820.2 PREFACE, BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. THE work of LORD KAMES, on Criticism, was first published in 1761, and dedicated to George III., then King of Great Britain. The royal patronage was solicited in its behalf, on the ground that it treats of the Fine Arts, which exert a beneficial influence in society, and that it attempts to form a standard of taste, by unfolding those principles that ought to govern the taste of every individual. In showing the importance of such an attempt, he says "It is rare to find one born with such delicacy of feeling, as not to need instruction: it is equally rare to find one so low in feeling, as not to be capable of instruction. And yet, to refine our taste with respect to beauties of art or of nature, is scarce endeavored in any seminary.of.learnitr a lamentable defect, considering how early in life taste is susceptible of culture, and hot difficult to reform.it if unhappily perverted. To furnishetials for supplying that defect, was an additional motive for the present undertaking." To Lord Kames we are greatly indebted for calling public attention to this subject, and for preparing a work that has long occupied a place in the colleges and academies of our own land. There seems to be no other work, even at this date, that is fitted to supply its place, nor, without great disadvantage to the cause of education, can it be laid aside; and yet, neither in its original form, nor with such additions as have been made, in this country, te the original work, is it free from some grave objections, 128124 с that have served, in many instances, to prevent its adop tion as a text-book, especially in female seminaries. Hence some retrenchment becomes necessary to the highest usefulness of the work: and it will not be doubted that it may receive great improvement, by additions which may be made from the works of distinguished authors, who have written with great power and exquisite taste upon many of the topics treated by our author nearly a hundred years ago. These views, upon inquiry, having been found to agree with those of not a few enlightened and experienced teachers, the Editor has been prompted to expend a large amount of labor, for the improvement of the work of Lord Kames, that its usefulness may be increased and perpetuated in colleges and other seminaries of learning, as well as in public and private libraries. The chief points of superiority claimed for the present edition, are the following: 1. The matter heretofore contained in an Appendix has been brought forward; and constitutes, as it should, the first part of the Introduction, being needed as a preparation for an easy study of the volume, and likely to be overlooked as an appendi. 2: Frequent omissions have been made in the text and notes, where the matter was found to be either obsolete, of no utility; or objectionable on account of its indelicacy. 3. Many of the poetical quotations (particularly some of those in foreign languages), that seemed to be an incumorance rather than an advantage to the work for purposes of education, have been abbreviated or omitted. 4. Space has thus been gained for a large amount of valuable matter, which has been carefully selected from modern authors who have treated certain topics more philosophically and accurately than Lord Kames, whose work was written nearly a century ago. These additions, |