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he had left Capernaum, Mark i. 38. Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, for therefore came I forth. And as it is evident that a fingle day had fufficed him at Capernaum, so that he was obliged to depart, on account of the crouds that reforted to him, lefs than a day might well fuffice for any other place.'

To confirm this fuppofition, he afterwards fays,

The preaching of our Saviour is not to be compared to that of Chriftian minifters at this day, when no miracles are wrought, but only truths laid down, and motives inculcated, which require time to produce any confiderable effect. The proper fubject of his preaching lay in a fmall compaís, viz. The kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the Gospel, or fomething else to the fame effect; and all that he had to do was to confirm this affertion, and enforce this belief, by well attefted miracles. His moral inftructions were given only occafionally, as he found opportunity. He had therefore no long fermons to make, but only to fay and do what might leave an impreffion on the minds of his auditors, that he came with a commiffion from God, and especially enable them to infer that he was the perfon foretold by the prophets under the character of their Meffiah. Confidering our Lord's bufinefs in this view, I cannot help thinking one year, in fo fmall a country as Judea, a much more natural and probable period for his public miniftry, than three or four.'

This reafoning of Dr. Prieftley does not appear to us to be conclufive. To reftrain the phrafe, all Galilee, to a few towns or villages in the neighbourhood of Capernaum, is as unreasonable as to extend it to every place in the country. And with refpect to the preaching of Jefus, moral inftructions appear to have made a confiderable part of his difcourfes, and indeed are in fome measure included in an exhortation to repentance: nor is it at all probable, that the defign of his miffion and ministry fhould be accomplished by fuch a hafty paffage through the country, or by fuch fhort and general difcourfes as our Author feems to imagine.

Notwithstanding this, we cannot but recommend the whole of this Letter to the perufal of Critics and Harmonifts, as containing many things worthy of their attention. But as Dr. Newcome has published a Treatife on the Duration of our Lord's Miniftry, in anfwer to Dr. Prieftley, we fhall defer a farther account of it till his Lordship's reply comes under confideration.

In the Preface to this English edition of the Harmony of the Evangelifts, Dr. Prieftley has given the following account of what he has attempted for the ufe of the unlearned but liberal minded reader:

- I have,

I have, in the first place, corrected our common verfion throughout, wherever I thought it neceffary, either on account of its giving a wrong fenfe, or for the fake of changing fome obfolete words and phrafes.'- I have taken care, however, to infert at the bottom of the page, what the common verfion is, except that I have not noticed the conftant change that I have made of Holy Spirit for Holy Ghoft, and of dæmon for devil, when the original was damovior, &c. Thefe occurring fo often, the. notice would have been tiresome.' In this correction of the English verfion I must acknowledge my obligations to Michael Dodion, Efq; the worthy nephew of Judge Fofter, who to the ftudies peculiar to his profeffion, adds thofe of an infinitely more fublime and liberal nature, thofe of the learned Chriftian.'


In the fecond place, I have partly collected, and partly fupplied myself, and from the communications of a few of my friends, notes on thofe paffages that seemed to require fome illuftration.'- In thefe notes, I have been more particularly affifted by my friend the Rev. Mr. Turner of Wakefield.'' Mr. Turner's notes are diftinguifhed by a capital T fubjoined to them. Others figned J. were furnished by Dr. Jebb.'

In the third place, I have given an occafional paraphrafe, especially of thofe difcourfes of our Saviour recorded by John, where the connection of the parts is not very apparent, and which the mode of paraphrafing is better adapted to explain. than any criticisms in the form of notes.'

In what manner these feveral particulars are executed, we fhall endeavour to enable our Readers to form a judgment by the following fpecimens and remarks.

With respect to the correction of our common verfion, it is, in general, juft and judicious. John i. 9. Dr. Priestley renders which coming into the world, enlighteneth every man. It is in our common verfion, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Matth. vi. 25. Inftead of, Take no thought, Dr. P. has Be not anxious. A fimilar alteration is made ver. 27, 28. 31. and ch. x. 19. and Luke xii. 11. 22. 25, 26. Mark i. 34. Dr. P. and fuffered not the dæmons to fay that they knew him. C. V. to speak, because they knew him. Matth. xiii. 36. and xv. 15. explain, inftead of declare, to us this parable, is a good alteration. Luke xii. 1. Above all things, beware, &c. Č. V. First of all, beware, &c. Mark vi. 33. is judiciously rendered, And the people faw them departing, and many knew it (the place) and hafted thither by land, &c. John vi. 40. And that I should raise, for, I will raife him up at the last day. John vii. 31. Dr. P. renders, If I bear witness of myself, is not my witness true? Matth. xv. 5. Let that by which I might profit thee be dedicated to God, &c. And Mark vii. 11. Let that by which I might affift you be Corban, that is to fay, dedicated to God, &c. Perhaps it should rather be,

