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the letters herein described, are a base forgery, and that never saw or heard of them until they appeared in print. The present letter I commit to your care, and desire it may be deposited in the office of the Department of State as a testimony of the truth to the present generation and to posterity."

On the fourth of March 1797, he attended the Inauguration of his successor in office. Great sensibility was manifested by the members of the Legislature and other distinguished characters, when he entered the Senate Chamber; and much admiration expressed, at the complacence and delight, he manifested at seeing another clothed with the authority, with which he had himself been invested.

Having paid his affectionate compliments to Mr. Adams as President of the United States, he bid adieu to the seat of government, and hastened to the de lights of domestick life. He intended that his jour ney should have been private, but the attempt was vain; the same affectionate and respectful attentions were on this occasion paid him, which he had received during his Presidency.

At the adoption of the Federal Constitution, foreign powers refused all negotiation with Congress, publick credit was lost, nor was any function of a living government performed. Under his own auspices, General WASHINGTON saw a National Government firmly established, and the country rise to a state of strength and respectability; controversies with foreign nations, which had long existed, and which involved the best interests of the United States settled; the resources of the country explored and brought into action; the debts of the war funded, and credit restored, through all the ramifications of publick and private concerns; the agriculture and commerce of his country flourishing beyond example, and its capital doubled.

One cloud only at this time horizon of the United States.

obscured the political France had assumed a

threatening attitude; but for the peace and safety of the country, the General confided in the patriotism of his fellow citizens, under the providence of Hea


In the rejection of the American Envoys by the Court of France, in their menaces to the United States, and in the measures adopted under the administration of Mr. Adams, his feelings were deeply Interested. When the indignities of the Directory exceeded endurance, and the spirit of the American nation was roused to resistance, every eye was directed to him as the Military leader. He might, without Jealousy, be placed at the head of a powerful army, and could bring into the field all the military strength and talents of the country.

Colonel Hamilton in May 1798, intimated to him this universal expectation; to whom General WASHING TON thus replied.

"You may be assured that my mind is deeply im pressed with the present situation of publick affairs, and not a little agitated by the outrageous conduct of France towards the United States, and at the inimica' conduct of those partisans who aid and abet her mea sures. You may believe further, from assurances equally sincere, that if there was any thing in my power to be done consistently, to avert or lessen the danger of the crisis, it should be rendered with hand and heart.

"But, my dear Sir, dark as matters appear at pro sent, and expedient as it is to be prepared for the worst that can happen (and no man is more disposed to this measure than I am) I cannot make up my mind yet, for the expectation of open war; or, in other words, for a formidable invasion by France. I cannot believe, although I think her capable of any thing, that she will attempt to do more than she has done. When she perceives the spirit and policy of this country ising into resistance, and that she has falsely calulated

upon support from a large part of the people to promote her views and influence in it, she will desist even from these practices, unless unexpected events in Europe, or the acquisition of Louisiana and the Floridas should induce her to continue them. And I believe further, that although the leaders of their party in this country will not change their sentiments, they will be obliged to change their plan, or the mode of carrying it on. The effervescence which is appearing in all quarters and the desertion of their followers, will frown them into silence, at least for a while.

"If I did not view things in this light, my mind would be infinitely more disquieted than it is: for, if a crisis should arrive when a sense of duty, or a call from ry country should become so imperious as to leave me no choice, I should prepare for relinquishment, and go with as much reluctance from my present peaceful abode, as I should go to the tombs of my ancestors."

In June, President Adams wrote General WASHINGTON a letter in which he thus alluded to his again appearing in a publick character.

"In forming an army, whenever I must come to that extremity, I am at an immense loss whether to call out all the old Generals, or to appoint a young set. If the French come here, we must learn to march with a quick step, and to attack, for in that way only they are said to be vulnerable. I must tax you sometimes for advice. We must have your name, if you will, in any case, permit us to use it. There will be more efficacy in it than in many an army."

Four days after the Secretary of War addressed him in the following manner on the same subject.

"May we flatter ourselves that, in a crisis so awful and important, you will accept the command of all our armies? I hope you will, because you alone can unite all hearts and all hands, if it is possible that they can be united."

To the President he thus replied.

"At the epoch of my retirement, an invasion of these states by any European power, or even the probability of such an event in my days, was so far from being contemplated by me, that I had no conception either that or any other occurrence would arise, in so short a period, which could turn my eyes from the shades of Mount Vernon. But this seems to be the age of wonders. And it is reserved for intoxicated and lawless France (for purposes of providence far beyond the reach of human ken) to slaughter her own citizens, and to disturb the repose of all the world besides. From a view of the past, from the prospect of the present, and of that which seems to be expected, it is not easy for me to decide satisfactorily on the part it might best become me to act. In case of actu al invasion by a formidable force, I certainly should not entrench myself under the cover of age and retirement, if my services should be required by my country to assist in repelling it. And if there be good cause to expect such an event, which certainly must be better known to the government than to private citizens, delay in preparing for it may be dangerous, improper, and not to be justified by prudence. The uncertainty however of the latter, in my mind, creates my embarrassment; for I cannot bring it to believe, regardless as the French are of treaties, and of the laws of nations, and capable as I conceive them to be of any species of despotism and injustice, that they w'll attempt to invade this country after such an uniform and unequivocal expression of the determination of the people in all parts to oppose them with their lives and fortunes. That they have been led to believe by their agents and partisans among us that we are a divided people, that the latter are opposed to their own government, and that the show of a small force would occasion a revolt, I have no doubt; and how far these men (grown desperate) will further at

tempt to deceive, and may succeed in keeping up the deception is problematical. Without that, the folly of the Directory in such an attempt would, I conceive, be more conspicuous, if possible, than their wickedness.

"Having with candour made this disclosure of the state of my mind, it remains only for me to add, that to those who know me best, it is best known, that should imperious circumstances induce me to exchange once more the smooth paths of retirement for the thorny ways of publick life, at a period too when repose is more congenial to nature, that it would be productive of sensations which can be more easily conceived than expressed."

To the question of the Secretary of War, this was his answer.

"It cannot be necessary for me to premise to you or to others who know my sentiments, that to quit the tranquillity of retirement, and enter the boundless field of responsibility, would be productive of sensations which a better pen than I possess would find it difficult to describe. Nevertheless the principle by which my conduc. has been actuated through life, would not suffer me, in any great emergency, to withhold any services I could render when required by my country; especially in a case where its dearest rights are assailed by lawless ambition and intoxicated power, in contempt of every principle of justice, and in violation of solemn compacts, and of laws which govern all civilized nations and this too with the obvious intent to sow thick the seeds of disunion, for the purpose of subjugating our government, and destroying our independence and happiness.

"Under circumstances like these, accompanied by an actual invasion of our territory, it would be difficult for me at any time to remain an idle spectator under the plea of age or retirement. With sorrow, it is true, I should quit the shades of my peaceful abode, and the ease and happiness I now enjoy, to encounter anew

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