And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er day go by, of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers: Shall be my brother, be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England, now abed, Shall think themselves accursed, they were not here; That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day. Enter SALISBURY. Sal. My sovereign lord, bestow yourself with speed: K. Hen. All things are ready, if our minds be so. Without more help, might fight this battle out! K. Hen. Why, now thou hast unwish'd five thousand men; Which likes me better, than to wish us one. You know your places: God be with you all! Tucket. Enter MONTJOY. Mont. Once more I come to know of thee, king Harry, If for thy ransom thou wilt now compound, Before thy most assured overthrow: For, certainly, thou art so near the gulf, Thou needs must be englutted. Besides, in mercy, The Constable desires thee-thou wilt mind‡ Thy followers of repentance; that their souls May make a peaceful and a sweet retire From off these fields, where (wretches) their poor bodies K. Hen. Who hath sent thee now? Mont. The Constable of France. K. Hen. I pray thee, bear my former answer back; Bid them achieve me, and then sell my bones. While the beast lived, was kill'd with hunting him. * Battle array. + Remind. + Expedition. In brazen plates on our tombs. And draw their honours reeking up to heaven; Let me speak proudly; -Tell the Constable, Mont. I shall, king Harry. And so fare thee well: [Exit. K. Hen. I fear, thou'lt once more come again for ransom. Enter the Duke of YORK. York. My lord, most humbly on my knee I beg The leading of the vaward. K. Hen. Take it, brave York. Now, soldiers, march away : And how thou pleasest, God, dispose the day! SCENE IV. - The Field of Battle. [Exeunt. Alarums, Excursions. Enter FRENCH SOLDIER, PISTOL, Pist. Yield, cur. and BOY. Fr. Sol. Je pense, que vous estes le gentilhomme de bonne qualité. Pist. Quality, call you, me?-Conster me, art thou a gentleman? What is thy name? discuss. Fr. Sol. O Seigneur Dieu! Pist. O, signieur Dew should be a gentleman : Perpend my words, O signieur Dew, and mark : O signieur Dew, thou diest on point of fox,t Except, O signieur, thou do give to me Egregious ransom. Fr. Sol. O, prennez misericorde! ayez pitié de moy. * Ornaments. + Sword. VOL. III. E Pist. Moy shall not serve, I will have forty moys ;* For I will fetch thy rim out at thy throat, In drops of crimson blood. Fr. Sol. Est-il impossible d'eschapper la force de ton bras ? Thou damned and luxurious † mountain goat, Offer'st me brass? Fr. Sol. O pardonnez moy! Pist. Say'st thou me so? is that a ton of moys?- Boy. Escoutez; Comment estes vous appellé ? Boy. He says, his name is-master Fer. Pist. Master Fer! I'll fer him, and firk him, and ferret him: discuss the same in French unto him. Boy. I do not know the French for fer, and ferret, and firk. Pist. Bid him prepare, for I will cut his throat. Fr. Sol. Que dit-il, monsieur? Boy. Il me commande de vous dire que vous faites vous prest ; car ce soldat icy est disposé tout à cette heure de couper vostre gorge. Pist. Ouy, couper gorge, par ma foy, pesant, Unless thou give me crowns, brave crowns; Fr. Sol. O, je vous supplie pour l'amour de Dieu, me pardonner! Je suis gentilhomme de bonne maison: gardez ma vie, et je vous donneray deux cents escus. Pist. What are his words? Boy. He prays you to save his life: he is a gentleman of a good house; and, for his ransom, he will give you two hundred crowns. Pist. Tell him,-my fury shall abate, and I The crowns will take. Fr. Sol. Petit monsieur, que dit-il? Boy. Encore qu'il est contre son jurement, de pardonner aucun prisonnier; neantmoins, pour les escus que vous l'avez promis, il est content de vous donner la liberté, le franchisement. Fr. Sol. Sur mes genoux, je vous donne mille remerciemens : et je m'estime heureux que je suis tombé entre les mains d'un chevalier, je pense, le plus brave, valiant, et tres distingué seigneur d'Angleterre. Pist. Expound unto me, boy. Boy. He gives you, upon his knees, a thousand thanks: and he esteems himself happy that he hath fallen into the hands of (as he thinks) the most brave, valorous, and thrice worthy signieur of England. Pist. As I suck blood, I will some mercy show. Follow me, cur. Boy. Suivez vous le grand capitaine. [Exit PISTOL. [Exit FRENCH SOLDIER. * measure of corn (muids). + Lascivious. I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true, -The empty vessel makes the greatest sound. Bardolph, and Nym, had ten times more valour than this roaring devil i the old play, that every one may pare his nails with a wooden dagger; and they are both hanged; and so would this be, if he durst steal anything adventurously. I must stay with the lackeys, with the luggage of our camp: the French might have a good prey of us, if he knew of it; for there is none to guard it, but boys. [Exit. SCENE V.-Another part of the Field of Battle. Alarums. Enter DAUPHIN, ORLEANS, BOURBON, CONSTABLE, Con. O diable! RAMBURES, and others. Orl. O seigneur !-le jour est perdu, tout est perdu! Reproach and everlasting shame Sits mocking in our plumes.- O meschante fortune!- [A short alarum Con. Why, all our ranks are broke. Let's die in honour: Once more back again; Con. Disorder, that hath spoil'd us, friend us now! Let us, in heaps go offer up our lives Bour. The devil take order now! I'll to the throng; Let life be short; else, shame will be too long. SCENE VI.-Another part of the Field. [Exeunt. Alarums. Enter KING HENRY and Forces; EXETER, and others. K. Hen. Well have we done, thrice-valiant countrymen : Eze. The duke of York commends him to your majesty. Eze. In which array (brave soldier), doth he lie, * Lasting. + Having no more gentility. Larding the plain: and by his bloody side Upon these words I came, and cheer'd him up: But I had not so much of man in me, But all my mother came into mine eyes, And gave me up to tears. K. Hen. I blame you not; For, hearing this, I must perforce compound Alarum But, hark! what new alarum is this same? The French have reinforced their scatter'd men: Then every soldier kill his prisoners; Give the word through. [Exeunt. SCENE VII.-Another part of the Field. Flu. Kill the poys and the luggage! 'tis expressly against the law of arms: 'tis as arrant a piece of knavery, mark you now, as can be offered in the 'orld: In your conscience now, is it not? Gow. 'Tis certain, there's not a boy left alive; and the cowardly rascals, that ran from the battle, have done this slaughter: besides, they have burned and carried away all that was in the king's tent; wherefore the king, most worthily, hath caused every soldier to cut his prisoner's throat. O, 'tis a gallant king! Flu. Ay, he was porn at Monmouth, captain Gower: What call you the town's name, where Alexander the pig was born? Gow. Alexander the great. Flu. Why, I pray you, is not pig great? The pig, or the great, or the mighty, or the huge, or the magnanimous, are all one reckonings, save the phrase is a little variations. * Reached. |