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diately with the bark; for while the difease continues, there is no certainty, by any other method, to guard against the alarming and fatal fymptoms, which frequently and unexpectedly come on.’

The propriety of this practice appears to be justified by the fuccefs attending it, in numerous cafes, which are minutely related in the first part of this volume. After defcribing the cafe of a youth, who appears to have owed his recovery from a fever, attended with the worst symptoms, to the practice here recommended, the Author adds, that its novelty, and the fuc cess attending it in this cafe, as well as in feveral others which occurred foon after he came to refide at Newcastle, attracted the attention of the faculty at that place. The use of the bark, before this period, had been limited to that state of continued fever in which fymptoms of putrefcency appear. The ingenious and candid gentlemen, with whom I attended patients, tried this method of practice in fimilar cases its credit was foon eftablished; and I believe it is now adopted by every phyfician in this town.' In one particular cafe, we find a patient taking no less than an ounce and fix drachms of the powder of the bark in fix hours.

The fuccefsful cafes which the Author has given are twentyeight in number. He purpofely felected the most dangerous, that it might appear what confidence ought to be placed on the bark, in the cure of continued fevers. He afterwards takes particular notice of the cafes which terminated unfortunately; giving an account of the proportional number of patients who recovered, to those who died. In this evaluation, he confines himself to the cases of fevers which came under his care at the Difpenfary; not because his fuccefs had been greater there than in private practice; but because the numbers of the patients and the events could be more precisely ascertained.

From this ftate it appears, that 203 patients, labouring under continued fevers, had fallen under his care, from October 1, 1777, to October 1, 1779; of whom 196 have been discharged perfectly cured, fix died, and one was difmiffed for irregularity.

In the fecond part of this performance, the Author treats fully of the fcarlet fever, attended with ulcerated fore throat, as it appeared at Newcastle in 1778; firft defcribing this epidemic, as it came under his own obfervation; and then comparing it with the fcarlet fever of Authors, and the angina maligna. He next treats of the cure; and then exhibits a variety of cafes, in which the scarlet fever was attended either with mild ulcerations of the throat, or with gangrenous ulcers, or was followed by dropfical fwellings. On this fubject we fhall content ourselves with abridging fome of his conclufions from the whole of his obfervations and practice refpecting this disease,


The scarlet fever, he obferves, is a contagious difeafe, and almost always is attended with a fore throat; which is fometimes eryfipelatous, fometimes ulcerated, and fometimes of a putrid and gangrenous nature. On the 1ft, 2d, 3d, or 4th day, a red eruption appears upon the fkin; and after continuing for three, four, or more days, goes off in branny or thick broad fcales; and after the ceffation of fever, the disease often terminates in a dropsy.

The most important diftinctions in practice, relative to this diforder, are, to afcertain whether the difeafe is of an inflammatory nature; or whether it is attended with a disposition to putrefaction in the throat, or in the fyftem in general.

The mild fpecies of fcarlet fever, defcribed by Sydenham, requires little more than a proper attention to regimen. When the disorder is attended with erysipelatous inflammation, or with a mild ulcerated fore throat, antimonial emetics are proper, together with an antiphlogistic regimen, and detergent gargles; but, in the latter cafe, as foon as the action of the veflels is abated, the principal dependence is to be placed in the bark; which ought, from the beginning, to be prefcribed in large dofes, and affifted with an antifeptic cordial regimen, when the disease is attended with gangrenous ulcers in the throat, and a difpofition to putrefaction in the system.

Here, as in the preceding part, the Author relates the fuccefs of his practice in this diforder. Of thirty-fix patients whom he attended in private practice, thirty-two were reftored to health, and four died. In the Difpenfary, out of ninety-five, eightyone recovered, thirteen died, and one was difcharged for irregularity.

