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in the Globe Bank, Boston, which transacts the business of the Brunswick Bank.

(2.) The Union Bank, chartered Feb. 15, 1825, was renewed and continued April 1, 1831. Its Directors are, David Dunlap, President, Isaac Lincoln, Abner B. Thompson, all of Brunswick, and William Frost and Samuel Perkins of Topsham,-Joseph McKeen, Cashier,

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Liabilities of Directors, not known-Cashier being absent. Last year's dividend five per cent. Amount of taxes paid to the State under the old and new charter 7,250 dollars. Number of Stockholders 48. Of the sum "due from other banks," 10,100 dollars 56 cents were owing from Commonwealth Bank, Boston, when it badly suspended; the residue in the Suffolk and the Globe Banks. The Act of Feb. 8, 1834, authorizing the increase of Capital $25,000, was not adopted.

In CALAIS are three banks, (1) the Calais, (2) St. Croix, and (3) Washington County-with an aggregate Capital of 200,000 dollars. Neither of these have suspended specie payments.

(1.) Calais Bank, chartered April 1, 1831,-has Directors, George Downes, President, Samuel Kelley, Luther C. White, Francis Swan, and Lewis Wilson, all of Calais,-Joseph A. Lee, Cashier,

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Liabilities of Directors, 29,456 dollars. The original Stock of 50,000 dollars increased under Act of March 1835, to 100,000 dollars. Amount of taxes paid to the State 6,193 dollars. Last year's dividend six per cent. Stockholders 51. More than half of the notes in the bank are past due-36,000 dollars secured by mortgage-8,598 entered under a "Suspense Account," being in a train of collection. Specie is received from the Provincial Banks, and the West Indies, and often remitted to Boston. This bank has dealt largely in Foreign Bills of Exchange, those of 60 days are often worth eight per cent. premium; they are endorsed by men of ability on the States' side of the line; the face paid, and as much more as they will bring, after deducting exchange and expense.

(2.) St. Croix Bank, chartered April 1, 1836,--has Directors, Jeremiah Curtis, President, Dwight B. Barnard, George F. Wadsworth, Noah Smith, all of Calais,-James S. Pike, Cashier.

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Directors' liabilities 16,038. Taxes paid to the State 1,500 dollars. Dividend three per cent. Stockholders 43.-This bank owns of its stock 7,500 dollars. Also the bank relies upon 7 or 8,000 dollars more of its stock for security of its notes. Cashier thinks there is not much doubtful paper in the bank. Certain it is, individuals have had loans in sums too large; there is too much past due;-nearly half the deposit is on time and interest.

(3.) Washington County Bank, chartered March 21, 1835, has Directors, Seth Emerson, President, Rendol Whidden, Stephen Emerson, Luther Bracket and Bion Bradbury, all of Calais,-Harrison Tweed, Cashier.

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Probably 30,000 dollars or more of the discounted paper are past due. To secure a loan of 10,000 dollars made to “ A. Reed & Co." as principal, and A. Reed one of the same firm, surety, there are pledged 225 shares of the Capital Stock of this bank; also 3,000 dollars were loaned to said Reed, and Lucius Bradbury, endorser; and July 27, 1836, 4,000 dollars discounted to Directors of American House, payable in ten years, secured by mortgage of 3,000 dollars. Amount of taxes paid to the State, 2,013 dollars 19 cents.

At CAMDEN is one bank, the Megunticook, chartered April 1, 1836, with a capital of 50,000 dollars,-whereof only 49,000 dollars were filled. Its Directors are William Carleton, President, Joseph Jones, Samuel G. Adams, Elisha Gilkey, Robert

Chase, Jacob Trafton, Joseph C. Stetson, all of Camden,Nathaniel Dillingham, Cashier.

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Liabilities of two Directors, 11,505 dollars,-of all, 15,738 dollars. Last year's dividend five and one-half per cent. Amount paid to the State 1,203 dollars 95 cents. The discounted paper in this bank appears to be in good order-quite a small amount thought to be doubtful. As there are not less than 150,000 casks of lime manufactured in Camden, yearly, and mostly exported; it is said, the "Cargo Notes," as they are termed, consist of the best paper discounted, for they are given by purchasers, on time-when a sale will probably be effected, and a remittance made,-often collaterally secured by a policy on the vessel and cargo.-Stockholders 78.

In EASTPORT is the Frontier Bank only, chartered April 1, 1836, has Directors, Aaron Hayden, President, Charles Peavy, John A. Balkham, Jonathan Buck and Lorenzo Sabine, all of Eastport, and Jeremiah Fowler of Lubec,-and Edward Ilsley, Cashier.

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Liabilities of Directors, 29,329 dollars. Last year's dividend six per cent. Amount paid in taxes to the State, 2,890 dollars 19 cents. Stockholders 37. Of the Stock 19,600 dollars are owned in New Brunswick. There are in the British Provinces, at St. Stephens, the St. Stephens Bank; at St. Andrews Charlotte County Bank; at St. Johns, Commercial Bank; Bank of British North America, and Bank of New Brunswick; at Fredericton, Central Bank, and Fredericton Bank, and two private banks, viz. B. Smith's and M. & A. Connell's bills. These latter are taken and sent home. The others are received at par in payment of debts and in deposite by this and the banks at Calais-and these exchange bills with those monthly, and generally have balances, which are paid in specie, or drafts on Boston; by which means our border Banks are sufficiently replenished with specie. The Provincial Banks are examined every year by a Commissioner, pay no tax, are sound,-issue bills in pounds and shillings.

At FRANKFORT is only the Frankfort Bank, incorporated April 1, 1836. It has Directors, Benjamin Shaw, President, Nehemiah Rich, Elisha Chick, Jr., all of Frankfort, William B. Reed of Bangor and Jones Shaw of Northport;-Benjamin Johnson, Cashier.

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Directors' liabilities 13,725 dollars. Dividends of last year four per cent. Amount of taxes paid the State 1,560 dollars. Number of Stockholders 41: of demands, 73. Doubtful paper is supposed not to exceed 5,000 dollars; yet slow and hard of collection in a large amount. Towards security of different

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