Abbildungen der Seite

17.-In what case is the first part of a negative left out? 18. When does "penser, to think of" take the preposition "à" after it? When does it take the preposition "de"? 19.-Under what circumstances will you express turn" by "retourner" and "to know" by connaître"?

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20. Is the adverb "late" always translated by "tard"? 21.—When is "devant" the proper French for "before"? 22.-Give the participles present and past of the four regular conjugations, taking for model verbs "donner, agir, devoir, vendre".

23.-Decline those verbs in the past definite and indefi


24. Give the first and second person plural of their imperative.

25.-Name two or three verbs belonging to the first conjugation, and of a very common occurrence, which require the auxiliary" être" to form their compound tenses.

[blocks in formation]

26.-What verbs of the first conjugation, the future, and consequently, the conditional of which are irregular ?

27. What do you call that verb of the same conjugation which is most irregular?

28. Give the present tense, the future, and the imperative of it.


29.-Into what classes may the irregular verbs of the Second conjugation be divided?

30.-To what class does the verb "dormir" belong?

31. Has not one class two sections, and why?

32. Are there not many irregular verbs of that conjugation which cannot be classified?


33.-How many irregular verbs of the third conjugation are there?

34.-Name some of them.

35.-Give the past definite of "pouvoir" and " voir." 36.-Give the participle present of "savoir."

37.-Decline the subjunctive present of "valoir" " pourvoir," and " "prévaloir.'

38.-What is the future of " pouvoir"?

39. Decline the indicative present of "vouloir".

40.-Is there any irregular verb of the third conjugation which takes the auxiliary "être" to form its compound



41.-Into what classes can we divide the irregular verbs of the fourth conjugation?

42.-Are the irregular verbs which belong to this conjugation of common occurrence?

43. Can you name a verb of each class together with the one which is given as a model?

44.-What is the participle past of "luire" and "nuire"? 45.-Give the present tense of "craindre, dire" and "faire"

46.-Decline the subjunctive present of "boire."

47.-Can you remember the past definite, the past indefinite, and the participle present of "lire"?

48.-What is the indicative present, and the subjunctive imperfect of "écrire"?

49,-Give the participles past of "faire, plaire, résoudre, rire, mettre, and vivre".

[blocks in formation]

50.-What verbs can be made passive, and how?

51. Decline the indicative present of a passive verb interrogatively, and in the feminine form.

52.—When the form of the sentence is indefinite, is the passive form kept?


53. What is a reflective verb?

54. How is it conjugated?

55.-How are its compound tenses to be formed?

56. Are there many reflective verbs in the French language?

57. Decline the past indefinite of a reflective verb: firstly, affirmatively, and in the masculine form; secondly. negatively, and in the feminine form.

58.-Tell me what is the imperative in reflective verbs. 59. Are not "s'en aller" and "s'asseoir" irregular reflec tive verbs?

60.-Decline the present tense of "s'en aller" interrogatively and in the masculine form.

61.-Decline the past indefinite of "s'asseoir" interrogatively with negation, and in the feminine form.

62.-Decline the present tense of any reflective verb with another verb going before it, taking as a model these two verbs "aller, se coucher."


63.—What are reciprocal verbs, and what is their peculiar nature?

64.-How are they conjugated?


65. Why are they so called?

66.-In what do they differ from the English impersonal verbs ?

67.-Decline in four ways the first mood of " y avoir." 68.-Tell how you should use the very common verb "falloir": firstly, when the word which follows it is a verb: secondly, when the following word is a noun.


69.-What is an adverb?

70.-What place are they to occupy in connexion with verbs, in simple as well as compound tenses?

71-If there are, mention some which would be more properly placed between a verb and its auxiliary.

72. But would you go so far as to place some adverbs between the nominative and the verb, as it is sometimes done in English?

73.—Still, could you not give the names of some adverbs which must always be placed at the beginning of sentences, or parts of sentences?


74.-How would you translate "how long"? 75.-What is the place of French prepositions?

76. Are they to be repeated before every noun which they govern?

77.-What are the different ways of rendering the prepo sition "in". Give some examples.

78.-Do the same for the preposition "for."


79.-Are there any conjunctions after which the verb must be put in the subjunctive mood?

80.-Mention one or two.




A list of verbs of common occurrence which require after them a preposition in French, though they have none in English :

Abuser de, to abuse. commander à, to command. convenir à, to suit. déplaire à, to displease. désobéir à, to disobey. disconvenir de, to disown. douter de, to doubt. gémir sur, to lament. hériter de, to inherit. jouir de, to enjoy. manquer à, to break. médire de, to slander. nuire à, to wrong. obéir à, to obey. ordonner à, to order. pardonner à, to forgive


permettre à to permit. renoncer à, to forgive. résister à, to resist.

ressembler à, to resemble. s'apercevoir de, to perceive. se défier de, to mistrust. se fier à, to trust. se moquer de, to joke. s'opposer à, to oppose. se repentir de, to repent. se ressouvenir de, to recollect. se souvenir de, to remember. succéder à, to succeed. survivre à, to outlive. user de, to use.


1. Ayons pour maxime d'user de tout, et de n'abuser de rien. 2. C'est un grand défaut de se moquer de tout le monde, et il est très rare qu'on n'ait pas à s'en repentir tôt ou tard. 3. Le jeune homme, que vous avez vu hier avec moi, héritera un jour d'une grande fortune. 4. Pardonnez à cet enfant : c'est la première fois qu'il a résisté à vos ordres. 5. Un homme qui manque à sa parole ne mérite plus qu'on se fie à lui. 6. Nous avons joui de la compagnie de ma tante pendant tout l'hiver dernier, et je vous assure que nous nous ressouviendrons longtemps du plaisir qu'elle nous a donné. 7. Si j'avais quelque pouvoir sur lui, je lui ordonnerais de renoncer à son projet. 8. Vous souvenez-vous du commis que nous avions l'année que vous avez passée avec nous ? il a succédé à son oncle. 9. Ne médisons de personne. 10. Sa bonne mère gémit tous les jours sur ses égarements. 11. Cette maison convient beaucoup à mon père sous beaucoup de rapports. 12. Je me suis aperçu trop tard du piége qu'il m'avait tendu. 13. Douteriezvous du plaisir que j'aurais de pouvoir lui être utile en quelque chose? 14. 11 s'opposera, soyez en sûr, à tous les projets que vous lui soumettrez.



1. Forgive him this time: he will not do it again. Whom can we trust now, if our best friends deceive us? 3. She will perceive her fault in time, and will repent it, if I am not mistaken. 4. If we wish to live and die happy, let us always obey the laws of God. 5. Did they say that they would come? it is what I cannot remember. 6. He who resists the truth, when it is obvious to him, resembles a man who has eyes and sees not, ears and hears not. 7. This man has one of those faces which displease every body: I would not trust him. 8. He always complains that his health is bad; still, I think he will outlive all his friends and acquaintances. 9.

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