16th October, 1909. 479 Communications. Great Britain, Belgium, &c., and Mulai Hafid. Recognition of latter Law. Nationality and Naturalization. as 1908, 1909. 932 Lacken, 8th June, 1909. 182 Notification. Denunciation by Uruguay. Commercial Treaty of September 16, 1853, and Addi- tional Articles of February 21, 1857. Brussels, May, 1909. 374 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Austria-Hungary, &c. Convention. Protec- Page BELGIUM. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:- with Berlin, 23rd January, 1909. 185 Great Britain, &c. Regulations. Telegraphic. Do. Do. Lisbon, 11th June, 1908. Copyright Union. 214 Berlin, 13th November, 1908. 619 Convention. International Circulation of Motor Paris, 11th October, 1909. 64 Panamá. Convention. Parcel Post. Mexico, 28th August, 1911. 370 Panamá, 14th December, 1906. 371 See also Notification. BELLIGERENTS. See WAR-SHIPS. Immigration Act Continuing. 22nd January, 1909. 485 Immigration Acts Continuing. 3rd December, 1909. 486 BEZAULT CLAIM. Protocol. France and Guatemala. Arbitration. BIRDS. Convention. Austria-Hungary, Belgium, &c. Protection of Paris, 19th March, 1902. 969 See also GAME. Constantinople, 26th February, 1909. 180 BOUNDARIES. Agreement. China and Japan. River Tumen. Boun- Award. Norway and Sweden. Arbitration. Question of part of Maritime Boundary. Bases for Treaty. The Hague, 23rd October, 1909. 910 Colombia and Venezuela. Fron- Caracas, 2nd June, 1909. 402 Convention. Norway and Sweden. Arbitration. Rocks. Stockholm, 14th March, 1908. 731 Declaration. Belgium and France. Delimitation of Brussels, 23rd December, 1908. 356 BOUNDARIES. Declaration. Belgium and France. Delimitation of Possessions. Stanley Pool. Page Brussels, 23rd December, 1908. 358 Great Britain and Germany. Arbitra- Notes. Great Britain and Germany. Confirming Protocol. Protocols. Yola-Lake Chad Boundary. Japan and Russia. Boundary. 91 Berlin, 5th March, 22nd February, 1909. 93 Possessions 931 Demarcation of in Island of Sakhaline. St. Petersburg, 24th July (6th August), 1908. Colombia and Peru. Boundary.......... Lima, 21st April, 1909. 400 Great Britain and Germany. Boundary. Gorege to Lake Chad. Kofa, 12th February, 1907. 94 Great Britain and Germany. Boundary. Uba to the Maio Tiel. 11th March, 1907. 94 Treaty. Brazil and Peru. Settlement of Frontiers. Rio de Janeiro, 8th September, 1909. 199 Brazil and Uruguay. Lake Merim and River Rio de Janeiro, 30th October, 1909. 204 Treaty and Notes. Great Britain and Siam. Cession States. Bangkok, 10th March, 1909. 126 Treaty. Great Britain and United States. Canadian Boundary Waters, &c. Washington, 11th January, 1909. 137 BRAZIL. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:--with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. Inter- national Law Commission. Rio de Janeiro, 23rd August, 1906. 347 Washington, 18th May, 1909. 195 |