I shall be well content with any choice, Tends to God's glory, and my country's weal. Enter a LEGATE, and two AMBASSADORS, with WINCHESTER, in a Cardinal's habit. Exe. What! is my lord of Winchester install'd, And call'd unto a cardinal's degree! Then, I perceive, that will be verified, He'll make his cap co-equal with the crown. K. Hen. My lords ambassadors, your several suits Glo. And for the proffer of my lord your master,- K. Hen. In argument and proof of which contract, Commit them to the fortune of the sea. [Exeunt KING HENRY and Train; GLOSTER, EXETER, and AMBASSADORS. Win. Stay, my lord legate; you shall first receive The sum of money, which I promised For clothing me in these grave ornaments. Leg. I will attend upon your lordship's leisure. Or be inferior to the proudest peer. SCENE II.-France. Plains in Anjou. [Exeunt. Enter CHARLES, BURGUNDY, ALENÇON, LA PUCELLE, and Forces marching. Char. These news, my lords, may cheer our drooping spirits: 'Tis said, the stout Parisians do revolt, And turn again unto the warlike French. Alen. Then march to Paris, royal Charles of France, And keep not back your powers in dalliance. Puc. Peace be amongst them, if they turn to us; Else, ruin combat with their palaces! Enter a MESSENGER, Mess. Success unto our valiant general, And happiness to his accomplices! Char. What tidings send our scouts? I prythee, speak. Mess. The English army, that divided was Into two parts, is now conjoin'd in one ; And means to give you battle presently. Char. Somewhat too sudden, sirs, the warning is; But we will presently provide for them. Bur. I trust, the ghost of Talbot is not there; Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear. Puc. Of all base passions, fear is most accursed :Command the conquest, Charles, it shall be thine; Let Henry fret, and all the world repine. Char. Then on, my lords; And France be fortunate! [Exeunt, SCENE III. -The same. Before Angiers. Alarums: Excursions. Enter LA PUCELLE. Puc. The regent conquers, and the Frenchmen fly.- Enter Fiends. This speedy quick appearance argues proof Now, ye familiar spirits, that are cull'd Help me this once, that France may get the field. [Thunder. [They walk about, and speak not. O, hold me not with silence over-long! Where I was wont to feed you with my blood, I'll lop a member off, and give it you, In earnest of a further benefit; So you do condescend to help me now. No hope to have redress?-My body shall [They hang their heads. [They shake their heads. Pay recompense, if you will grant my suit. Cannot my body, nor blood-sacrifice, Entreat you to your wonted furtherance ? * Charms sewed up and worn about the neck. ↑ Zimimar, king-devil of the northern. [They depart. Then take my soul; my body, soul, and all, My ancient incantations are too weak, Now, France, thy glory droopeth to the dust. [Exit. Alarums. Enter French and English, fighting. LA PUCELLE and YORK fight hand to hand. LA PUCELLE is taken. The French fly. York. Damsel of France, I think, I have you fast: Puc. Changed to a worser shape thou canst not be. No shape but his can please your dainty eye. Puc. A plaguing mischief light on Charles, and thee! York. Fell, banningt hag! enchantress, hold thy tongue. [Exeunt. Alarums. Enter SUFFOLK, leading in LADY MARGARET. Suff. Be what thou wilt, thou art my prisoner. [Gazes on her. O fairest beauty, do not fear, nor fly; For I will touch thee but with reverent hands, And lay them gently on thy tender side. I kiss these fingers [Kissing her hand] for eternal peace: Mar. Margaret my name; and daughter to a king, The king of Naples, whosoe'er thou art. Suff. An earl I am, and Suffolk am I call'd. Be not offended, nature's miracle, Go, and be free again as Suffolk's friend. [She turns away as going. O, stay!-I have no power to let her pass; * Lower. † To ban is to curse. Twinkling another counterfeited beam, Ay; beauty's princely majesty is such, What ransom must I pay before I pass? For, I perceive, I am thy prisoner. Suff. How canst thou tell, she will deny thy suit, Before thou make a trial of her love? [Aside. Mar. Why speak'st thou not? what ransom must I pay? She is a woman; therefore to be won. [Aside. Mar. Wilt thou accept of ransom, yea, or no? Then how can Margaret be thy paramour? [Aside. Mar. I were best leave him, for he will not hear. And our nobility will scorn the match. Suff. Yet so my fancy may be satisfied, [Aside. Mar. Hear ye, captain? Are you not at leisure? Suff. It shall be so, disdain they ne'er so much: Henry is youthful, and will quickly yield. Madam, I have a secret to reveal. Mar. What though I be enthrall'd? he seems a knight, And will not any way dishonour me. Aside. Suff. Lady, vouchsafe to listen what I say. Mar. Perhaps, I shall be rescued by the French; And then I need not crave his courtesy. [Aside. Suff. Sweet madam, give me hearing in a cause- [Aside. Suff. Lady, wherefore talk you so ? Mar. I cry you mercy, 'tis but quid for quo. Suff. Say, gentle princess, would you not suppose Your bondage happy, to be made a queen ? Mar. To be a queen in bondage, is more vile Than is a slave in base servility; Suff. And SO shall you, If happy England's royal king be free. Mar. Why, what concerns his freedom unto me? To put a golden sceptre in thy hand, And set a precious crown upon thy head, Suff. His love. Mar. I am unworthy to be Henry's wife. And, madam, at your father's castle walls We'll crave a parley, to confer with him. [Troops come forward. A Parley sounded. Enter REIGNIER, on the walls. Suff. See, Reignier, see, thy daughter prisoner. Suff. To me. Reig. Suffolk, what remedy? I am a soldier; and unapt to weep, Suff. Yes, there is remedy enough, my lord: That Suffolk doth not flatter, face,* or feign. [Exit, from the walls. Trumpets sounded. Enter REIGNIER, below. Reig. Welcome, brave earl, into our territories; Reig. Since thou dost deign to woo her little worth, Ergoy mine con, the county Maine, and Anjou, * Play the hypocrite. |