Abbildungen der Seite



1. Is there any difference between the English and French verbs in their government?

2. When an English verb carries a preposition after it, does it follow that the corresponding French verb carries one also, and "vice versâ”?

3. When the English and French verb carry a preposition, must it be the same?

4. Name some verbs which take after them a preposi tion, in French, though they have none in English.

5. Mention some verbs which require after them, in French, a different preposition to that in English.

6. What are the prepositions usually used between verbs, the second of which is placed in the infinitive mood?

7. What preposition is most generally used?

8. Are there any verbs which take no preposition before another verb in the infinitive?

9. If there are, name some.

10 When is the subjunctive mood to be used? 11. Independently of verbs, are there any adjectives

or certain expressions which require it?

12. How is the subjunctive mood to be used?

13. When must we use the imperfect of subjunctive ? 14. When ought the pluperfect to be used?

15. Is the participle present used, in French, in the same way, and as often as in English?

16. Give examples.

17. Does the participle past, when it has" être" for its auxiliary, agree with the subject in gender and number?

18. When the participle past has "avoir" for its auxilliary, in what case does it agree with the object of the sentence?

19. Give examples.

20. How are the French verbs to be used in colloquial style, especially when answers are required? 21. What tense is generally used in conversation? 22. What do we call "idiomatic tenses"? 23. How many forms do they assume?

24 What is an idiom?

25. What are the verbs which serve to make a great number of the idioms most in use?






Observe-M. is meant for masculine, F. feminine, P. plural.



à, at, to, in. on,
à ce que, from what.
abandonner, to abandon,
s', to give way.
abattre, to pull down.
abolir, to abolish.
abondance, f. abundance
abonner (se), to subscribe.
aborder, to approach, to

absenter (se), to absent
o.'s self.

adresser, to address. s'-,
to apply.
adversaire, m. opponent
affaire, f. affair.
affaires, f. p. business.
affligé, e, afflicted.
affliger, to grieve.
âge, m. age.
âgé, e, old.
agir, to act.

agrandir, to make larger.

abstenir (se), to abstain. | agréable, agreeable.
absurde, preposterous.
abuser, (de) to abuse.
accabler, to overwhelm.
accepter, to accept.
accident, m. accident
acclamation, f.acclamation
accompagner, to accom-

ah ah ah bah! non-

accourir, to hasten.
accoutumer (se), to accus-
tom o.'s self
accroître, to increase.
accuser, to accuse

achat, m. purchase.

acheter, to buy.

acquérir, to acquire acquitter, to discharge actif, ve, active. action, f. action. adinettre, to admit. administration, f. admin


admiration, f. admiration
admirer to admire.
adonner (se), to be ad-
adoucir, to soften.
adresse, f, direction.

aide, f. help, assistance.
aider, to help.
ailleurs, elsewhere, d'ail-
leurs, besides.
aimable, amiable.
aimer, to love, to like.
ainé, e, eldest.
ainsi, thus, so, ainsi que,

as well as.

air, m. air, appearance.
aise, f. ease, à l'aise, com-
aise, pleased.
ajouter, to add
aller, to go, aller se pro-
mener, to go for a walk.
aller trouver, to go to.
s'en-to go away, to come
allumer, to light.
alors, then.
altéré, e, thirsty
ambassadeur, m. ambas-
âme, f. soul.
amener, to take.

ami. m. amie, f. friend.
amiral, m. admiral.
amirauté, f. admiralty.
amitié, f. friendship.
amour, m. love.
amuser, to amuse.
s'-to amuse o.'s self.
an, m. year.
ananas, m.pine-apple.
âne, m. ass

anciens, m. p. ancients.
animal, m. animal.
anneau, m. ring.
année, f. year.

annoncer, to announce.
août, m. August.
apercevoir, to perceive.
s'-(de) to .
apparaître, to appear.
apparence, f. appearance.
appartement, m. apart-

ments. appartenir, to belong. appel, m. call, muster. appeler, to call. appétit, m. appetite. appliqué, e, diligent. apporter, to bring. apprécier, to appreciate apprendre, to hear, to learn, to tell approcher, to approach approuver, to approve après, after, what next? d'-according to arbre, m. tree. ardoise, f. slate. argent, m. money, silver. arme, f. weapon, armes à feu, f. armere, f, cupboard.

arpent, m. acre. arranger, to arrange. arrêter, to stop, to arrest, s'-, to stop arrivée, f. arrival. arriver, to arrive, to come.

to happen. arroser, to water, to bathe art, m. art

asseoir, (se) to sit down. assez, enough. assiéger, to besiege assiette, f. plate. associé, m. partner. assurer, to assure. astre, m. star attacher, to attach. [take. atteindre, to reach, to over attendre, to wait, to expect, s'-to expect, faire at⚫tendre, to keep waiting. attentif, ve, attentive attention, f. attention au, aux, at the, to the. aucun, e, none, not one. audace, f. audacity. au delà de, beyond. augmenter, to increase. aujourd'hui, to-day. auparavant, before. auprès de, near. aussi, as, also, therefore. aussitôt que, as soon as. autant, as much, as many. autant que, as much as. autant que, so far as, d'autant plus que, so much the more. auteur, m. author automne, m. autumn. autoriser, to authorize. autour, round, about autre, other autrefois, formerly. autrement, otherwise avancer, to advance, s'-,


avide, (de) greedy. avis, m. advice, opinion. avocat, m. barrister. avoine, f. oats.

avoir, to have. y avoir,

there to be. avouer, to confess. avril, m. April.


Bagage, m. luggage. baigner, (se) to bathe. bain, m. bath. baisser, to let down. balayer, to sweep. balle, f. ball. banque, f. bank. billet de banque, m. banknote.

banquier, m. banker. barbare, barbarian. baromètre, m. barometer, glass. barre, f. bar barrique, f. cask. bas, m. bottom, stocking. en bas, down-stairs. bas, se, low. là-bas, below, bateau, m. boat. -à-vapeur, steam-boat. bâtir, to build. battre, to beat, se-, to fight


beau, bel, belle, fine, beautiful. beaucoup, much, many. beauté, f. beauty. bégayer, to stammer. bénir, to bless.


besoin, m. want, avoir besoin, (de) to want. betterave, f. beet-root. beurre, m.butter bibliothèque, f. library bien, m. welfare, property, estate. bien, well, a great deal. être bien, to be comfortable bien (du.. des,.) much, many. bien que, although. bienfaiteur, m. benefactor. bienfaitrice, f. benefacavenir, m. future prospects tress. avenue, f. avenue. bientôt, soon. avertir, to inform, to warn bienveillance, f. kindness. avertissement,m.warning! bienveillant, e, kind

avant, before, en avant, forward. avantage, m. advantage. avantageux, se, advantageous. avare, m. miser. avare, avaricious, stingy. avec, with,

bière, 1. deer. bille, f. marble. billet, m, note, ticket, bill, billet de retour, returnticket. blâmer, to blame. blanc, he, white. blé, m. wheat.

blesser, f. wound. se-to hurt o.'s self

blessure, f. wound. bœuf, m. ox, beef. boire, to drink. bois, m. wood.

boîte, f. box, boîte aux lettres f. letter-box. bon, m. cheque.

bon, ne, good, sweet, à quoi bon? to what purpose?

bonheur, m. happiness. bord, m. bank, edge, side. botte, f. boot, bundle. bouche, f. mouth. boucher, m. butcher. bouilli, m. boiled beef. bouillir, to boil. bouillon, m. broth. boulanger, m. baker. bouquet, m. nosegay,


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