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critical period the assemblyman was reminded by his vigilant son in the bow of the break of a 66 sawyer ahead.”Wait a minute," said he," until I spell out this other crack-jaw; it's longer than the barrel of my rifle-gun;" but the current of the Missouri was no respecter of persons or words--the river "went ahead," and the boat ran foul of the nodding obstruction, and was thrown on her beam-ends. The next whirlpool turned her keel upperThe cargo was discharged into the bowels of the deep, and there his "salt lost its savour." The negro, in a desperate struggle for life, swam for the shore; but the steersman, who, like a true politician, determined to stick to the ship as he would to his party, as long as a timber or a fish floated, continued to keep uppermost. Having divested themselves of their apparel, to be in readiness for swimming, the father and son continued astride of the keel, until the wreck was landed at the town of Franklin. Here the old hunter, who was a lean citizen, was kindly supplied by a stout gentleman with a suit of his own clothes, which hung, like the morals of the politician, rather loosely about him. The sufferers by shipwreck were invited into the habitation of a gentleman who dwelt near the shore on which they had been cast. While recounting their perils at the breakfast-table, the lady, who was administering coffee, inquired of the politician if "his little son had not been greatly alarmed." "No, madam," said he, "I am a raal ring-tail painter, and I feed all my children on rattlesnake's hearts, fried in painter's grease. There ar a heap of people that I would not wear crape for if they `was to die before their time; but your husband, marm, I allow, has a soul as big as a courthouse. When we war floating, bottom uppermost (a bad situation for the people's representative), past Hardeman's garden, we raised the yell, like a whole team of bardogs on a wildcat's trail; and the black rascals on the shore, instead of coming to our assistance, only grinned up the nearest saplin, as if a buck possum had treed. Now, madam, I wish God Almighty's yearthquakes would sink Hardeman's d-ned plantation--begging your pardon for swearing, madam, with my feet on your beautiful kiverlid here; maybe you wouldn't like me to spit on this kiverlid you have spread on the floor to keep

it clean; I'll go to the door-we don't mind putting any thing over our puncheon floors.

“The river, marm," continued the guest, "I find, is no respecter of persons; for I was cast away with as little ceremony, notwithstanding I am the people's representative, as a stray bardog would be turned out of a city church; and upon this principle of democratic liberty and equality it was that I told M.Nair, when I collared him and backed him out of the gathering, at a shooting-match, where he was likely to spoil the prettiest sort of a fight, ‘A governor,' said I, ' is no more in a fight than any other man.' I slept with Mac once, just to have it to say to my friends on Fishing river that I had slept with the governor."

This gentleman, being too old for war, is now high in the Texan councils.

The notice which the county of Howard has so largely claimed of the compiler cannot be brought to a close in a more appropriate manner than by the description of "the Knous apple." The tree that produces this fruit was raised to bearing size from the seed, by Mr. Henry Knous, of New Franklin. The apple is as green as the foliage of the tree on which it grows, until frost begins to turn the leaves of forest-trees, when the apple changes to a deep red. In the year 1832, the fruit of the former year was preserved in a sound state until the 17th of August; and on the tenth of that month the rare-ripe apples of this celebrated tree were exhibited, with the fruit of the past year, and the soundness of both prevented a discovery of which was the old apple; as one of these was a deep green and the other a dark red, no one would have suspected them the product of the same tree. He had, on the 15th of July, 1836, thirty-five of these apples, in a perfect state of preservation, which were designed for exhibition on the first Monday in August, the day of the general election in Missouri. These, however, were not intended as

"apples of discord."

TOWN OF GLASGOW. This town-tract, on the bank of Missouri river, was surveyed, and the lots offered for sale, on the 20th of Sept., 1836, while the forest-trees were standing on the site. The underwood had been cleared out of the lots fronting on the

river. One hundred of these lots, amounting to a sixth part of the whole number, were offered; and these were selected with a view to equal distribution of lots offered and reserved, in the valuable and less valuable parts of the town. The proceeds of this sale were 14,400 dollars. The old town of Chariton is sitChariton had been depopulated,

uate two miles above Glasgow. and its sickly location condemned by acclamation. The business men of the vicinity were anxious to find a location on the river, where receiving, and shipping, and retail business could be conducted for the trade of a rich and extensive tract of farming, country. This position was accordingly selected by the merchants and tobacco-manufacturers, the produce-dealers and the flour-manufacturers; and they have determined to make a town here for their own uses. The farmers cordially respond to the movement of these business men. the town is based on limestone rock. northwest corner of Howard county. command the trade of a great portion of Howard, Chariton, and Saline counties; and all the forwarding business and produce shipments of Randolph will probably be done at Glasgow. Improvements by purchasers of lots are going forward rapidly in Glasgow, and several have already commenced business there.

