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Copyrighted, 1919, by the Overland Monthly Company.

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Published by the OVERLAND MONTHLY COMPANY, San Francisco, California.

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HE judicial scandals continue to

When honest and prudent settlers, who

Tagitate all honest citizens in San hope to live within the laws, and rear

Francisco. Seldom has an Englishspeaking community seen anything in official life, more disgraceful than the effort to cloak the rascalities of the San Francisco police court. That the State government at Sacramento should be allowed to smother investigation is more than an impeachment of the civic spirit of San Francisco. It is an impeachment of the honesty and patriotism of the entire State of California-a blot upon the reputation of the commonwealth which should be speedily effaced.

What classes of settlers would seek a community where public charges of dishonesty in courts of justice, presented by a regularly-drawn grand jury, could be smothered by an edict of the attorneygeneral's office, in spite of the insistent demand of the Bar Association of the city?

Would not the attorney-general's procedure be tantamount to an invitation to the outlaws of crookdom-the thieves and murderers of the highway and the home-the confidence sharks, the political parasites, the bank-wreckers, the professional embezzlers, the despoilers of widows and orphans all the wolves, hawks and buzzards of the underworld to flock to the community where justice might profiteer with false weights in her scales and escape exposure?

families that will become in their turn decent fathers and mothers, desire to find a congenial community, they do not select one where courts are notoriously corrupt, municipal government dominated by small-town politics, and taxation a crushing load for the small property-owner.

It is not desired to convey, in this article, the inference that all, or any of these things characterize the great city of San Francisco. The intention is to discuss the ill-judged proceedings of the State government at Sacramento, as represented by the attorney-general's office, in preventing full investigation of the police courts of San Francisco. To show up all the derelictions of those unsavory tribunals would be a task of Herculean magnitude, if not an utter impossibility. Such is the thought of many citizens. At least some attempt at investigation, worthy of the name, should be made. A smoke cloud of legal technicalities should not be interposed for the benefit of the accused officials. Least of all should it be thrown across the vision of indignant citizens by the State government, which in its interference with judicial scandals in a municipality, is stretching its authority, promoting centralization of government, and furnishing material for revolutionary Bolsheviks.

No question can be raised of the

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