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That by which I might profit thee is dedicated, &c. Matth. xv. 32. I am unwilling to fend them away: this agrees better with the rest of the difcourfe than I will not fend them away Mark viii. 31. and Matth. xxvii. 63. Meтa тρεis nepas, is rendered, within three days, according to the real meaning of the expreffion Matth. xviii. 34. Gaolers, is properly inferted for, tormentors. John viii. 25. From the beginning, is juftly changed to, in the beginning, fcil. of this difcourfe. See the Paraphrafe. Luke xv. 4. doth not leave the ninety and nine, and go into the Wilderness, &c inftead of, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the Wilderness, and go, &c. Ver. 12. And he divided unto them a livelihood. C. V. his living. Matth. xix. 28. is thus pointed, Verily, I fay unto you, that ye who have followed me, fhall, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man fhall fit in the throne of his glory, fit alfo on twelve thrones, &c. John x. 25. He that believeth on me, though he die, yet fhall he live. C. V. though he were dead. Mark x 51. and Luke xviii. 41. recover my fight, for, receive my fight. Luke xix. 13. Dr. P. has, trade, for, occupy; and ver. 14 embally, for, message. Mark xi. 17. My boufe fhall be called a house of prayer for all nations. This is more agreeable to Ifaiah Ivi. 7. of which it is a quotation. Mark xii. 32. Verily, Mafter, thou haft faid well. This is a more exact tranflation of the original than our verfion, Well, Mafter, thou haft faid the truth. Matth. xxiii. 18. Dr. P. has, bound, for, guilty: ver. 23. juftice, and, fidelity, for, judgment, and faith and ver. 24. ftrain out, for, ftrain at. Mark xiii. 9. and other places, a teftimony unto them, for, a teftimony_against them. Matth. xxv. 14. Dr. P. fupplies, the Son of Man, inftead of, the kingdom of heaven. John xv. 11. that my joy in you might remain, for, that my joy might remain in you. Ver. 22. Excufe for their fin, inftead of, cloak. Mark xiv. 56, 59. but their witness was not fufficient, instead of, agreed not together. Luke xxiii. 15. Nothing worthy of death is done by him, instead of, unto him. Ver. 30. two others, malefactors, for, two other malefactors. Luke xxiv. 18. Art thou the only firanger in JerufaLem, who haft not known, &c.? C. V. only a firanger in Jerufa Lem, and haft not known.

In these, and many other paffages, Dr. Prieftley has, in our opinion, both mended the language, and cleared the sense, without departing from the fimplicity of the original. In fome few he has not been fo happy. John iv. 22. Ye worship what ye know not, we worship what we do know. The auxiliary, do, weakens the expreffion, without improving the fense: in other refpects this tranflation is much preferable to the common ver fion. Matth. vi. 12. the translation should be, debts, and, debtors: offences, and, those who have offended us, is rather a paraphrase than a verfion. Luke vi. 40. Dr. P. has, but every one shall be


prepared as his mafter. C. V. every one that is perfect shall be as his master. We think it should be, but every one fhall be perfected as his mafter. Luke vii. 4. They befought him with importunity. To the common reader, They befought him earnestly would be the more intelligible expreffion. John ii. 4. Tí iμoi x σoi; Dr. P. has juftly rendered, What haft thou to do with me? In Bishop Pearce's Commentary is a learned note juftifying this fenfe of the expreffion. Therefore rí i coi; Mark i. 24. v Luke iv. 24. Matth. viii. 29, &c. fhould be, What haft thou to do with us? In all which places Dr. P. has, What have we to do with thee? Matth. viii. 30. he has, not far off, instead of, a great way off, without giving any authority or reason. Matth. xii. 44. Luke xi. 25. Dr. P. has ornamented, for, garnished. Should it not rather be, fet in order? Matth. xiii. 36. Afterwards is not fo proper as then, which is the common verfion. John viii. 10, 11. Dr. P. has, pafs fentence of death, instead of, condemn. This is rather a paraphrafe than a tranflation. Luke xvi. 12. that which belongs to others, should have been, that which is another's. fcil. God's. Our verfion has, ftill more improperly, that which is another man's. Mark xiv. 8. and the parallel places, embalming, is lefs proper than burying. Anointing was a part of the embalming, rather than a preparation for it. Matth. xxiv. 51. Luke xii. 46. cut him off, does not seem to express the sense of the original fo well as our common verfion, cut him in funder. But fee the note. And to mention no more, Matth. xxv. 36. 43. took care of me, for, vifited, is too free a tranflation, not countenanced by ver. 39.

