Legislative Branch Appropriations for 1959: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, Second SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1958 - 291 Seiten |
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84th Congress actual 1957 estimate additional administration American amount appropriation approved areas Association authorized basic bill budget cancer Capitol Capitol Power Plant Chairman Clerk committee Cong Congressman construction cost DENTON Department disease drugs employees equipment estimate 1958 estimate facilities field fiscal year 1958 FOGARTY going gonorrhea HORAN hospital House of Representatives House Office Building increase June 30 Labor Legislative Legislative Reference Service Library of Congress Library Services LIVINGSTON materials Members ment million MUMFORD NORRELL nurses obligations operation patients percent personnel physicians pollution positions present printing problem projects psychiatric Public Health Service Public Law 660 questions recommended Recording Studio request revolving fund ROBERTS ROONEY salaries schizophrenia Senate social staff statement STEWART subcommittee syphilis tion Total tuberculosis United United States Code venereal disease water pollution welfare workers
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 204 - I am not going to take any more of your time than necessary to say we favor this bill.
Seite 307 - Statutes; (B) establish and maintain research fellowships in the Environmental Protection Agency with such stipends and allowances, including traveling and subsistence expenses, as he may deem necessary to procure the assistance of the most promising research...
Seite 99 - Law 763 provides that the compensation of such employees shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as is consistent with the public interest in accordance with prevailing rates.
Seite 60 - I would like to put in the record at this point a letter from the Department of Interior on this very question.
Seite 19 - For salaries and expenses, studies and examinations of executive agencies by the Committee on Appropriations, to be expended in accordance with section 202 (b) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, $500,000; as compared with $450,000, appropriated f or . the fiscal year 1955, or an increase of $50,000.
Seite 215 - The Archivist of the United States and the Public Printer are charged with the printing and distribution, in a serial publication titled "Federal Register," of documents authorized to be published under the act of July 26, 1935, and the act of June 11, 1946. Funds to cover the cost of printing this publication are provided for in the appropriation for congressional printing and binding.
Seite 467 - ... by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training of the United States Department of Labor...
Seite 24 - House. (16) Electrical and mechanical office equipment for the Members, including committees, officers, and departments of the House. (17) Services and repairs to electrical and mechanical office equipment furnished under allocation No.
Seite 20 - For a technical assistant in the Office of the Attending Physician, to be appointed by the attending physician, subject to the approval of the Speaker, $5,720.
Seite 315 - Public Welfare Association is the national organization of local and State public welfare departments and of individuals engaged in public welfare at all levels of government. Its membership includes State and local welfare administrators, board members* and welfare workers from every jurisdiction.