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ANE SUMMONDS upon LORD GLAMMIS concernand the lands of Litiltoun1 to tyne his superioritie thairof. At Edinr. 14 Decr. 1527; of oure regne the 15th yeir.

JAMES,2 by the Grace of God king of Scottis, to oure Lovittis, John Crichtoun of Strathurde, Knyt., William Anderson, etc., oure Sheriffis in that parte conjunctlie and severallie specialie constitut, greting. Forsamekill as it is humlie menit and schawin to us by oure devote oratours, the Prior and Convent of the Freris Predicatouris within our burgh of Perth, that quhair thai have the half of the lands of Litiltoun, with the pertinents, liand within oure Sheriffdome of Perth, pertenying to thame in pure and perpetuale almous, by umquhill Elizabeth, Countes of Huntlie, for suffrages and prayers to be done for her, and the saull of oure cusing Alex'. Erle of Huntlie, and utheris specifiet in thair infeftment, to be haldin of the said Elizabeth and her airis as thair infeftment beris, and she being decessit, oure cusing Johne, Lord Glammis, son and air of the said Elizabeth, lyis out in defraud of the said Prior and Convent, and will not entir to his superiorite of the said lands, causand thame to tyne the profittis thairof as is allegit. Our will is heirfor, and we charge you straitly and commands, that incontinent thir our letres sene, ye pass, and in oure name and autorite command and charge oure said cusing, Johne Lord Glammis, to entir to his superiorite of the said lands within xl dayis nixt eftir he be chargit by you thairto, that the forsaid Prior and Convent may bruik and joyse the propirty thairof eftir the forme of oure act of Parliament, with certificatioun to oure said cusing, and he do not, the said xl dayis being past, that we will mak him to tyne his superiorite of the said lands for the tyme, and the said Prior and Convent to be enterit and hald the samyn of his immediate superior according to oure said act of Parliament and to justice. The quhilk to do we commit to you conjunctlie and severalie oure full power by these oure letres, delyvering thame by you deuly execute and indorsat agane to the berar. Gevin under our signete at Edinburgh the xiiii day of December, and of our regne xv yeir.

Ex deliberatione Dominorum consilii, etc.


Endorsatione: The xxiiii day of Marche, in the yeir of God Imvexxvii yeres, I, William Anderson, ane of the Sheriffis in that part of oure sovrane lord the king withinwritten, passit at the command of the said sovrane lord's letres to Johne Lord Glammis, personallie apprehendit, and commandit and chargit him, in oure sovrane lord's name and autorite, to entir to his superiorite of the lands within written within xl dayis nixt eftir this my charge, so that the Prior and Convent of the Blakfreris, besyde the burgh of Perth, may bruik and 1 See No. XLVII, p. 126.

2 James V.

joyse thair propirty thairof eftir the forme of act of Parliament, with certificatioun to the said Johne Lord Glammis that, and he do not, and the said xl dayis being by-passit, he will tyne his superiorite of the lands for his tyme, and the said Prior and Convent be enterit and hald of his immediate superior according to the acts of Parliament and to justice, and this executioun I did before thir witnesses, Thomas Gray in Findy, Johne Ramsay, Andro Quhit, George Guthry, Johne Broun, with utheris divers, and for the mair witnessing I have affixit my signet to this executioun.


COPY OF ANE REVERSIOUNE giffin by the PRIOR to my LORD GRAY of the half of Litiltoun upon the sowme of sex hundred marks. 25 April 1528.

