Gold cannot come amiss, were she a deviled Rite porte HOG BLA Yet have I gold, flies from another coast: I dare not say, from the rich cardinal, And from the great and new-made duke of Suffolk; They, knowing dame Eleanor's aspiring humour, SCENE III. -The same. A Room in the Palace. Enter PETER, and others, with Petitions. [Exit. 1 Pet. My masters, let's stand close; my lord protector will come this way by and by, and then we may deliver our supplications in the quill.t 2 Pet. Marry, the Lord protect him, for he's a good man! Jesu bless him! Enter SUFFOLK and QUEEN MARGARET. 1 Pet. Here'a comes, methinks, and the queen with him: I'll be the first, sure. 2 Pet. Come back, fool: this is the duke of Suffolk, and not my lord protector, Suf. How now, fellow? would'st anything with me? 1 Pet. I pray, my lord, pardon me! I took ye for my lord protector. Q. Mar. [Reading the superscription.] To my lord protector! are your supplications to his lordship? Let me see them: What is thine? 1 Pet. Mine is, an't please your grace, against John Goodman, my lord cardinal's man, for keeping my house, and lands, and wife and all, from me. Suf. Thy wife too? that is some wrong, indeed. -What's your's?-What's here! [Reads.] Against the duke of Suffolk, for enclosing the commons of Melford.-How now, sir knave? 14 2 Pet. Alas, sir, I am but a poor petitioner of our whole township. Peter. [Presenting his Petition.] Against my master, Thomas Horner, for saying, That the duke of York was rightful heir to the crown. * End how it will, + Written petitions. Q. Mar. Why say'st thou? Did the duke of York say, he was rightful heir to the crown? Peter. That my master was? No, forsooth: my master said, That he was; and that the king was an usurper. Suf. Who is there? [Enter Servants.] -Take this fellow in, and send for his master with a pursuivant presently:-we'll hear more of your matter before the king. [Exeunt Servants, with PETER. Q. Mar. And as for you, that love to be protected Under the wings of our protector's grace, All. Come, let's be gone. [Tears the Petition. [Exeunt PETITIONERS. Q. Mar. My lord of Suffolk, say, is this the guise, Is this the fashion in the court of England? Suf. Madam, be patient: as I was cause Qu. Mar. Beside the haught protector, have we Beaufort, The imperious churchman; Somerset, Buckingham, Suf. And he of these, that can do most of all, Q. Mar. Not all these lords do vex me half so much, T And in her heart she scorns her poverty: Suf. Madam, myself have limed a bush for her; And placed a quire of such enticing birds, So, one by one, we'll weed them all at last. Enter KING HENRY, YORK, and SOMERSET, conversing with him; Duke and Duchess of GLOSTER, CARDINAL BEAUFORT, BUCKINGHAM, SALISBURY, and WARWICK. K. Hen. For my part, noble lords, I care not which; York. If York have ill demean'd himself in France, War. Whether your grace be worthy, yea, or no, Car. Ambitious Warwick, let thy betters speak. Why Somerset should be preferred in this. Q. Mar. Because the king, forsooth, will have it so. To be protector of his excellence ? Glo. Madam, I am protector of the realm; And, at his pleasure, will resign my place. Suf. Resign it then, and leave thine insolence. † Of Peter, the armourer's man against his master. ‡ Deny. * Trull. § Opinion. And all the peers and nobles of the realm Car. The Commons hast thou rack'd; the clergy's bags Are lank and lean with thy extortions. Som. Thy sumptuous buildings, and thy wife's attire, Have cost a mass of public treasury. Q. Mar. Thy sale of offices, and towns in France, If they were known, as the suspect is great, - Exit GLOSTER. The QUEEN drops her Fan. Give me my fan: What, minion! can you not? [Gives the DUCHESS a box on the Ear. I cry you mercy, madam; Was it you? Duch. Was't I? yea, I it was, proud Frenchwoman: Could I come near your beauty with my nails, I'd set my ten commandments in your face.* K. Hen. Sweet aunt, be quiet; 'twas against her will. She'll hamper thee, and dandle thee like a baby: Buck. Lord cardinal, I will follow Eleanor, She'll gallop fast enough to her destruction. [Exit BUCKINGHAM. Re-enter GLOSTER, Glo. Now, lords, my choler being over-blown, York. I'll tell thee, Suffolk, why I am unmeet. * The marks of her fingers. Last time, I danced attendance on his will War. That I can witness; and a fouler fact Did never traitor in the land commit. Suf. Peace, headstrong Warwick! War. Image of pride, why should I hold my peace ? Enter Servants of SUFFOLK, bringing in HORNER and PEPER. Suf. Because here is a man accused of treason: Pray God, the duke of York excuse himself! York. Doth any one accuse York for a traitor? K. Hen. What mean'st thou, Suffolk? tell me: What are these? Suf. Please it your majesty, this is the man That doth accuse his master of high treason: His words were these; -that Richard, duke of York, And that your majesty was an usurper. K. Hen. Say, man, were these thy words? Hor. An't shall please your majesty, I never said nor thought any such matter: God is my witness, I am falsely accused by the villain. Pet. By these ten bones, my lords [Holding up his Hands], he did speak them to me in the garret one night, as we were scouring my lord of York's armour. York. Base dunghill villain, and mechanical, I'll have thy head for this thy traitor's speech :- Let him have all the rigour of the law. Hor. Alas, my lord, hang me, if ever I spake the words. My accuser is my prentice; and when I did correct him for his fault the other day, he did vow upon his knees he would be even with me: I have good witness of this; therefore, I beseech your majesty, do not cast away an honest man for a villain's accusation. K. Hen. Uncle, what shall we say to this in law? Let Somerset be regent o'er the French, Pet. Alas, my lord, I cannot fight; for God's sake, pity my B case! the spite of man prevaileth against me. O, Lord, have mercy upon me! I shall never be able to fight a blow: Lord, my heart! Glo. Sirrah, or you must fight, or else be hang'd. |