Honorable Vic Fazio Chairman Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations July 1, 1994 Page 2 This request is to begin phase II of the ID process. These monies will allow the Sergeant at Arms to enhance the security features for the House garage entrances as well as extend these security features to selected after hour House office building entrances. In your May 13, 1993, letter to the Director of NonLegislative and Financial Services, the Committee approved the reprogramming of $9,890,932 (Net Expenses of Purchase, Lease, and maintenance of Office Equipment and Government Contributions) to fiscal year 1993 from fiscal year 1991 and fiscal year 1992 funds. of that amount, $4,989,838 remains unexpended. I request that the Committee cancel that part of the reprogramming authorization in the following accounts: Pursuant to the authority in Public Law 102-90 (105 STAT. 452), I request that the Committee authorize the reprogramming of those funds: To: Fiscal Year 1994 $4,989,838 $4,989,838 Allowances and Expenses Net Expenses of Purchase, Lease, and Maintenance of Office Equipment $3,989,838 Government Contributions 1,000,000 The above transfer is needed to pay the remaining obligations in these two accounts. Pursuant to Section 307 of Public Law 102-392 (STAT. 1722), I request the following transfer pertaining to unexpended deposited amounts remaining in the account "House Child Care Center. We will use the above transfers for fiscal year 1994 to provide merit increases for the center's staff. These will be the first merit increases awarded to the staff. We will use the transfer into fiscal year 1995 to offset necessary tuition increases. Thank you for your consideration of this request. If I may be of further assistance to you in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Randall Bredlock Randall B. Medlock RBM:mjd MAJORITY DAVID R. OBEY, WISCONSIN, CHAIRMAN JAMEL WRITTEN, MISSISSEPL VICE CHAIRMAN NEAL SMITH, IOWA SEYA YATES, ILLINOIS LOURS STOKES, CHO TOM BEVILL, ALABAMA JOHN P. MURTHA, PERISYLVANIA CHARLES WILSON, TEXAS NORMAN D. DICKS, WASHINGTON MARTIN OLAV SABO, MINNESOTA VIC FADO, CALIFORMA WE BILL HEPNER, NORTH CAROLINA STENY H. HOVER MARYLAND 808 CARR, MICHIGAN RICHARD & DURBIN, ILLINOIS RONALD D. COLEMAN, TEXAS ALAN & MOLLOMAN WEST VIRGIRA JM CHAPMAN TEXAS MARCY RAFTUR ONIO DAVID & SEAGGS, COLORADO BAVID & PRICE, NORTH CAROLINA NANCY PELOS CALIFORNIA PETER J. VISCLOSKY, DIANA THOMAS M. FOGLIETTA, PENNSYLVANIA ESTEBAN EDWARD TORRES, CALIFORNIA RAY THORNTON ARKANSAS JOSÉ & SERRAND, NEW YORK ROSA L DILAURO, CONNECTICUT JAMES P. MORAN VIRGINIA DOUGLAS PETE" PETERSON, FLORIDA JOHN W.OLVER MASSACHUSETTS ED PASTOR, ARRONA CARRIE P. ME, FLORIDA Congress of the United States November 3, 1994 MINORITY MENDERS JOSEPH M. McDADE. PENNSYLVANIA JOHN T. MYERS, INDIANA CW. BILL YOUNG, FLORIDA RALPH REGULA OHIO BOS LIVINGSTON, LOUISIANA TOM DILAY, TEXAS JM KOLD ARIZONA DEAN A GALLO, NEW JERSEY BARBARA F VUCANOVICH, NEVADA JIM LIGHTFOOT, IOWA RON PACKARD, CALIFORNIA HELEN DELICH BENTLEY, MARYLAND JAMES T. WALSH, NEW YORK CHARLES H. TAYLOR, NORTH CAROLINA DAVID L HOBSON, OHIO BONEST JIM ISTOCK, JR, OKLAHOMA HENRY BONILLA, TEXAS CLERK AND STAFF DIRECTOR A SCOTT LILLY COUNSELOR JOSEPH A CRAPA TELEPHONE: (208) 226-2771 Mr. Randall B. Medlock Acting Director HC-2 Capitol Non-Legislative and Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC 20515 Dear Mr. Medlock: We have your letter of October 17, 1994, which requests Specifically, within funds provided for salaries and These transfers and reprogrammings of House funds (from all. Mr. Randall B. Medlock Page Two Also, you have requested reprogramming approval for funds already available within subaccounts, including the Office of the Attending Physician ($1,000 for fiscal year 1994, and $3,000 for fiscal year 1995), the Office of the Majority Leader ($9,611 for fiscal year 1994), and the Office of the Parliamentarian ($3,073.23 for fiscal year 1994, and $44,716 for fiscal year 1995). The Committee has no objection to the actions outlined in your request. Sincerely, Vie For Vic Fazio Subcommittee on Legislative Analysis of House funds for fiscal year 1994 projected deficits in various accounts. Based on the actual expenditures through September 30, 1994. and projected obligations to be paid tor FY '94, we are projecting shortfalls in the following To resolve these shortfalls pursuant to authority in Section 101(c)(1) of Public Law 102-392(106 STAT. 1710). Public Law 102-90 (105 STAT. 452), and Public Law 101-520, (104 STAT. 2260). I respectfully request approval to reprogram funds from fiscal years 1991 and 1992 to fiscal year 1994, and to reprogram funds within fiscal year 1994 as follows: |