In his Appendix, the Author recommends an improvement in the annual reports of hofpitals, with a view to the important information which the faculty, and confequently the public, may derive from accurate and fatisfactory returns of the fick; and gives five fpecimens of tables adapted to that purpose. The art of medicine would doubtlefs, in time, be greatly improved, if a fcheme of this kind were profecuted in the numerous charitable inftitutions established in this kingdom.

ART. IV. The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas Wiljon, D. D. Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. With his Life, compiled from authentic Papers. By C. Crutwell. 4to, 2 Vols. 21. 12 s. 6 d. Dilly, &c. 17811


HE works of this venerable Prelate, which have already been published, are, A Short and plain Inftruction for the better understanding the Lord's Supper, &c. Knowledge and Practice of Chriftianity made easy to the meanest

meaneft Capacity; or, An Effay towards an Inftruction for the
Indians.' And The Hiftory of the Isle of Man, firft published in
Gibson's fecond edition of Camden's Britannia.
The two

former of these performances have been well received and efteemed. To thefe are added in the prefent collection, a treatife entitled Parochialia, which, as his Editor informs us, has been long known to the clergy of his own diocese; Sacra privata; Maxims of Piety and Chriftianity; Short Obfervations for reading the hiftorical Books of the Old Teftament; Form of Prayer for the Herring-fifhery; Form of Excommunication; Form of receiving Penitents; Inftructions for an academic Youth; Catechetical Inftructions.-Thefe, with fome other matters, and the Life of the Author, compofe the first volume. The second volume confifts of fermons, chiefly, if not altogether, on practical subjects.

The Memoirs of his Life acquaint us, that he was born in the year 1663, at Burton, in the county of Chefter. That he received the rudiments of his education at the county-town, and from thence was removed to the univerfity of Dublin. His allowance at the univerfity was twenty pounds a year; a fum, it is obferved, small as it may now appear, was in thofe days fufficient for a fober youth in fo cheap a country as Ireland.

His firft intention was to have applied to the ftudy of phyfic, but from this he was diverted by Archdeacon Hewetfon, by whofe advice he dedicated himself to the church. He continued at college till the year 1686, when, on the 29th of June, he was ordained deacon. The ordination was held for him alone, on the day of the confecration of the church of Kildare, in the presence of a very numerous congregation; and our pious divine ever after kept the anniversary of it holy, and poured forth his heart to God in a particular prayer on the occafion.'

The exact time of Mr. Wilfon's leaving Dublin is not known; but on account of the political and religious difputes of those days, it was fooner than he intended.

On the 10th of December in the fame year, he was licensed to the curacy of New Church in Winwick, of which Dr. Sherlock*, his maternal uncle, was Rector.' His ftipend was no more than thirty pounds a year; but being an excellent œconomist, and having the advantage of living with his uncle, this fmall income was not only fufficient to fupply his own wants, but it enabled him to supply the wants of others; and for this purpose he fet apart one-tenth of his income.'

Author of a book entitled, The practical Chriftian, or devout Penitent; of which feveral editions have been printed. To the fixtb is prefixed a short Account of his Life, written by Bishop Wilfon.

In 1692, he was appointed domeftic chaplain to William Earl of Derby, and tutor to his fon James Lord Strange, with a falary of thirty pounds a year. He was foon after elected mafter of the alms-houfe at Latham, which brought him in twenty pounds a year more. Having now an income far be yond his expectations, or his wishes, except as it increased his ability to do good, he now fet apart one fifth of his income for pious uses, and particularly for the poor.

In short, as his income increased, he increased the portion of it which was allotted to the purposes of charity. At first he fet apart a tenth, then a fifth, afterwards a third, and laftly, when he became a Bishop, he dedicated (as we suppose all other Bifhops do) the full half of his revenues to pious and charitable ules.

He had not been long in the fervice of Lord Derby, before he was offered the valuable living of Buddesworth in Yorkshire, which he refused to accept, as being inconfiftent with the refolves of his confcience against non-refidence, Lord Derby choofing still to retain him as chaplain, and tutor to his son.

