Abbildungen der Seite

sufficiently provided for in the original document, since all, which is therein referred to, has been mentioned already.'

95. G.xvii.1-27, Elohist.

We have here the E. account of God's making a covenant with Abraham, and giving him a promise of great blessings, which last, as noted in (62), the Jehovist has already anticipated in xii. 1-3, where he makes Jehovah give such promises to Abram about twenty-four years previously, before he had even left his fatherland of Charran.

*(i) v.1, ‘and Abram was a son of 99 years,' refers to xvi.16.

(ii) v.1, date of the Call of Abraham (10.vii).

(iii) v.1, 'IN, 'I,' (19.ix).

(iv) v.1, and He said unto him, I am El Shaddai';

comp. and Elohim said to him, I am El Shaddai,' xxxv.11;

'and He said unto him, I am Jehovah, and I appeared... by El Shaddai,',3;

comp. also 'El Shaddai' in xxviii.3, xlviii.3.

J has also El Shaddai,' xliii.14, xlix.25.

*(v) v.1, 'be perfect (□)'; comp. 'Noah was perfect,' vi.9.

*(vi) v.2, 'I will (give) set my covenant between me and thee';

comp. the covenant which I am setting between me and thee,' ix.12.

*(vii) v.2, 'give a covenant,' (46.xxv).

*(viii) v.2,4, &c. 'my covenant,' (19.xiii).

*(ix) v.2, 'I will very greatly multiply thee,' + v.6, 'I will very greatly fructify thee,''I will very greatly multiply and fructify thee';

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*(x) v.2,6,20, TND TN, 'exceedingly,' xvii. 2,6,20, E.i.7.

*(xi) v.3,22,23, ‘speak with (),' xvii.3,22,23, xxi.2, xxiii.8, xxxv.13,14,15; E uses also 'speak unto (),'xxiii.3,13, never 'speak with (Dy)' or 'speak to (?)': In the rest of Genesis all four forms occur, but that with twenty-two times, and that with n six times, while E uses the latter eight times and the former twice. *(xii) v.4, 'thou shalt be father of a multitude of nations';

comp. 'a father of a multitude of nations will I (give) set thee,' xvii.5;

'I will (give) set thee for nations, and kings shall go-forth out of thee,' xvii.6;

'she shall be for nations; kings of peoples shall be out of her,' xvii.16 ; 'twelve princes shall he beget, and I will (give) set him for a great nation,' xvii.20;

'that thou mayest be for a company of peoples,' xxviii.3;

‘a nation and a company of nations shall be out of thee, and kings shall go-forth out of thy loins,' xxxv.11;

'and I will (give) set thee for a company of peoples,' xlviii.4.

(xiii) v.5, 'thy name shall not be called any longer Abram (D738, = ‘high father'); but thy name shall be called Abraham (Dņ‡N); for a father of a multitude (ji) of nations do I (give) set thee'; the name 'Abraham' derived indirectly;

comp. similar indirect Elohistic derivations by allusion, xvii. 15,17,20, xxv.25,26, Xxx.8°,11,13,18,20,24*, and the notes on these passages.

*(xiv) v.6, 'kings shall go-forth out of thee';

comp. 'kings shall go-forth out of thy loins,' xxxv.11;

'the souls that went-forth out of his thigh,' xlvi.26;
'the souls that went-forth out of Jacob's thigh,' E.i.5.

*(xv) v.7, 'and I establish my covenant between me and thy seed after thee'; comp. 'and I will establish my covenant with you and your seed after you,' ix.9. N.B. E uses in ix.12,13,17, xvii.2,7,10,11, and ♫ in ix.9, xvii.4,21.

*(xvi) v.7,19,21, 'establish a covenant,' (19.xii).

*(xvii) v.7,8,9, 'thou and thy seed after thee,' v.10, 'you and thy seed after thee,' v.19, 'he and his seed after him,' (46.xviii).

