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BROWN might have said, without being chargeable with vanity or exaggeration; and, if his false modesty prevents him from doing himself justice, there is so much the more reason for his receiving it at the hands of his neighbours.

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Another Extract from Brown. It must be grate'ful to the feelings of every friend to his country, to observe even those who have long been in the habits of looking upon every proof of American "worth with a jealous eye, obliged notwithstanding, to render their tribute of applause to one of the greatest characters that this, or perhaps any other country has ever produced. The authors of the Analytical Review, in their retrospect of the 'active world for the year 1796, thus express themselves :

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• This year GENERAL WASHINGTON, the greatest of cotemporary men, as Catharine was ' of cotemporary sovereigns, resigned the presidency of the American States. Having rescued his country from the tyranny of the English government, and restored it, by a commercial treaty, to 6 an amicable connection with the British nation, he voluntarily retired from power, after giving 'the most profound instruction and advice respecting Union, Virtue, Liberty and Happiness, be6 tween all of which there was a close connection, with the most ardent prayers for the prosperity and peace of America. There is nothing in profane history to which this sublime address can be compared. In our sacred scriptures we find a 'parallel in that recapitulation of the divine in'structions and commands, which the legislator of 'the Jews made, in the hearing of Israel, when they 'were about to pass the Jordan."

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[See Review for Jan. 1797.]

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The choice of this extract, with the introductory remark on it, is an instance, among thousands, that daily appear, of the gross ignorance that presides over the American press.-BROWN, poor innocent, knows nothing of the work from which the extract is taken; nay, I much question, if he knows what a REVIEW is, any further than that it is a pretty thick octavo pamphlet, within a blue cover. It is some soft-brained correspondent who has sent him this, without perceiving, I dare say, that instead of a panegyric on GENERAL WASHINGTON, it is really a most cruel libel on his character and his conduct.

He says, these Reviews "have long been in the "habit of looking upon every proof of American "worth with a jealous eye,”—Who told him this lie? They are a set of factious sectarians, republicans in principle, and, of course, enemies of the British Monarchy, though born and bred under its fostering wings. They have uniformly espoused the cause of France, against their own country, and, since the French have openly discovered their hostility to America, these very Reviewers have as uniformly espoused the French cause against her also. They are a set of scoundrels sold to France, at present; and their sole object is to destroy the Church and State in Great Britain.-They, jealous of American worth!-On the contrary, they ever have, till lately, sung the praises of the Americans, and their government; not because they loved, or admired either; but merely because the former had oveturned the British government in this country, and had raised the latter on its ruins.


"Having rescued his country from the TYRANNY of the British Government."-It was to introduce this vile slander on the British Government, that they undertook an eulogy on General Washington and his farewell address; and Brown's correspon



dent will excuse me, if I think, that it was with a view equally malicious, though not quite so unnatural, that he conveyed the extract to this stupid news-monger.

Boston, July 12.

French Barbarity, unequalled.-Mr. Samuel Prince who arrived in town yesterday from Basseterre (Guad.) via Salem, has communicated the following particulars of a transaction, which must rouse the indignation, and interest the feelings of every American.

Capt. Ebenezer Smith, of the armed ship Hunter of this place, bound for Martinique, in lat. 14, 38, fell in with a French privateer schooner of 8 guns and 80 men, who after hailing Capt. S. and demanding him to come on board with his papers, was replied by Capt. S. that he was willing to see them on board and exhibit his papers; but that he was engaged in a lawful trade, and being armed would suffer no other interruption.

The privateer then immediately fired, and re- ' peated it both with cannon and musquetry, until she got nearly abreast of the ship, when, unfortunately, at the moment Capt. Smith was giving orders to point the guns and fire into the privateer, which was executed in part with effect, he was wounded in the groin, and fell to the deck; this unhappy circumstance created confusion on board the ship, the helmsman quitted his station, the vessel fell off, and the privateer instantly laid along side and boarded: previous to this Mr. Stafford the boatswain was killed, the mate and Mr. David Bradlee a passenger wounded.

Here commenced a scene, which would have disgraced savages. Capt. Smith, wounded as he was, lying bleeding in the passage way, was assaulted,

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and received more than twenty stabs and cuts in his breast, back, sides and arms. Young Bradlee having discharged a blunderbuss and killed one of the officers on board the privateer, was probably marked out as a victim; those monsters eut him into pieces, and threw them overboard. They also cut and wounded Mr. Prince who was a passenger on board. A son of Capt. Smith's about 13 years old, being found in one of the state rooms, was dragged out; and while the poor lad had his hands over his head, to guard it in some measure from the blows which were aimed to dispatch him, had them cut in a shocking manner.

Detested and detestable as are Frenchmen, we would not exaggerate one iota of this infernal business, Mr. Samuel Prince, and Capt. Smith's son, are present, and can be seen.

Captain Smith is a remarkable benevolent man; has been uncommonly attentive to unfortunate Frenchmen. We sympathize with his numerous friends and acquaintance; and hope he may survive his wounds, and return to his family and country.

Think of these things, ye flint-nerved Jacobins, and luke-worm patriots, and blush!


Cockade.Bostonians, your townsmen been massacred by the ferocious French-Smith, Bradley, and others, have received more than savage treatment-The cannibals upon the Northwest coast have been outdone in cruelty by the French savages. Let us swear to revenge the massacre of our townsmen. Federalists, HOIST THE COCK ADE; move in union; distinguish your enemies from your friends; give to the Jacobins the treatment which the Old Tories so justly merited and received. You shall hear from me again.



One word to JOICE TERTIUS. The "Old "Tories" never were the cause of the connection between France and America; nor did they ever rejoice at the successes of France; nor are there any of them to be found amongst that infernal French faction, who now shakes these States to their very centre.-It was the well-founded apprehension of the dangers attendant on the connection with France, that made many thousand Tories, who would not otherwise have been so.-To conclude, at a time when government stands in need of every friend that it can obtain, it is extremely imprudent, to say the best of it, to endeavour to disgust a description of persons who are more universally and sincerely attached to it than those of any other description whatever.

Civic Fête. We have had many of these patriotic entertainments in America, since the year 1793; but I do not recollect any one, in which the characters were so appropriate, the parts so well acted, and the whole ceremony so analogous to the occasion, as at the late celebration of the French Fête of the 14th of July, in the borough of HARRISBURGH, Pennsylvania.

Early in the morning, even at the crowing of the cock, the anxious democrats arose, and, taking their leave of the bugs and fleas, repaired, in little knots, to the place appointed for their assembling, which was exactly opposite the castle of democracy, vulgarly called the jail. Here they waited, with no small degree of impatience, for the appearance of two of their distinguished brethren, who were to furnish the entertainment of the festive day. After a while, the castle doors flew open, and the two accomplished brothers came forth, each having on his

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