de la perquisition, devra être, le cas échéant, envoyé en temps utile à l'autorité consulaire intéressée, qui devra assister à la perquisition ou s'y fera représenter sans occasionner aucun retard. Si, quatre heures après la remise du double de l'ordre de perquisition, l'autorité consulaire ne s'est pas fait représenter, elle sera considérée comme voulant s'abstenir et les agents de la douane seront autorisés à procéder à la perquisition. Dans les localités situées à plus d'une heure de distance du siège d'une autorité consulaire, les agents de la douane pourront procéder à une perquisition en présence de deux témoins de la nationalité du propriétaire ou locataire de la demeure ou du magasin à visiter ou, à défaut, en présence de deux autres témoins étrangers. Ces stipulations ne seront pas applicables dans le cas où la perquisition doit être faite dans un magasin indépendant du domicile ou dans des locaux servant exclusivement d'entrepôt ou de dépôt de marchandises. Dans ce cas, il suffira qu'un avis préalable de la visite soit donné au propriétaire ou à son représentant, ou, à défaut, à l'autorité consulaire. Pour procéder à une visite ou perquisition à bord d'un navire étranger ancré dans un port égyptien, il faut un ordre écrit du directeur de la douane; le double de l'ordre qui indiquera le jour et l'heure de la perquisition devra être envoyé en temps utile à l'autorité consulaire intéressée, qui pourra se faire représenter, si elle le juge à propos. Toutefois, la perquisition ne pourra être, en aucun cas, ni rétardée ni entravée par l'abstention de l'autorité consulaire, pourvu que celle-ci ait été dûment avisée. Dans tous les cas où l'autorité consulaire n'assiste pas à la perquisition, un procès-verbal devra être dressé et la copie lui sera communiquée sans délai. Le procès-verbal dressé par les agents de la douane, devra énoncer les dires et observations de la personne chez laquelle la visite aura été pratiquée, ou, en cas d'absence de celle-ci, les dires et observations de ses représentants ou domestiques. La personne intéressée où, a défaut, ses représentants ou domestiques, seront invités à signer le proces-verbal. Les perquisitions ne pourront être opérées qu'a partir du lever jusqu'au coucher du soleil. Anciennes dispositions. 42. Toutes les dispositions contraires a celles contenues dans le présent règlement sont abrogées. Le Caire, le 28 février (13 mars), 1903. BOUTROS GHALL. PORTUGUESE DECREE modifying Regulations respecting Labour Recruitment in San Thomé and Principe.-Lisbon, December 9, 1909. (Translation.) * WHEREAS it is necessary to modify some of the provisions of the Decree of the 17th July last, which contains regulations for the emigration and recruitment of native labourers for the provinces of San Thomé and Principe, so as to insure and facilitate a better observance thereof; Having sought the opinion of the Consultative Board for the Colonies and of the Council of Ministers; and Availing myself of the powers granted to the Government by § 1 of Article 15 of the first Additional Act of the Constitutional Charter of the Kingdom; I hereby decree as follows: ART. 1. The security which emigration agents are required to deposit in accordance with the terms of Article 22 of the Decree of the 17th July, 1909, is hereby increased to 2:000$000 reis. 2. In carrying out the provisions of Article 26 of the abovementioned Decree, Government officials and emigration agents may correspond by telegraph in urgent cases only and with the sanction of the Governor, and only in such cases shall the expenditure be authorized. Such expenditure shall be defrayed out of the repatriation fund. 3. The recruitment and contracting of minors under 15 years of age is hereby expressly forbidden. §. Children under 7 years of age shall accompany their mothers. 4. The Deputy Curator-General in the Island of Principe shall be the administrator of the township. Sub-Article 1 of Article 60 of the Decree of the 17th July, 1909, is thus modified. 5. If the masters, after being informed as provided by Article 68 of the above Decree, refuse to take charge of the labourers destined for them, the fact shall be submitted to the Curator-General for his consideration. § 1. If there exist justifiable reasons for the refusal, the labourer may, if he is willing, be engaged by another master. If a fresh engagement is not effected he shall be repatriated, and the expenses shall be paid by whoever is responsible for the refusal. § 2. If no justifiable cause for refusal exists and no fresh engagement is effected, the master shall pay the expenses of repatriation. § 3. The Government may advance the sums necessary for * Page 754. this purpose and collect them afterwards in the manner set forth in Article 8. 6. The appointment of the Commissioner ad hoc (referred to in Article 70 of the above-mentioned Decree) shall devolve on the proper State official-military or civil-who happens to be travelling on board a vessel bringing back repatriated labourers. The Governor of San Thomé shall therefore obtain, before the period of repatriation has elapsed, the necessary information by telegraph. § 1. In cases where the official on his way to Mozambique should remain at Lourenço Marques and the repatriated labourers should proceed as far as Quelimane or Mozambique, the Curator-General of the province shall appoint an official to convey the "bonus" and see the labourers to their port of destination. § 2. Should there be no official at all available, in the circumstances referred to in the first part of this Article, the appointment shall devolve on a San Thome official. § 3. The allowance which these commissioners shall receive for duty performed on steamers is 18000 reis per diem for transit officials from the time they leave San Thomé until they hand over the labourers; 18500 reis per diem for officials from San Thomé or Lourenço Marques from the day they leave until their return. Such expenses are to be defrayed out of the repatriation fund. 7. Transport of labourers can only be carried out in Portuguese bottoms, except in ports where there is no regular Portuguese service. 8. If labourers or masters refuse to fulfil any clause of their contracts, the Government can declare them void and cause the labourers to be repatriated, and advance the necessary sums therefor. § 1. Contracts thus annulled shall be transmitted to the Curator-General, with all documents having reference thereto and with the vouchers for expenditure incurred. The necessary inquiries having been held and the opinion of the local board having been heard, the Curator-General shall give his decision as to the person responsible for the action of the Government in declaring a contract null, and shall examine the correctness of the accounts presented. Appeals against such decisions may be lodged with the Governor in Council within the period mentioned in Article 121 of the Regulations of the 17th July, 1909. § 2. The above-mentioned decision shall be limited to compelling the responsible parties to refund expenses incurred in repatriation of labourers. § 3. Responsible persons may be (a.) The emigration agent who signed the contract. In such cases the Government will recover the expenses incurred out of the security deposit, reserving their right to any balance if the deposit is insufficient; (b.) The master. In such cases, should he not make payment voluntarily, the provisions of Article 92 of the Decree of the 17th July, 1909, shall be observed; (c.) The labourer. In such cases he shall be employed on the public works of the province, where he shall remain until his debt is paid at the rate of an average wage, the Government to maintain him during such period; (d.) Both the emigration agent and the master conjointly. In such cases they shall each pay half the debt, the compulsory payment being enforced by the means above indicated. 9. All legislation contrary hereto is revoked. The Minister and Secretary of State for the Department of Marine and Colonies shall accordingly carry this Decree into effect. Given at the Palace this 9th of December, 1909. MANUEL DA TERRA PEREIRA VIANNA. THE KING |