In 1697 he was promoted, not without fome degree of compulfion on the part of his patron, to the bishopric of the Ifle of Man; a preferment which he held fifty-eight years.

In 1698, he married Mary, daughter of Thomas Patten, Efq; of Warrington. By this Lady, who furvived her marriage about fix years, he had four children, none of whom are living except Dr. Wilfon, Prebendary of Westminster.

The annual receipts of the bishopric did not exceed three hundred pounds in money. Some neceffaries in his house, as fpices, fugar, wine, books, &c. muft be paid for with money; diftreffed or fhipwrecked mariners, and fome other poor objects, required to be relieved with money; but the poor of the ifland were fed and clothed, and the houfe in general supplied from his demefnes, by exchange, without money. The poor, who could weave or fpin, found the beft market at Bishop'scourt, where they bartered the produce of their labour for corn. Taylors and fhoemakers were kept in the house conftantly employed, to make into garments or fhoes that cloth or leather which his corn had purchased; and the aged and infirm were fupplied according to their feveral wants. Mr. Moore of Douglafs informed the editor, that he was once witness to a pleafing and fingular inftance of the Bishop's attention to fome aged poor of the ifland. As he was diftributing fpectacles to fome whofe eyefight failed them, Mr. Moore expreffed his furprife, as he well knew not one of them could read a letter.

No matter," faid the Bishop with a fmile, " they will find ufe enough for them; these spectacles will help them to thread a needle,


a needle, to mend their clothes, or, if need be, to keep themfelves free from vermin.'

The year 1720 brings us to a remarkable epocha in the life of this zealous and worthy Bifhop. This part of his history I will be beft related in the Biographer's own words.

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• The fufpended perfon alluded to in the Bishop's charge of June the 9th, 1720, was no lefs a person than Mrs. Horn, wife of Capt. Horn, Governor of the island. In the year 1719, the accufed Mrs. Puller, a widow woman of fair character, of fornication with Sir James Pool; and from this story, to please Mrs. Horn, Archdeacon Horrobin refufed Mrs. Puller the facrament. Uneafy under this reftriction, fhe had recourse to the mode pointed out by the Conftitutions of the Church, to prove her innocence; namely, by oath, which the and Sir James Pool took before the Bishop, with compurgators of the beft character; and no evidence being produced to prove their guilt, they were by the Bishop cleared of the charge; and Mrs. Horn was fentenced to ask pardon of the parties whom he had fo unjustly traduced. This the refused to do; and treated the Bishop and his authority, as well as the ecclefiaftical conftitutions of the island, with contempt. For this indecent difrespect to the laws of the church, the ecclefiaftical cenfure was pronounced, which banished her from the facrament till atonement was made. The Archdeacon, who was Chaplain to the Governor, out of pique to the Bishop, or from fome unworthy motive, received her at the communion, contrary to the cuftom and orders of the church. An infult to himself the Bishop would have forgiven, but difobedience to the Church and its laws he could not allow of. He confidered it as the oblation of wrath, rather than the bond of peace, and at laft fufpended the Archdeacon. The Archdeacon, in a rage, inftead of applying to the Archbishop of York, as metropolitan, and confequently the proper judge to appeal to in matters relating to the church, threw himself on the civil power; and the Governor, under pretence that the Bishop had acted illegally and extrajudicially, fined him fifty pounds, and his two vicars-general, who had been officially concerned in the fufpenfion, twenty pounds each. This fine they all refufed to pay, as an arbitrary and unjust impofition upon which the Governor fent a party of foldiers, and they were, on the 29th of June 1722, committed to the prison of Caftle Rufhin, where they were kept clofely confined, and no perfons admitted within the walls to fee or converfe with them.' The Bishop was confined in this prifon two months, and released at the end of that time upon his petition to the King and Council.

Though the good Bishop's application of the fulmen ecclefiaficum might poffibly be neither prudent nor justifiable, yet the


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