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He was proceeding towards Il se dirigeait vers l'église.

the church.

be kind towards everybody.

soyez bienveillant envers tout le monde.

7. How to translate the preposition “chez,” with a

personal pronoun.

Chez moi, at, or to my house.

chez toi,

thy house.

chez vous,

Chez nous, at or to our house.

chez lui,

your house.

chez elle,

ker house. chez elles,

their house.

his house. chez eux,


4. Arriverons

1. Vous trouverez mon couteau sur, ou sous la table, à moins que je ne l'aie laissé dans la poche de l'habit que je portais hier. 2. Je se suis pas allé voir mon grand-père depuis trois mois au moins. 3. Quand vous marchez, regardez toujours devant vous. nous avant eux ? 5. Y a-t-il loin de Paris à Pantin ?il y a aussi loin de Paris à Pantin que de Pantin à Paris. 6. Le plus court chemin est de passer à travers ce champ. 7. Il ne demeure pas en deçà de la rivière, il demeure au delà. 8. Allez le long de ce sentier ; quand vous serez au bout, vous verrez sa maison : elle est visà vis la station du chemin de fer, et tout près de la route de Versailles à St Cloud. 9. Il a dû ses succès à son talent, à sa bonne conduite, et à sa persévérance. 10. J'ai l'habitude, pendant l'été, de sortir le matin avant déjeuner, et le soir après souper à cause de ma santé, excepté le mercredi et le samedi ; ces jours-là, au lieu de sortir, je travaille jusqu'à minuit dans mon cabinet d'étude, auprès du feu, durant l'hiver, et auprès d'une fenêtre, pendant l'été. 11. A force de sollicitations, et au moyen de quelques amis puissants, il a obtenu la place. qu'il désirait, nonobstant un grand nombre de candidats contre lesquels il fut obligé de la disputer.


1. Come with me (pour) and see the new piece at the Haymarket Theatre. 2. What did you come for? 3. I

6. In 7. It is Let us be

shall go to your house in the afternoon. 4. Do not stand before her. 5. Is she in London? no, she is in the country, in Yorkshire: but she will be in town next month. what paper did you read that? in to-day's Times. about two months since I heard from him. 8. polite to every body. 9. The two armies fought for twelve hours without taking any food. 10. You must turn towards the north to see the pole star. 11. This is my wife's father's photograph. 12. I have been quite alone during the whole summer: my wife was with her mother at Brighton, my daughter was at her god-father's, and my son had not yet returned from his school for his holidays. 13. I shall write to you in a few days with respect to my new scheme: and, if you approve of it, answer me by the end of the month.


A conjunction is an invariable word which serves to connect two words, or the different members of a proposition.

Jean et Guillaume seront John and William shall be punis, s'ils ne veulent pas punished, if they will not

[blocks in formation]

In the above sentence "et, " which joins the two words "Jean" and "Guillaume," and "si," which connects the two members of the proposition, are conjunctions.

A list of conjunctions and conjunctive locutions most generally used:


A ce que, from what.

ainsi, thus.

car, for.

cependant, however. comme, as.

dès que, as soon as. donc, then.

et, and.
lorsque, when.
mais, but.
ne-ni, neither.
ni, nor.

or, now.

ou, or.

parce que, because.
pourquoi, why.

[blocks in formation]

Remark. Though the conjunction "that" is often left out in English, never leave out the corresponding conjunction "que.”

I think I can do it.

Je pense que je puis le faire.


1. Comme je suis occupé dans ce moment, je ne puis causer avec vous. 2. A ce que je vois, il ne viendra pas, quoiqu'il me l'ait promis. 3. Dès qu'il sera arrivé, dites-le moi, pour que je ne le fasse pas attendre. 4. Il n'a ni amis, ni ennemis. 5. Je ne le vois, ni ne lui parle. 6. Obéissez-moi, sinon, je vous punirai. 7. Nous serons mouillés, à moins que nous ne nous hâtions. 8. Lorsque vous serez prêt de partir, écrivez-moi un mot, parceque, si je puis vous accompagner, vous pouvez croire que je le ferai. 9. Nous resterons ici, soit que vous le vouliez, ou non. 10. Pourquoi ne sortez-vous pas plus souvent, au lieu de rester toujours chez vous comme si vous étiez estropié? 11. Loin d'être fâché contre vous, elle m'a dit qu'elle serait enchantée de vous voir, pourvu que cela ne vous déplût pas. 12. Je vous envoie un bon sur mon banquier, en cas que vous ayez besoin d'argent, parceque je sais que, lorsqu'on voyage, on n'en a jamais trop.


1. Do not expect me this evening, because I shall be engaged. 2. We go, whether you are ready or not. 3. Walk in and take a seat, untill the rain is over. 4. They are neither rich, nor poor. 5. Before starting, come and dine with us. 6. Since you are here, we shall have a game at cards, although I am not a first-rate player. 7. Wait until she has finished dressing herself: she would be sorry, if you were to start without seeing her. 8. I have not a mind to go out still, if you wish very much to take a walk, I shall accompany you. 9. You will miss the four o'clock train, unless you make haste, 10. Why are you so late? 11. Instead of doing nothing, would you not do better to work a little? 12. I think I shall be able to catch them, provided I start at once,



An interjection is a word without any connexion, and used to express a quick and sudden emotion. They are :

Ah! ah!

ah bah! nonsense!

bon! good!

bravo! bravo!

chut! st! hush!

courage! courage! dame! well!

encore! twice! bis! eh bien! how now! ferme! cheer up!

Fi-donc for shame!

gare! out of the way!
grâce! for mercy's sake!
halte là! stop!

hé! I say!
hélas! alas!

oui-dà! indeed!

juste ciel! good heavens!
tout doux! softly!
vivat! hurrah!


1. Ah! quelle perte! 2. oh! que je suis content ! 3. Bon! vous voilà! 4. Hé où allez-vous par là? Dame! je ne savais pas qu'il fût défendu de passer de ce côté. 5. Hélas! que je suis malheureuse! 6. Bravo! mon bon garçon ! je vous félicite de votre succès.


1. Good heavens! what shall we do? 2. Stop! it is not allowed to go this way. 3. Softly! you go too far. 4. Hush! the master is coming. 5. Cheer up! you will be more fortunate another time. 6. For shame! is it really you who did it! 7. You say that may happen in this manner; nonsense! 8. Is it true that your cousin Emily is here?-it is true.-indeed! 9. Vivat! the principal has just given a half-holiday.






1. Is the definite article used before nouns taken in a general sense?

2.-How is the English possessive case to be rendered? 3. When are "he, she, it, they," translated by “ce"? 4.—Give the different meanings of "what”.

5.-Is there any instance when the French for the word "that" can be omitted?

6. Can the imperfect, the past definite, and the past indefinite tenses be used indiscriminately?

7. When is the imperfect to be used?

8. When would you use the past indefinite, in preference to the past definite?

9.-Which of these tenses is called descriptive, and why? 10.—Which is called historical, and what for?

11.-What tense is generally employed in the colloquial style?

12.-Has the auxiliary and emphatic verb "to do" any correspondent in French?

13. What is the simplest form of asking a question, when a personal pronoun is the nominative of the sentence? 14.-When the nominative is a noun, what is to be done? 15.-What verb, when used affirmatively, requires the particle "ne" before the verb which it governs?

16.-What verbs drop more elegantly the explanatory part of the negative "not"?

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