*(xviii) v.7,9,12, 'after their (your) generations,' (19.ii).

(xix) v.7,13,19, 'everlasting covenant,' (46.xxvi).

(xx) v.7, 'to be to thee for Elohim,' v.8, and I will be to them for Elohim'; comp. 'and I will be to you for Elohim,'—also J(xxviii.21). *(xxi) v.8, ‘and I will give to thee (Abraham) and to thy seed after thee, the land of thy sojournings, all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession'; comp. 'that he may give to thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee and to thy seed with thee, to thy inheriting the land of thy sojournings, which Elohim gave to Abraham,' xxviii. 4;

'and the land, which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land,' xxxv.12;

'to give to them the land of their sojournings, in which they sojourned,

N.B. There is no record of any appearance of El Shaddai to Isaac, and Isaac's own language in xxviii.4(E), quoted above, seems to exclude the idea that any such appearance had been related by the Elohist-' and may He (El Shaddai) give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee and to thy seed after thee, that thou mayest inherit the land which Elohim gave to Abraham,'-where the gift of the land is spoken of as 'the blessing of Abraham,' but no mention is made of the land having been given by direct revelation to Isaac himself. Apparently, therefore, the land is spoken of in xxxv.12, quoted above, as 'given' to Isaac, because it was given to him in the blessing of Abraham,' xxviii.4, by virtue of the words 'to thee and to thy seed after thee,' xvii.8, and especially by virtue of those in xvii.19, 'Indeed,' Sarah thy wife shall bear to thee a son, and thou shalt call his name Isaac; and establish my covenant with him, for an everlasting covenant to his seed after him.' *(xxii) v.8, 'land of thy sojournings,' xxviii.4;

comp. land of their sojournings,' xxxvi.7;

'land of his father's sojournings,' xxxvii.1;

'years of my sojournings,' xlvii. 9;

'days of their sojournings,' xlvii.9;

'land of their sojournings, in which they sojourned,' *(xxiii) v.8, 7376, 'possession,' xvii.8,xxiii. 4,9,20,xxxvi. 43,xlvii.11,xlviii. 4,1.13. *(xxiv) v.10, ‘between me and between you and between thy seed after thee'; comp. 'between me and between you and between every living soul that is with you,' ix.12.

*(xxv) v.11, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me and you ;’

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comp. and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me and the earth,' ix. 13.

*(xxyi) v.11, 'sign of a covenant,' as in ix.12,17.

(xxvii) v.14, 'that soul shall be cut off from his people';

comp. 'all flesh shall not be again cut off,' ix.11.

(xxviii) v.14, Wḥ‡, 'soul,' used for 'person,' (60.vii).

(xxix) v.15, 'as for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai ( =‘my princess'); for Sarah (princess') is her name'—an indirect derivation of the name 'Sarah,' with allusion, probably, to v.16, 'kings of peoples shall be out of her,' (95.xiii).

(xxx) v.17, ‘and Abraham fell upon his face and laughed,' with allusion to the name Isaac (pṛy? = 'he laughs'), by which the promised son is to be called, v.19, apparently in remembrance of this 'laughing,' (95.xiii).

(xxxi) v.17, ' and Abraham fell upon his face,' as in v.3.

(xxxii) v.17, 'and said in his heart,' as in xxvii.41(J); comp. also 'said unto his heart,' viii.21(J), ‘speaking unto my heart,' xxiv.45(J); neither of these formulæ occurs again in the Pentateuch.

(xxxiii) v.17, ¡Ŋ, ‘hundred,' as in xxiii.1; elsewhere E has (10.ix). (xxxiv) v.17, ages of Abraham and Sarah at Isaac's birth (10.vii).

(xxxv) v.18, 'would that Ishmael might live before thee!' refers to the birth of Ishmael, xvi. 15 (E).

(xxxvi) v.20, 'as for Ishmael, I have heard thee,'-with allusion to the name Ishmael (y = 'El hears,' (95.xiii);

comp. also the Jehovistic derivation of the name in xvi.11.