BE it kend till all men by thir present letres, us, Freir Vincent Litstar, Prior of the Freris Predicatours of Perth, and convent of the samyn, with express consent and assent of our provincial general of our ordour within the realme of Scotland, sekirlie to be bundin and oblist, and by thir our letres bindis and oblisis us and our successours, Freris Predicatouris forsaid, To ane noble and mychty Lord, Patrik Lord Gray, and til his airis of lyne or of tailzie and assignais quhatsumevir, that how beit that umquhill ane noble lady, Elizabeth Gray, Countess of Huntly, gaif til us and our successours all and hail the half of the lands of Litiltoun, with thair pertinents, liand within the barony of Langforgound and Sheriffdome of Perth, lyk as the evidents maid til us thairupon at mair lenth proportis. Nevertheless we will and grant, and by thir our letres bindis and oblisis us and our successours forsaid, that quhat tyme and quhensoever the said Patrik Lord Gray, superior of the said landis, or his airis of lyne or of tailzie and assignais quhatsumevir, sall pay and deliver til us and our successours forsaid altogydder and upon ane certane day, betwixt the sone rising and toganging of that ilk, upon the hie altar of our kirk, within our place forsaid, situat besyde the said burgh, the hail sowme of sex hundreth marks usual money of Scotland, haifand passage and course for the tyme, sua that to the ressait of the said sowme of money we and our successouris forsaid be lauchfullie warnit thairto upon fourty days warnyng of befoir, eithir in our propir personis, or in our said place opinlie befoir ane notare and witnesses as effeirs, by the said Patrik Lord Gray, his airis or assignais forsaid, that thane incontinent, eftir the warnyng beand maid, as said is, we and our successours forsaid sall frelie purely and simply resign and upgif all and hail the said half lands of Litiltoun, with thair pertinents, in[to] the hands of the said Patrik Lord Gray, his airis or assignais forsaid, payaris and deliveraris of the said sowme of money, and sal deliver thairwith all evidentis maid til us thairupon, and sall renunce for evir the forsaid landis, and renunce thairwith all ryt, clame and tytil of ryt, posessioun, or propirty thairof that we or our successours may haif thairto ony maner of way. And gif it is desirit to pay the forsaid sowme— -the warnyng beand maid as said is-neither we nor our successours sall fraudfullie us absent, nor mak obstakil to the redemptioun of the said lands. Quhilk and we do, in that cais it sall be leesum to the said Patrik Lord Gray, his airis and assignais forsaid, to put the said sowme of money in keiping in the hands of the Prior and Convent of the Charterhouse situate besyde the said burgh, to the utilite and profite of us and our

successours forsaid. And thaireftir the said Patrik Gray, his airis and assignais forsaid, til haif full and hail regress and ingress in and to the forsaid lands as frelie as the said Patrik, Lord Gray, or his predecessours had thairto in tyme bypast, without stop, pley, contradictioun, or impediment. In witness hereof, to thir our present letres of obligatioun and reversioun we haif appensit our common sele, with the subscriptioun manual of our provincial forsaid, in tokyn of his consent hereto, at the burgh of Perth, the twentie-fifth day of the moneth of Aprile, in the yeir of God ane thousand five hundreth and twenty-aucht yeris, befoir thir witnesses, Andro Bunche, John Dunde, Cristy Davidsone, burgesses, Schir William Ramsay, Schir James Merschele, and Schir James Quhitheid, chaplanis, with utheris dyvers. [Hæc est vera copia et exemplar principalis reversionis, de verbo in verbum concordans, nihil variando quod rei substantiam mutet, per me Willelmum Ramsay, capellanum et notarium publicum, collectionat: et subscript: sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus in talibus usitatis. W. R.]

[An agreement made on 25th April 1528, by which, for a payment-to be made, after suitable intimation, on the high altar of the monastery kirk—of 600 marks, Lord Gray or his heirs might redeem these lands.]


ANE SUMMONDS upon LORD GLAMIS concerning the lands of Litiltoun. 18 May 1528. Endorsit the 27th of Junii ejusdem anni.

JAMES, by the grace of God king of Scottis, to our Lovittis, John Creichtoun of Strathurd, John Barne alias Makcarmich, our scheriffis in that part conjunctlie and severalie specialie constitut, greting. Forsamekill as it is humlie menit and schawin to us by our lovittis devote oratours, the prior and convent of the Freris Predicatouris within our Burgh of Perth, that quhair thai haif the half of the landis of Litiltoun, with thair pertinentis, liand within our sheriffdome of Perth, pertenyng to thame in pure and perpetual almous be umquhill Elizabeth Countes of Huntlie, for suffrage and prayers to be done for her and the saull of our cousing, Alex'. Erle of Huntlie, and utheris specifiet in thair infeftment, to be haldin of the said Elizabeth and hir airis as the infeftment beris, and she being decessit, our cousing Johne, Lord Glamis, son and air of the said Elizabeth, lyis out in defraude of the said prior and convent, and will not entir to his superioritie of the said lands, causand thame to tyne the profittis thairof, quhairupon thai complenit to the Lords of our Counsale, and obtenit our uthir letres by thair delyverance, chargeing our said cousing Johne, Lord Glamis, to entir to his superioritie of the said lands within xl days nixt eftir he war chargit, that the said prior and convent may bruik thair propirty thairof eftir the forme of our act of Parliament, with certificatioun to him, and he did not, the said xl dayis being bypast, that we, and the said Lords in our name, would mak him tyne his superioritie of the said lands for his tyme, and the said prior and convent to be enterit, and hald the samyn of his immediate superior according to our said act of Parliament, as our said uthir letres and indorsing thairof beris; quhilkis our said cousing Johne, Lord

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