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disturbing them, when they do not interfere with the common Good.

"6. And, if this Method were actually followed, do you not think it would encourage the violent and factious Part of the Colonists to aim at still farther Concessions from the Mother Country?"

A. I do not think it would. There may be a few among them, that deserve the Name of factious and violent, as there are in all Countries; but these would have little Influence, if the great Majority of sober, reasonable People were satisfied. If any Colony should happen to think that some of your Regulations of Trade are inconvenient to the general Interest of the Empire, or prejudicial to them without being beneficial to you, they will state these Matters to the Parliament in Petitions as heretofore; but will, I believe, take no violent Steps to obtain what they may hope for in Time from the wisdom of Government here. I know of nothing else they can have in view; the Notion that prevails here of their being desirous to set up a Kingdom or Commonwealth of their own, is, to my certain Knowledge, entirely groundless.

I therefore think, that, on a total Repeal of all Duties, laid expressly for the Purpose of raising a Revenue on the People of America without their Consent, the present Uneasiness would subside; the Agreements not to import would be dissolved; and the Commerce flourish as heretofore; and I am confirmed in this Sentiment by all the Letters I have received from America, and by the Opinions of all the sensible People who have lately come from thence, Crown Officers excepted.

I know, indeed, that the People of Boston are grievously offended by the Quartering of Troops among them, as they think, contrary to Law and are very angry with the Board of

Commissioners, who have calumniated them to Government; but, as I suppose withdrawing of those Troops may be a Consequence of reconciliating Measures taking place; and that the Commission also will either be desolved, if found useless, or filled with more temperate and prudent Men, if still deemed useful and necessary; I do not imagine these Particulars would prevent a Return of the Harmony so much to be wished.

“7. If they are relieved in part only, what do you, as a reasonable and dispassionate Man, and an equal Friend to both Sides, imagine will be the probable Consequences?"

A. I imagine, that repealing the offensive Duties in part will answer no end to this Country; the Commerce will remain obstructed, and the Americans go on with their Schemes of Frugality, Industry, and Manufactures, to their own great Advantage. How much that may tend to the Prejudice of Britain, I cannot say; perhaps not so much as some apprehend, since she may in time find new Markets. But I think, if the Union of the two Countries continues to subsist, it will not hurt the general Interest; for whatever Wealth Britain loses by the Failing of its Trade with the Colonies, America will gain; and the Crown will receive equal Aids from its Subjects upon the whole, if not greater.

And now I have answered your Questions as to what may be, in my Opinion, the Consequences of this or that supposed Measure, I will go a little farther, and tell you what I fear is more likely to come to pass in Reality. I apprehend that the Ministry, at least the American Part of it, being fully persuaded of the Right of Parliament, think it ought to be enforced, whatever may be the Consequences; and at the same time do not believe, there is even now any Abatement of the

Trade between the two Countries on account of these Disputes; or that, if there is, it is small, and cannot long continue. They are assured by the Crown Officers in America, that Manufactures are impossible there; that the Discontented are few, and persons of little Consequence; that almost all the People of Property and Importance are satisfied, and disposed to submit quietly to the taxing Power of Parliament; and that, if the Revenue Acts are continued, and those Duties only that are called anti-commercial be repealed, and others perhaps laid instead; that Power will ere long be patiently submitted to, and the Agreements not to import be broken, when they are found to produce no Change of Measures here.

From these and similar Misinformations, which seem to be credited, I think it likely that no thorough Redress of Grievances will be afforded to America this Session. This may inflame Matters still more in that Country; farther rash Measures there may create more Resentment here, that may produce not merely ill-advised and useless Dissolutions of their Assemblies, as last year, but Attempts to dissolve their Constitutions; more Troops may be sent over, which will create more Uneasiness; to justify the Measures of Government, your Writers will revile the Americans in your Newspapers, as they have already begun to do; treating them as Miscreants, Rogues, Dastards, Rebels, &c., which will tend farther to alienate the minds of the people here from them, and diminish their Affections to this Country. Possibly, too, some of their warm Patriots may be distracted enough to expose themselves by some mad Action to be sent for hither; and Government here be indiscreet enough to hang them, on the Act of Henry the Eighth.

Mutual Provocations will thus go on to complete the Separation; and instead of that cordial Affection that once and so long existed, and that Harmony, so suitable to the Circumstances, and so necessary to the Happiness, Strength, Safety, and Welfare of both Countries; an implacable Malice and mutual Hatred, such as we now see subsisting between the Spaniards and Portuguese, the Genoese and Corsicans, from the same original Misconduct in the superior Governments, will take Place; the Sameness of Nation, the Similarity of Religion, Manners, and Language not in the least preventing in our Case, more than it did in theirs.

I hope, however, that this may all prove false Prophecy, and that you and I may live to see as sincere and perfect a Friendship established between our respective Countries, as has so many years subsisted between Mr. Strahan and his truly affectionate old Friend,




London, January 11, 1770.

I received your kind letter of November 29th, with the parcel of seeds, for which I am greatly obliged to you. I cannot make you adequate returns in kind; but I send you however some of the true rhubarb seed, which you desire. I had it from Mr. English, who lately received a medal of the Society of Arts for propagating it. I send also some green dry peas, highly esteemed here as the best for making pea soup; and also some Chinese caravances, with Father Navar

1 First printed by Sparks.

rete's 1 account of the universal use of a cheese made of them in China, which so excited my curiosity, that I caused inquiry to be made of Mr. Flint, who lived many years there, in what manner the cheese was made, and I send you his answer. I have since learned, that some runnings of salt (I suppose runnet) is put into water, when the meal is in it, to turn it to curds. I think we have caravances 2 with us, but I know not whether they are the same with these, which actually came from China. They are said to be of great increase.

I shall inquire of Mr. Collinson for your Journal. I see that of East Florida is printed with Stork's Account.3 My love to good Mrs. Bartram and your children. With esteem I am ever, my dear friend, yours affectionately,





Craven Street, Jan. 22, 1770.

I received your Favour of Saturday, early this Morning, and am as usual much obliged by the kind Readiness with which you have done what I requested.

Your good Mother has complain'd more of her Head since you left us than ever before. If she stoops, or looks,

1 Domingo-Hernandez Navarrete (1610-1698) went as missionary to China. Many curious observations of Chinese life are contained in his "Tratudos historicos, politicos, ethicos y religiosos de la monarchia de China" (1676). — Ed.

2 Caravances or calavances seems to be used loosely for various kinds of pease, beans, lentils, etc.- ED.

3" A Description of East Florida, with a Journal kept by John Bartram of Philadelphia" [William Stork], London, 1769. — ED.

4 From the original in the possession of T. Hewson Bradford, M.D. — Ed.

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