Abbildungen der Seite

51.-"Than" after "more" or "less," when followed by a numeral, is expressed by "de":

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52.-If you wish to say that it is late, use the word "tard" but if you say that you or another person is late, use the word en retard":


Il est plus tard que je ne pensais.

votre frère est toujours en retard.

It is later than I thought.

your brother is always late.

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53. All the adverbs of quantity, except "bien," which takes" du" after it; the words personne," "quelquechose" and "rien"; and the exclamatory expressions "que" and "quoi quoi" are always followed by "de":

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Enough coffee like that.
I wish you much pleasure.

give us something good.

five people were killed.

nothing amiss, I hope?
how many people!

quoi de plus précieux que le what is more precious than temps !


54. In answer to questions, when the verb is understood, only the explanatory part of negatives is used :

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pas souvent.

not often.

prenez-vous du café tous les do you take coffee every day? jours?

pas tous les jours.

not every day.

55.-"Not" followed by "that," is expressed by "non


Je le ferai, non que je l'aime, mais parceque je dois le faire.

I shall do it, not that I like it, but because I must do it.

56.-"Which way, this way, that way," used as ad verbs, are translated as follows:

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57." Here is, here

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are, this is, these are," are expressed by "voici": and "there is, there are: that is, those are," are translated by "voilà" when these words point out an object :

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58.-" Avant" is a preposition of time: "devant " is

a preposition of place, or rank.

J'arriverai avant vous.

I shall arrive before you.

ne vous tenez pas devant moi. do not stand before me.

59." It is with," denoting a similarity between two objects, is expressed by "il en est de :"

It is with you as with me. Il en est de vous comme de moi.

60. When the conjunction "and," joining two verbs together can be turned into "to," it should not be expressed; but the next verb must be placed in the infinitive mood.

Come and see me.

go and play.

Venez me voir.
allex jouer.

61.-Never translate "very " before "much," nor “a” before "few":

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