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Still, as no precise rule can be laid down to direct when "de, à," or no preposition at all is to be used, we shall offer now, for the sake of the students, three lists of the verbs of common occurrence concerning this important matter.

1. A list of verbs of common occurrence which require after them the preposition "de" before another verb in the infinitive :

Accuser, to accuse.

appréhender, to apprehend. blâmer, to blame.

cesser, to cease. commander, to command. conjurer, to entreat. conseiller, to advise.

convaincre, to convince.

convenir, to agree.
craindre, to fear.
défendre, to forbid.

désespérer, to despair.
désirer, to desire.
détourner, to deter.
différer, to delay.
dire, to tell.

dispenser, to dispense.
dissuader, to dissuade.
écrire, to write.

empêcher, to prevent. enjoindre, to enjoin.

entreprendre, to undertake.

essayer, to try.
éviter, to avoid.
excuser, to excuse.
exempter, to exempt.
feindre, to feign.
finir, to finish.
gronder, to scold.
jurer, to swear.

mander, to send word.

manquer, to fail. menacer, to threaten. mériter, to deserve. négliger, to neglect. offrir, to offer. omettre, to omit. ordonner, to order.

oublier, to forget.

pardonner, to forgive.

permettre, to allow.
persuader, to persuade.
plaindre, to pity.

prendre garde, to take care,
prescrire, to prescribe.
presser, to press.
prier, to pray, to beg.

promettre, to promise.
proposer, to propose.

recommander, to recommend.

refuser, to refuse.

regretter, to regret. remercier, to thank. reprocher to reproach. résoudre, to resolve. rougir, to blush.

sommer, to summon. souhaiter, to wish.

soupçonner, to suspect. suffire, to suffice. suggérer, to suggest. supplier, to beseech.

tâcher, to try.

s'abstenir, to abstain. se dépêcher, to make haste. se dispenser, to dispense. s'efforcer, to endeavour. s'empresser, to hasten. se flatter, to flatter one's self. se garder, to refrain.

se hâter, to hasten.

se proposer, to intend. se plaindre, to complain. se réjouir, to rejoice. se repentir, to repent. se résoudre, to resolve. se ressouvenir, to recollect. se souvenir, to remember. se soucier, to care.

se vanter, to boast.

2. A list of verbs of common occurrence which require after them the preposition "à" before another verb in

the infinitive.

Admettre, to admit.

aider, to help.

aimer, to like.

[blocks in formation]

exposer, to expose. forcer, to compel. gagner, to gain. hésiter, to hesitate. inciter, to instigate.

inviter, to invite.

parvenir, to succeed. penser, to think to mind. perdre, to lose.

persister, to persist. porter, to induce. préparer, to prepare. renoncer, to renounce. réussir, to succeed. tarder, to delay. tendre, to tend. travailler, to work.

s'abaisser, to stoop. s'accoutumer, to be accustomed. se déterminer, to be deter


s'engager, to engage.

s'exposer, to expose o.'s self. s'opiniâtrer, to persist obstinately.

3. A list of verbs which require no preposition after

them before another verb in the infinitive.

[blocks in formation]

1. I regret to tell you, for the second time, not to fail to do it. 2. Forgive me for having forgotten to inform you of it. 3. He wrote to invite me to go and pass a week with him. 4. Mind to send for me if your god-mother comes to see you. 5. If you are willing to follow my advice, you will succeed in getting the place you are wishing for. 6. Always endeavour to please your parents. 7. Have you learned swimming? I can swim. 8. I am authorized to tell you that the thing cannot be done. 9. Make haste and finish your exercise. 10. We intend going out to night: would you like to accom11. He has broken his word: I cannot trust him pany us? 12. What has induced you to take so rash a decision?



1. Allow me to tell you frankly that I do not approve of the plan you intend pursuing. 2. She will not dare do it. 3. I really give up trying to make you understand that it would have been much better not to have begun so soon. 4. Why did you delay so long in answering my letter? 5. When will you come and see us? 6. What have you gained by refusing to help them? 7. If you cannot assure me that the weather will be fine, I like better to remain at home. 8.

Why would she hesitate any longer to tell her mother the whole truth? 9. I thank you for having compelled him to lead a better life. 10. She will never condescend to ask him to forgive her. 11. I hope to be able to be useful to them again, though I have to complain of their conduct towards 12. He seems to be much older than he is.



1. Do not fail to deliver my message. 2. Say what you (future)like, I am determined to undertake this journey. 3. Is it not better to finish at once this unpleasant business? 4. He boasts of having passed first in his examination. 5. If you persist in telling me the same story which I know not to be true, you will compel me to tell you to hold your tongue. 6. I shall do my best to dissuade her from going away in (par) such a weather. him he will persist obstinately in telling you that he has 7. Do not hope to persuade made up his mind. 8. They deserved to be punished, because they have spent all their money in playing at cards. 9. Help him in getting out of the trap in which he has been caught. 10. She seems to have understood at last the true meaning of your words. 11. Deign to receive my apologies. 12. It ought to be the care of those who wish to pass their last days without anxiety to remember the laws of their Creator in the time of their youth.


1. When is the subjunctive mood to be used? 2. How is the subjunctive mood to be used?

When is the subjunctive mood to be used?

FIRSTLY.-If we speak of an action the event of which is uncertain, and this is generally the case when the first verb is either negative or interrogative, the second verb is placed in the subjunctive mood :

Je ne pense que mon père

revienne ce soir.

croyez-vous qu'il soit parti?

I do not think my father will come back this evening.

do you believe he is gone


Remark: however, when we know positively that a thing is or will be, the indicative is used:

Savez-vous qu'il est marié ?

ne vous ai-je pas dit que je partirai demain ?

Do you


know that he is

Did I not tell you that I shall set out to-morrow?

SECONDLY.-The subjunctive mood is required after all adjectives and verbs expressing will, wish, command, fear, joy, grief, doubt, or denoting any passion or emotion :

Je suis bien aise que vous soyez ici.

je suis fâché que vous vous soyez blessé.

je veux que vous le fassiez. je désire que vous réussissiez. j'avais ordonné qu'on le préparât.

[blocks in formation]

j'avais peur qu'il ne vint pas. I was afraid he would not


THIRDLY.-The subjunctive is to be used after the

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c'est dommage

je connaisse.

it is necessary

qu'il en

it matters

soit ainsi.

it is shameful

that it should be so.

it is a pity.

c'est le meilleur homme que he is the best man I know.

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