Abbildungen der Seite

been cut down from 90,000 to 50,000 by typhus, and other diseases resultant from starvation. So frightful has been the struggle of the afflicted population to sustain life, that mothers have openly prayed for the death of their wretched children, rather than witness the prolonged sufferings of the little ones.

War, and pestilence which follows war, have left homeless and hungry orphaned children to roam the streets and the task of saving these victims, in the numerous places ravaged by great armies, cannot

Orphaned Children in the Streets.

be estimated in the money cost. The millions of dollars that have been spent have done much to avert famine and lessen death in the afflicted communities of Central and Eastern Europe, but an enormous amount of relief has yet to be extended.

It is hard to realize, that before the armistice of the great world war was signed, there were six millions of sufferers in Europe, either destitute and starving, or at least in dire need of philanthropic aid. Those multitudes have been increased to eleven millions, of which 20 per cent are not Jews. What a colossal

scheme of relief is needed to alleviate such unparalleled misery!

The American Jewish Relief Committee is now conducting its benevolent work in California through the Pacific Coast Division, of which Moses A. Gunst, prominent in philanthropy as in business, is chairman, and Earl W. Hodges, director of all the States west of the Mississippi, is the tireless and highly efficient executive.

The late Isaias W. Hellman, the banker, and his son, whose useful career was so prematurely terminated, were earnest advocates of the Western campaign of relief. Had not death invaded their home, they would be found amongst the foremost workers for the philanthropic project. But a host of other volunteers, whose names are a guarantee of worthiness to their townsmen, still remain. In the long list are found the names of Mortimer Fleishhacker, Herbert Fleishhacker, Judge M. C. Sloss, Sigmund Stern, Alfred and Milton Esberg, Grover Magnin. Earnest assistance is also given by the leading Jewish clergymen, Doctors Martin Meyer, Jacob Nieto, Herman Lissauer, and H. Rosenwasser. To say that the best that is in San Francisco, professionally, commercially, socially and patriotically, will be associated with this relief project is to understate rather than overstate the case.

To present the financial aspect of the proposition, it is necessary to say that Northern California-or more accurately speaking, the territory north of Santa Barbara is asked to contribute the sum of $500,000 to the great relief fund, and it would be a new record in California generosity if the donations should not far exceed the amount expected.

In the great cities of the East, where the liberality of contributors to the relief fund has been tested, the non-Jewish citizens have shown no less interest and generosity, than their Jewish neighbors. All have regarded the philanthropic project as so broad in its scope, and noble in its purpose that it could only be viewed as a world movement for the betterment of suffering humanity, beyond all sectarian bias and meriting but universal approbation and assistance.


Interesting Sidelights on Secret European Diplomacy.

By Harvey Brougham

F THE MANY BOOKS being issued about the diplomatic invasion of Europe by America, "The Peace Conference, Day by Day," is attracting most attention. The author is Charles T. Thompson, who has deemed it advisable to print an introductory letter by Col. E. M. House, as if he regarded that gallant Texas diplomat as an important and permanent figure in American history. The sub-title of Mr. Thompson's book is "A Presidential Pilgrimage, Leading to the Discovery of Europe."

Literature of the Peace Conference is more likely to be read, carefully, twenty years hence. As an eminent critic in New York has somewhat sarcastically remarked, that the public is "fed up" on the long reports sent out while the American president was measuring wits against. the leading diplomats and autocrats of fictitious European Democracy.

It is very evident, from Mr. Thompson's book that President Wilson took his Fourteen Points seriously, and equally evident that the European and Oriental diplomats held a totally different idea of the American code of altruism.

Several interesting revelations are made in Mr. Thompson's work. For instance, he declares it to have been an open secret that Dantzig was not given to the Poles, as demanded by Wilson, because Lloyd George would not sign the Peace Treaty if Dantzig should be yielded.

The Treaty article on the "Freedom of the Seas" gave the British most concern. Lord Northcliffe and Lloyd George joined their forces to convince the president that the seas were quite safe in the custody of the British. President Wilson was as elusive as the phrase "freedom of the seas" itself. He admitted that the British people were forced "to consider grave problems which the war has brought about," and he said that the United States fully understands the special international

questions which "arise from the fact of Britain's peculiar position as an island empire."

The encounters of President Wilson with Clemenceau are not fully set down, but they were many and violent.

One of the many lively passages was that between Wilson and Orlando over Fiume. The Italians, who had made Wilson their idol, suddenly frothed at the mouth. The President had appealed to the Italian people, and the Italian people, imagining that the safety of democracy depended on their having all they wanted, made an enthusiastic response. Orlando was indignant. Mr. Thompson gives this version of a passage of arms between the president and Orlando. The version, however, is taken from the French:

"Sir, you have appealed over the head of the Italian government to the Italian people," said Orlando. "It is my duty to go before the representatives of the Italian people, the parliament, and say to them, Choose between Wilson or me. "That is your right," replied the president, quietly.