In fome paffages Dr. Priestley has adhered to the common verfion, where an alteration feemed to be required. Luke viii. 42. lay a dying, is a very inelegant expreffion, which might be eafily changed for a better. Matth. ii. 4. and in a variety of other places, furely it would be more agreeable, both to the meaning of the original and the idiom of our language, to render & Xpisos, the Chrift.

We would alfo fubmit it to the Doctor's own judgment, whether it would not have been more for the benefit of the unlearned, to have rendered the same word or phrase in Greek, by the fame word or phrase in English in every place in which it Occurs. Neither the authors nor revifers of our common verfion attended to this rule as they ought. Of Dr. Priestley's deviation from it, we have noticed the following inftances among many others: The verb @porxuvew, where Jefus is the object, is justly rendered by, make obeisance to; fometimes, bow down to, do bamage to, proftrate before; and in fome places, the old word, worship, is retained. John iv. 20. Dr. P. has, upon this mountain, for, in; in the preceding verfe, the common verfion is retained. The fame phrafe, which Mark v. 34. is juftly ren dered, cured of a difeafe, ver. 29. is tranflated, healed of a




plague. Matth. xii. 24. and other places, man, is juftly fupplied, inftead of, fellow: John ix. 29. Fellow is retained. Matth. xiii. 8. for, others, we have the reft: in the parallel places, the common verfion is preferved. Luke vii. 30. antew, is rendered, fruftrate; ch. x. 16. reject. In our common verfion we have, reject, in the former paffage, and, despise, in the latter. Matth. xiv. 19. Dr. Prieftley has, gave thanks, for, bleffed in Mark and Luke he has retained the common verfion. Luke x. 35. and other places, denarii, is juftly fubftituted for, pence: Matth. xviii. 28. Mark xiv. 5. and John xii. 5. the word pence is retained; and Mark vi. 37. John vi. 7. pennyworth. Matth. xxvi. 2. 15. we have deliver, for, betray: in the parallel places, and even in the fame chapter, the word beis retained. The Spirit of Truth, John xiv. 16. is called, as in our common verfion, the Comforter; in the two following chapters, the Advocate.


In another Article we propofe to make fome extracts from the Paraphrafe and Notes, in which are many things that do great credit to Dr. Prieftley and his affiftants, and which cannot fail to give pleasure to well-difpofed, inquifitive Chriftians of all denominations,

ART. II. The Army and Navy Gentleman's Companion. Or, A New and Complete Treatife of the Theory and Practice of Fencing. Difplaying the Intricacies of Smail Sword Play; and reducing the Art to the most eafy and familiar Principles by regular, progreffive Leffons. Illuftrated by mathematical Figures, and adorned with elegant Engravings after Paintings from Life, executed in the most maiterly Manner, reprefenting every material Attitude of the Art. By J. M'Arthur of the Royal Navy. 4to. os. 6d. Boards. Lavers in the Strand,

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S amidst the contending interefts, humours, and customs of mankind, it is difficult for individuals, however inoffenfively difpofed, to travel through life without difputes of one kind or other; and as thofe compliances which prudence fometimes, and religion always, teaches, will not, on every occafion, fupport the character implied by that magical term a gentleman; we are obliged to allow fencing to be a genteel and a useful exercife: it is alfo more peculiarly the proper object of attention to all who follow arms as a profeffion. The Public are there. fore under obligations to the Author of a work calculated to familiarize an art, the profeffors of which, as is natural in all arts, endeavour to retain as myfterioufly as poffible in their own hands.

The motives, fays Mr. M'Arthur, that principally induce me to publish the following treatife on the theory and practice of the art of fencing, are, because such treatifes as I have perufed, have been published by profeffors or teachers of that art, and are incomprehen

* We may add, that it is likewife a very healthful exercife.



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