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appointment of bishops for America, seems to arise from another quarter. The same wisdom of government, probably, that prevents the sitting of convocations, and forbids by noli-prosequis the persecution of dissenters for non-subscription, avoids establishing bishops where the minds of the people are not yet prepared to receive them cordially, lest the public peace should be endangered.

And now let us see how this persecution account stands between the parties.

In New England, where the legislative bodies are almost to a man dissenters from the church of England,

1. There is no test to prevent churchmen from holding offices.

2. The sons of churchmen have the full benefit of the universities.

3. The taxes for support of public worship, when paid by churchmen, are given to the episcopal minister.

In Old England,

1. Dissenters are excluded from all offices of profit and honor.

2. The benefits of education in the universities are appropriated to the sons of churchmen.

3. The clergy of the dissenters receive none of the tithes paid by their people, who must be at the additional charge of maintaining their own separate worship.


But it is said, the dissenters of America oppose the introduction of a bishop.

In fact it is not alone the dissenters there that give opposition (if not encouraging must be termed opposing), but the laity in general dislike the project, and some even of the clergy. The inhabitants of Virginia are almost all episcopalians. The church is fully established there, and the council and general assembly are perhaps to a man its members; yet, when lately at a meeting of the clergy a resolution was taken to apply for a bishop, against which several however protested, the assembly of the province at their next meeting expressed their disapprobation of the thing in the strongest manner, by unanimously ordering the thanks of the house to the protesters; for many of the American laity of the church think it some advantage, whether their own young men come to England for ordination and improve themselves at the same time by conversation with the learned here, or the congregations are supplied by Englishmen, who have had the benefit of education in English universities, and are ordained before they come abroad. They do not therefore see the necessity of a bishop merely for ordination, and confirmation is deemed among them a ceremony of no very great importance, since few seek it in England, where bishops are in plenty. These sentiments prevail with many churchmen there, not to promote a design which they think must

sooner or later saddle them with great expenses to
support it.
As to the dissenters, their minds
might probably be more conciliated to the measure,
if the bishops here should, in their wisdom and
goodness, think fit to set their sacred character in
a more friendly light, by dropping their opposition
to the dissenters' application for relief in subscrip-
tion, and declaring their willingness that dissenters
should be capable of offices, enjoy the benefit of
education in the universities, and the privilege of
appropriating their tithes to the support of their
own clergy. In all these points of toleration they
appear far behind the present dissenters of New
England, and it may seem to some a step below
the dignity of bishops to follow the example of
such inferiors. I do not however despair of their
doing it some time or other, since nothing of the
kind is too hard for true Christian humility. I am,
Sir, yours, &c.


In those days there was no worker of iron in all the land. And the merchants of Midian passed by with their camels, bearing spices, and myrrh, and balm, and wares of iron.

And Reuben bought an axe of the Ishmaelite merchants, which he prized highly, for there was none in his father's house.

And Simeon said unto Reuben his brother, L'end

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me, I pray thee, thine axe. But he refused, and would not.

And Levi also said unto him, My brother, lend me, I pray thee, thine axe; and he refused him also.

Then came Judah unto Reuben, and entreated him, saying, Lo! thou lovest me, and I have always loved thee, do not refuse me the use of thine axe.

But Reuben turned from him, and refused him likewise.

Now it came to pass, that Reuben hewed timber on the bank of the river, and his axe fell therein, and he could by no means find it.

But Simeon, Levi, and Judah, had sent a messenger after the Ishmaelites with money, and had bought for themselves each an axe.

Then came Reuben unto Simeon, and said, Lo! I have lost mine axe, and my work is unfinished, lend me thine, I pray thee.

And Simeon answered him, saying, Thou wouldest not lend me thine axe, therefore will I not lend thee mine.

Then went he unto Levi, and said unto him, My brother, thou knowest my loss and my necessity; lend me, I pray thee, thine axe.

And Levi reproached him, saying, Thou wouldest not lend me thine axe when I desired it, but I will be better than thou, and will lend thee mine.

And Reuben was grieved at the rebuke of Levi,

and being ashamed, turned from him, and took not the axe, but sought his brother Judah.

And as he drew near, Judah beheld his countenance as it were covered with grief and shame ; and he prevented him, saying, My brother, I know thy loss; but why should it trouble thee? Lo! have I not an axe that will serve both thee and me? Take it, I pray thee, and use it as thine own. And Reuben fell on his neck, and kissed him, with tears, saying, Thy kindness is great, but thy goodness in forgiving me is greater. Thou art indeed my brother, and whilst I live will I surely love thee.

And Judah said, Let us also love our other brethren; behold, are we not all of one blood?

And Joseph saw these things, and reported them to his father Jacob.

And Jacob said, Reuben did wrong, but he repented. Simeon also did wrong; and Levi was not altogether blameless :

But the heart of Judah is princely. Judah hath the soul of a king. His father's children shall bow down before him, and he shall rule over his brethren.

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