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And Orlando went off. It is remarkable that notwithstanding the battles between the president and the delegates they each parted with common respect and no signs of rancor. It must be admitted, though, that when the indiscreet question was asked, "How would the members of the conference feel if the American delegation should withdraw?" an English voice was heard to exclaim with all the frankness of that nation, “We should all breathe freely!"

One fails to find in Mr. Thompson's record of the Peace Conference anything to indicate that the post-bellum pow-wows of democracy are essentially different from the old-time division of plunder by the royalties of Europe. The fatter the bird to be carved, the more voracious the company waiting around the table.

Circumstantial Evidence

One Time That the Sheriff Looked Very Foolish

By Lilian Hall Crowley

INA WATKINS sat in the sheriff's

Moffice, weeping copiously.

The sheriff, big-eyed and worried, sat opposite the stricken young woman.

Such a story as Mina was telling was a strange one to hear about the quiet little town of Bosley.

"Mr. Smith," said Mina, "I know you ain't going to believe me unless I prove what I'm telling you, but I'm going to prove it as soon as I'm through with my story."

"I thought you liked Mr. Mason, Mina. Hasn't he been good to you and to Sam, too?" asked the sheriff.

"Yes, I have been working for him nigh onto four months and I never saw anything wrong until lately. Me and Sam has been keeping company ever since I went to work there and if I do say it, Sam was the best chauffeur in this world and he's been that faithful to Mr. Mason. Always looking after his interests; working hard and never wasting a thing. Which ain't at all like some of them. Mr. Mason was always cold-like, but I never heard him say anything cross before, although everybody knows what a terrible temper he has."

"Yes," put in Mr. Smith, "I remember when he was so terrible mad at Jim. Slithers when Jim told him that story about Mrs. Hunter. Mr. Mason beat him within an inch of his life and it took all the men in the bank to get him offen the critter. Jim deserved it but it ain't just the way for a bank president to act.

"Come to think of it, he's always been queer, too. He paid five thousand dollars for a picture of two people standing by a boat, and they say he pays a hundred dollars apiece for some little black and white pictures-etchings, he calls them. I wouldn't wonder if you did know something wrong, Mina.”

By this time Mina had wiped away her tears and had control of her voice. She started on:

"One night I heard loud voices in the library and I went through the hall to see who was there, because I thought Mr. Mason had gone to his club. Well, I was just struck dumb when I saw Mr. Mason standing up and shaking his first at Sam. Sam was sitting in a chair all bent over and had his face covered with his hands. I couldn't move I was so scared. I heard Mr. Mason say:


'This is the last time, Sam! Do as I say or it will be all up with you!'

"Sam groaned: 'All right, Mr. Mason, I'll do it! I promise to God, I'll do it!' Then Mr. Mason seemed to calm down and Sam took his hands off his face and I never see such suffering in all my life. I slipped back to the kitchen.

"You see, Mr. Smith, Sam and me was as good as engaged. One afternoon he come into the kitchen, when I was making apple fritters, and he says kinda sadlike: 'Mina, you know how you stand with me. I've got something right serious to tell you if everything goes well.'

"All right, Sam,' I says, 'you know I'd trust you to kingdom come."

"Well, when I got back to the kitchen, after hearing that row, I just sat and sat. Sam slept in the garage and I heard him go out the side door. He didn't come near the kitchen, although he must have known I was there on account of the light. Sam kept his light on a long time, 'cause I could see from my bedroom window.

"He didn't show up next day and when I asked Mr. Mason where was Sam he looked at me queer-like and said Sam had gone to Omaha on business. 'He won't be back for some time,' he said. And now it's nearly three weeks and Mr.

Mason ain't said a word-and the worst is coming, Mr. Smith!"

Mina began rocking herself back and forth and her sobs almost choked her. The sheriff put his hand on the arm of the suffering girl and soothed her with: "There, now! There, now! Hurry and tell it, then I can help you."

Mina wiped her eyes and began again. "Last night I couldn't sleep for thinking of Sam. I could smell the roses that grow below my window, so I got out of bed to be nearer to them-they're kinda soothin'-like," she smiled apologetically. "It wasn't moonlight but I could see everything on the grounds very plain. Then-who should come sneaking along but Mr. Mason; he was dragging a shovel and carrying something, all covered up with a cloth, in his hands.

"He walked to the largest lilac bush— the one opposite the dining-room windows and laid down the-Oh, dear! Oh, dear!"

"Come now," said the sheriff, "I can't wait much longer. I'm getting nervous myself."