(xxxvii) v.20, Noy, ‘prince,' xvii.20, xxiii.6, xxv.16,—also J(xxxiv.2).

*(xxxviii) v.20, in, beget,' (10.viii).

(xxxix) v.22, and Elohim went-up from Abraham';

comp. and Elohim went-up from him,' xxxv.13.

*(xl) v.23,26, 'on the bone of that day' = on that selfsame day, vii.13, xvii.23,26. (xli) v.24,25, dates of the circumcision of Abraham and Ishmael, (10.vii). *(xlii) v.27, ‘with (ɲ) him,' as a kind of expletive, (19.xiv).

96. xviii.1-33.

BOEHMER remarks, p.203, that the name 'Abraham' is— missing in this verse, which could not properly be absent after xvi.11-14.

He means to say that, in the original independent narrative of J, xviii.1 must have followed xvi.11-14, and therefore must have contained a mention of Abraham's name.

Accordingly, it may be suggested that the Compiler has left it out either accidentally or purposely.


Accidentally he could not have left it out of the verse; since a substitute, appeared unto him,' is given in v.1 for 'appeared unto Abraham.' And what possible reason can be given for his having designedly omitted it and inserted this equivalent?

It may be said, however, that a whole Jehovistic section may have been omitted, at the end of which the name appeared, to which the reference is made in v.1. This is certainly possible: but our own view is that the Jehovist has merely supplemented the original story by interpolating this passage, with reference to the next-preceding words of the Elohist in xvii.24-27. 97. xviii. 1-33, Jehovist, except v.18,19.

(i) v.1, and Jehovah appeared unto him,' (

(ii) v.1, by the terebinths of Mamre,' as in xiii.18.

(iii) v.1, 'heat of the day;' comp. 'cool (lit. wind) of the day,' iii.8.

*(iv) v.2, 'lift up the eyes and see,' (63.xv).

*(v) v.2, ], 'stand-up,' xviii.2, xxiv.13,43, xxviii.13, xxxvii.7, xlv.1; comp. xxi.28, xxviii.12, xxxiii.20, xxxv.14,20.

*(vi) v.2, by ay, 'stand beside,' xviii.2, xxiv.13,43, xxviii.13, xlv.1.

*(vii) v.2, 'ran to meet,' xviii.2, xxiv. 17, xxix.13, xxxiii.4; comp. 'rose to meet,' xix. 1, 'went-out to meet,' xxx.16, 'come to meet,' xxxii.6, 'go-up to meet,' xlvi. 29. *(viii) v.2, 'ran to meet,' comp. 'ran to draw,' xxiv. 20, 'ran and told,' xxiv. 28,xxix.12. *(ix) v.2, 'bow to the earth,' xviii.2, xix.1, xxiv.52, xxxiii.3, xxxvii. 10, xliii.26, xlviii.12.

*(x) v.3, 'thy servant,' v.5, 'your servant,' comp. xviii.3,5, xix.2,19, xxiv.14, xxvi. 24, xxxii.4,10,18,20, xxxiii. 5,14, xlii. 10,11,13, xliii. 28, xliv.7,9,16,18,18,19,21, 23,24,27,30,31,31,32,33, xlvi.34, xlvii.3,4,4, L18.

*(xi) v.3, ‘if, I pray, (ND) I have found favour in thine eyes,' xviii.3, xxx. 27, xxxiii. 10, xlvii.29, 1.4.

(xii) v.3, 'find favour in the eyes of,' (13.xii).

*(xiii) v.3,30,32, -, 'let not, I pray,' (63.xii).

*(xiv) v.4, 'a little water,' as in xxiv.17,43; comp. 'a little food,' xliii.2, xliv.25, 'a little balm,' 'a little honey,' xliii.11.

*(xv) v.4, 'wash your feet,' xviii.4, xix.2, xliii.24.

