The Budget of the United States Government: AppendixExecutive Office of the President of the U.S., Office of Management and Budget, 1987 |
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10.00 Total obligations 11.1 Full-time permanent 11.9 Total personnel 12.1 Personnel benefits 22.0 Transportation 23.2 Rental payments 23.3 Communications 25.0 Other services 25.00 Unobligated balance 31.0 Equipment 39.00 Budget authority 40.00 Appropriation 71.00 Obligations incurred 72.40 Obligated balance 77.00 Adjustments 99.9 Total obligations actual actual 1987 est Adjustments in expired Budget authority appropriation Budget authority Outlays Classification in thousands Department of Defense direct loans Direct obligations equivalent of overtime expired accounts Financing in thousands fiscal year 1987 Full-time equivalent employment full-time permanent positions Identification code included in Public number of full-time Object Classification obligations to outlays overtime and holiday Printing and reproduction Program and Financing Program by activities Provided further Public Laws Relation of obligations remain available September 30 Supplies and materials thousands of dollars tion Total compensable workyears Total personnel compensation transportation of persons Transportation of things Travel and transportation United States Code Unobligated balance available Unobligated balance lapsing
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Seite G-51 - ... grown, reprocessed, reused, or produced in the United States or its possessions cannot be procured as and when needed at United States market prices...
Seite E-46 - Corporation, and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the Government Corporation Control Act, as amended, as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the budget for the current fiscal year for such Corporation, except as hereinafter provided.
Seite G-62 - Recalling the determination expressed by the Parties to the 1963 Treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space and under water in its Preamble to seek to achieve the discontinuance of all test explosions of nuclear weapons for all time...
Seite G-51 - Provided further, That no funds herein appropriated shall be used for the payment of a price differential on contracts hereafter made for the purpose of relieving economic dislocations...
Seite A-16 - Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for printing and binding part 2 of the annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture (known as the Yearbook of Agriculture...
Seite E-8 - Maryland: Provided further, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply to replacement of buildings needed to carry out the Act of April 24, 1948 (21 USC 113a...
Seite E-80 - Provided. That this appropriation shall be available pursuant to law (7 USC 2250) for the alteration and repair of buildings and improvements, but, unless otherwise provided, the cost of altering any one building during the fiscal year shall not exceed 10 per centum of the current replacement value of the building.
Seite G-54 - Defense available for military construction or family housing as he may designate, to be merged with and to be available for the same purposes, and for the same time period, as the appropriation or fund to which transferred: Provided further, That of the amount appropriated, not to exceed...
Seite D-11 - None of the funds made available to carry out this part may be used to pay for the performance of abortions as a method of family planning or to motivate or coerce any person to practice abortions.
Seite G-32 - Provided, [That such amounts of this appropriation as may be determined by the Secretary of Defense may be transferred to such appropriations of the Department of Defense available for military construction as he may designate...