HOUSE LEADERSHIP OFFICES For salaries and expenses of the House Leadership Offices, $14,704,000. Each Leadership office may be entitled to a statutory allowance, lump sum allowance and/or official expense allowance pursuant to existing statute. The Statutory Allowance authorizes each Leadership Office certain positions and compensation rates specifically established by law. A lump sum allowance is authorized to all Leadership Offices except the Speaker's Office for Legislative Floor Activities and Nine Minority Employees. The lump sum allowance provides funding for all other positions and non-personnel expenditures. An annual official expense allowance is authorized to the Speaker, the Majority and Minority Leaders and the Whips. The fiscal year 2001 budget request represents full funding of all authorizations for each leadership office. A parity has been maintained between the Majority and Minority Offices, excluding the Speaker, and two-thirds of the nine minority employees. I will now present each Leadership Office funding request. Note: The Fiscal Year 1999 enacted amount includes reprogram activity approved by the Subcommittee on Legislative. The Fiscal Year 2000 enacted amount has been reduced by the $142,000 referenced under the House Leadership Offices section of the Fiscal Year 2000 OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER (See Pages 17-18 Subcommittee Print) For the Office of the Speaker, $1,798,000. This request includes full funding for six statutory positions, a lump sum allowance and $25,000 for the Speaker's official expense allowance. The lump sum allowance is an amount established by law and increased each year by the annual cost of living adjustment pursuant to existing law. This allowance is used for personnel and non-personnel expenses for this office. Comparative Statement of Enacted/Requested Appropriations FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 $ 1,686,000 $ 1,722,699 $1,798,000 Note: Of the $142,000 FY 2000 mandatory Leadership reduction, $17,301 has been applied to this account. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY FLOOR LEADER (See Pages 19-20 Subcommittee Print) For the Office of the Majority Floor Leader, $1,761,000. This request includes full funding for six statutory positions, a lump sum allowance and $10,000 for the Leader's official expense allowance. The lump sum allowance is an amount established by law and increased each year by the annual cost of living adjustment pursuant to existing law. This allowance is used for personnel and non-personnel expenses for this office. Note: Of the $142,000 FY 2000 mandatory Leadership reduction, $17,023 has been applied to this account. OFFICE OF THE MINORITY FLOOR LEADER For the Office of the Minority Floor Leader, $2,140,000. This request includes full funding for seven statutory positions, a lump sum allowance and $10,000 for the Leader's official expense allowance. The lump sum allowance is an amount established by law and increased each year by the annual cost of living adjustment pursuant to existing law. This allowance is used for personnel and non-personnel expenses for this office. Comparative Statement of Enacted/Requested Appropriations FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 $ 1,927,515 $ 2,049,495 $ 2,140,000 Note: The Fiscal Year 1999 enacted amount includes reprogram activity approved by the Subcommittee on Legislative. Of the $142,000 FY 2000 Leadership reduction, $21,505 has been applied to this account. OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY WHIP (See Pages 23-24 Subcommittee Print) For the Office of the Majority Whip, including the Chief Deputy Majority Whip, $1,500,000. This request includes full funding for three statutory positions, a lump sum allowance for both the Majority Whip and Chief Deputy, and $5,000 for the Majority Whip's official expenses allowance. The lump sum allowance is an amount established by law and increased each year by the annual cost of living adjustment pursuant to existing law. This allowance is used for personnel and non-personnel expenses for this office. Note: The Fiscal Year 1999 enacted amount includes reprogram activity approved by the Subcommittee on Legislative. Of the $142,000 FY 2000 Leadership reduction, $19,496 has been applied to this account. |