(xvi) v.5, by, therefore,' (3.xvii).

(xvii) v.5, 'so do according as thou hast spoken';

comp. 'He did to Sarah according as He had spoken,' xil; 'I have done, according as thou hast spoken,' xxvii. 19. (xviii) v.10,14, 'there shall be a son to Sarah,' (58.v.N.B.). *(xix) v.11, ‘and Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in days';

comp. 'and Abraham was old, advanced in days,' xxiv.l.

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(xx) v.12, and Sarah laughed,' v.13, 'why did Sarah laugh?' v.15, ‘I laughed not,' 'thou didst laugh,' indirect derivation of the name Isaac (= he laughs), (3.iv). *(xxi) v.12,24, 27, ‘in the midst of,' xviii. 12,24, xxiv.3, xxv. 22, xlv.6, xlviii. 16. E uses only ina, i.6, xix.29, xxiii.6,9,10, which J also uses, ii.9, iii.3,8, &c. *(xxii) v.14, jp x, 'be more wonderful than,' (5.xviii).

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*(xxiv) v.16, ħpy, ‘look,' xviii. 16, xix.28, xxv.8.

(xxv) v.16,22,26, 'Sodom,' v.20, 'Sodom and Gomorrah,' (50.xi).

(xxvi) v.17, ‘And Jehovah said, Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?' v.20,21, 'and Jehovah said, The cry of Sodom, &c.';

comp. similar secret speeches ascribed to Jehovah (3.xii).

*(xxvii) v.20, ¡pyt, v.21, npyy, 'cry,' xviii.20,21, xix. 13, xxvii.34; comp. iv.10, 'the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me,' and pyy, 'cry,' xxvii.34, xli.55. *(xxviii) v.20, 79, 'heavy,' (59.xiv).

(xxix) v.21, 'let me go down and see;'

comp. 'Jehovah went down to see,' xi.5, 'let us go down,' xi.7.

*(xxx) v.21, No-DṆ, 'if not,' xviii.21, xxiv.8,21,38,41,49, xxvii.21, xxxiv.17 xxxvii.32, xlii. 16,37.

*(xxxi) v.22, map, 'face towards,' xviii.22, xxiv.31,49,63.

*(xxxii) v.23, vl, 'come-near,' xviii. 23, xix. 9,9, xxvii.21,22,25,25,26,27, xxix. 10, xxxiii.3,6,7,7, xliii. 19, xliv.18, xlv.4,4, xlviii.10,13.

(xxxiii) v.23,24, 8, as in iii.1.

*(xxxiv) v.23,24,, npp, 'destroy,' as in xix.15,17.

*(xxxv) v.24,28,29,30,31,32,, perhaps,' (86.ii).

*(xxxvi) v.24,26, 'forgive,' (5.xix).

(xxxvii) v.24, yp, in order to,' 'by reason of,' (59.xviii).

*(xxxviii) v.25,25, ihn, far be it,' xviii.24,25, xliv.7,17.

*(xxxix) v.25, 'according to this (word) thing,' xviii.25, xxxii.19;

comp. 'according to these (words) things,' xxiv.28, xxxix.17,19, xliv.7; comp. xxx.34, xliii.7, xliv.10, xlvii.30.

*(xl) v.25, ♫ņņ, ‘put-to-death,' xviii.25, xxvi.11, xxxvii. 18, xxxviii. 7,10, xlii.37. *(xli) v.26,29,31,32, ay, for the sake of,' (4.xviii).

*(xlii) v.27,31, N‡, behold, I pray !' (59.xv).

(xliii) v.27, pp, 'dust and ashes,'—alliteration as in (5.xvii).

*(xliv) v.29, 'add to speak,' (5.iv).

*(xlv) v.30,32, ‘be kindled (viz. anger) to,' (5.viii).

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*(xlvi) v.32, this time,' (3.xv).

*(xlvii) v.33, as he had finished to speak unto Abraham';

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