"Then he dug a hole and when he lifted the cloth from-it was Sam's head!"


"I told you you wouldn't believe me but I'll take you to the place. Mr. Mason lifted the head and put it-just as it was -in the hole and then covered it up careful with the dirt and put back the sod on top just as before. Then I fainted on the floor and I don't know how long I lay there. I didn't go down to breakfast and I suppose Mr. Mason went to the bank and I came here as soon as I could get dressed."

"Do you think Mr. Mason killed Sam?" asked the sheriff incredulously.

"Yes, yes!" sobbed Mina, "ain't he got an awful temper, and didn't they quarrel, and didn't Sam disappear? He's buried the body in some other part of the garden and I saw him bury Sam's dear head!"

"Does Mr. Mason come home at noon, Mina?"

"Yes, always. He's started now," said she, looking at the clock.

"I'll go with you and arrest him.”

They were in the house a few moments before Mr. Mason's arrival. They waited in the spacious hall which was hung with the paintings that had bewildered his fellow-townsmen. As soon as the prosperous old bachelor had closed the door the sheriff went up to him and taking his arm, said:

"Mr. Mason, I'm sorry, but I must arrest you for the murder of Sam Hastings!"

"Great Scott!" said the banker. "How's this?" turning from one to the other of his accusers questioningly.

"You've killed Sam in one of your wicked tempers, you wicked man, you!" exclaimed Mina. "I know where you've buried his head!"

"Yes," said the sheriff, "Mina saw you last night-out by the lilac bush."

Comprehension dawned on Mr. Mason. "Come," he said, "I'll show you!"

"Wait," said the sheriff, "I'll have to handcuff you first."

Mr. Mason held out his hands and the handcuffs were adjusted. The sheriff opened the front door and Mr. Mason led the way. "Get the shovel out of the basement," he ordered Mina.

When she returned he nodded to the sheriff to dig. About two feet down the shovel struck something solid. The sheriff got down on his hands and knees and removed the loose soil. He gingerly took the head in his hands and lifted it out of the hole. Its weight surprised him. "Look at it well," admonished Mr. Mason.

"Why, it isn't Sam's head-it's brass or copper, or something!"

Mina gave a shriek and threw herself on it. "It ain't Sam! It ain't Sam!" "Take these fool handcuffs off," dryly ordered the banker, "and I will explain.'

He stooped down and replaced the head in the ground and covered all carefully. Taking the shovel he led the way to the house, the others following as in a dream.

The banker went to the library, lighted a cigar, seated himself in an easy chair and then began his story to the two who looked more like culprits than accusers. They squirmed under his sarcasm.

"About that head, now-you flatter

Sam, as that is a bronze bust of Victor Hugo. Ever hear of him? No, of course not. I ordered it from the artist when I was in Paris last winter. It came the other day. You may not know, either of you," he blew a few rings of smoke, "that a certain chemicalization takes place when bronze is buried in the ground."

His accusers shook their heads.

"It is true, nevertheless, and Monsieur Rau told me to bury the bust for a short time and then take it to a cold room for the same length of time and then into a hot room; all this would give the bronze a beautiful tone. This I am trying to do and I buried it at night because no one would understand if told about it and in order that thieves would not steal my costly bronze."

"But Sam, where has he been these last three weeks?" demanded Mina.

"Sam is coming home this evening and I intended that he should tell you him

self but as you have hastened matters and I feel particularly communicative, I will tell you.

"Sam has been a periodical drinkernotice that I say has been-but he has done well ever since he met you, Mina. When he felt the old thirst coming on he came to me for help, as usual. I knew that he had been leaning too much on me for moral support and I told him that this would be the last time, that he must make a man of himself before he married. I was quite severe with him. Then I sent him to Omaha to take the drink cure and told him he was not to come back until he was cured.

"I have a letter in which he says he is coming home tonight and that he is sure. that, with Mina's love to strengthen him, he has taken his last drink. That's all!"

The sheriff backed out of the door and Mina fell at Mr. Mason's feet and poured out a heart of thankfulness with pleas for forgiveness.


By Carl W. Wahrer.

I miss you every day, your look, your smile,
That little smile that flutters so my heart,
The music of your voice and all the while
A longing that no language can impart.
The hush of expectation in the air,
Footsteps beside me and a faint perfume,
A presence seated in the empty chair,
The ghost of beauty in the silent room;
People accost me but I hardly know
One from another or the things they say,
I scarcely notice if they come or go,

My thoughts are following you and far away;
Only at dull day's close when hushed and still,
Night brings the hour when we were used to meet,
In the half light when fancies have their will,
Lovely as in lost days and ever sweet,
You come back smiling to my arms again,
Dearer than any dream can quite recall,
And all the waiting hours are not in vain,
And you have never been away at all.

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