The landing is good, and It is within and near the This position will naturally

JACKSON COUNTY. The boundaries, as traced out in the Revised Statutes, are described as "beginning in the Missouri river at the place where the western line of the state crosses it; thence south to the line between townships forty-six and fortyseven; thence east with said township line to the middle of range twenty-nine; thence north to the Missouri river; thence up the same to the beginning."

This county, then, is bounded on the west by the state line, and on the north by the Missouri river. The impression is deeply fixed in the minds of connoisseurs in soil, that the lands in Missouri increase in fertility as we travel westward from St. Charles, until the boundary of the state is reached. When the settlements in Jackson were at first commenced, it is remembered that a rage for that quarter pervaded the whole emigrating world; and for several years, when movers with the most sub

stantial equipment were questioned on the road as to their destination, they uniformly answered, "Up to the Blues." This tract of country, watered with Big and Little Blue rivers, was then unsold, and had never been in the market; neither had it been erected into a county, but was a part of Lafayette. In making selections of seminary lands, which were allowed the state by the federal government, the commissioners annoyed the early settlers not a little with their locations in Jackson; a vast amount of acres was thus apparently thrown out of market; but the state subsequently offered the land for sale, and the settlers were generally the purchasers, at the state minimum of two dollars per acre. The quality of the lands in Jackson has not been overrated, as the close observer will discover, since thrifty cultivation has turned up to view the fatness of the soil. The county of Jackson is happily situated, with a market close at hand for a large amount of its farming products. This market is made by the location of half-civilized emigrant Indians close on their borders, and by the wants of the half-starved tribe of Kansas Indians, who reside farther out, in the territory of the United States, west of Missouri. The military post of Fort Leavenworth, on the same side of Missouri river, and half a day's ride above, likewise swallows up a considerable amount of produce, particularly since the location of the dragoons at that plaće. With these local advantages, it is not strange, therefore, that the fanatic tribe of Mormons fixed their mock revelation city of "New Jerusalem" in this county. In a poor country, "the storehouse of the Lord," which the priests and elders of their church require their people to fill (for their use), would have been in the condition of the Irishman's crib, "brimful of emptiness." The disgusting folly and the outrageous villanies of the Mormons, who had swarmed into the county of Jackson, induced the old settlers to rise in arms and expel them. The measure, although a strong and a violent one, was fully justified, and indispensable, in consequence of the impertinent and mischievous interference of the Mormons with the slaves of the county. Their threatened association with the neighbouring tribes of Indians was a serious subject of alarm; and no longer considered

doubtful in point of fact, when the Mormon population were found with arms pointed against their neighbours. The operation of fanatic zeal upon the human mind will account for the seeming improbability and the audacity of the outrages contem•plated, and those actually perpetrated by this people. This tribe of locusts, that still threatens to scorch and wither the herbage of a fair and goodly portion of Missouri by the swarm of emigrants from their pestilent hive in Ohio and in New-York, must here be allowed the enviable distinction of having their follies and mad achievements recorded. It may serve the same valuable purpose, when viewed by the reader, that was designed by the Spartans, who made their slaves drunk, to show the children of Lacedæmonia the folly of inebriety. Without descending to the minutiae of the origin of the Mormon creed, which would be as fatiguing as the detailed events of a wolf-hunt (including a biography of all the dogs), some of the most important particulars will suffice. Somewhere in the western part of New-York, a few years ago, there existed a vagabond, whose name was Joe Smith. He was akin to some of the other Smiths, probably the black-Smiths. The only peculiarities of his early life are comprised in these important facts: he was too lazy to work; he was not sensible of the propriety of having the holes in his clothes patched; and he could perceive no necessity of washing his face; "for," said Joe, "it won't stay washed." There was another peculiarity in the character of Joe. He had, by some unaccountable effort, learned to trace characters with a pen, so as to be able to write his name; but he insisted that the usual orthography of the name was wrong. He therefore corrected the errors of the early lexicographers, and subscribed it thus"Go-Smith." This innovation marked his character, and he subsequently became a reformer in religion as well as in grammar, and with like advantages in both instances. In orthography he is a "real horse," full match for one of the lieutenant-governors of the great valley, who wrote Congress in the following unique style—“ Kongris." As it has been observed that Joe was too lazy to obtain his bread by honest labour, it naturally followed that he must rely upon his wits, however obtuse these might

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