Bead. I will, my lord. Come on, sirrah; off with your doublet quickly. Simp. Alas, master, what shall I do? I am not able to stand. [After the Beadle hath hit him once, he leaps over the Stool, and runs away; and the People follow, and cry, A Miracle! K. Hen. O God, see'st thou this, and bear'st so long? Q. Mar. It made me laugh, to see the villain run. Glo. Follow the knave; and take this drab away. Wife. Alas, sir, we did it for pure need. Glo. Let them be whipped through every market town, till they come to Berwick, whence they came. [Exeunt Mayor, Beadle, Wife, &c. Car. Duke Humprey has done a miracle to-day. Suff. True; made the lame to leap, and fly away. Glo. But you have done more miracles than I; You made, in a day, my lord, whole towns to fly. Enter BUCKINGHAM. K. Hen. What tidings with our cousin Buckingham ? A sort of naughty persons, lewdly bent,- Car. And so, my lord protector, by this means Your lady is forthcoming yet at London. This news, I think, hath turn'd your weapon's edge; "Tis like, my lord, you will not keep your hour. [Aside to Gloster. Glo. Ambitious churchman, leave rehman, to afflict my heart! Sorrow and grief have vanquish'd all my powers: And, vanquish'd as I am, I yield to thee, K. Hen. O God, what mischiefs work the wicked ones; Heaping confusion on their own heads thereby ! Q. Mar. Gloster, see here the tainture of thy nest; And look thyself be faultless, thou wert best. Glo. Madam, for myself, to heaven I do appeal, I banish her my bed and company; name. K. Hen. Well, for this night, we will repose us here: To-morrow, toward London, back again, SCENE II. LONDON. The DUKE of YORK'S Garden. Enter YORK, SALISBURY, and WARWICK. York. Now, my good lords of Salisbury and Warwick, Our simple supper ended, give me leave, In this close walk, to satisfy myself, In craving your opinion of my title, Which is infallible, to England's crown. Sal. My lord, I long to hear it at full. War. Sweet York, begin: and if thy claim be good, The Nevils are thy subjects to command. York. Then thus : Edward the third, my lords, had seven sons : Was John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster: And left behind him Richard, his only son, War. Father, the duke hath told the truth; right; For Richard, the first son's heir, being dead, Sal. But William of Hatfield died without an heir. line I claim the crown), had issue-Philippe, a daughter, Sal. This Edmund, in the reign of Bolingbroke, York. His eldest sister, Anne, So, if the issue of the elder son War. What plain proceedings are more plain than this? Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt, With honour of his birthright to the crown. Both. Long live our sovereign Richard, England's king! York. We thank you, lords. But I am not your king Do you, as I do, in these dangerous days, Sal. My lord, break we off; we know your mind at full. War. My heart assures me, that the earl of Warwick Shall one day make the duke of York a king. York. And, Nevil, this do I assure myself,Richard shall live to make the earl of Warwick The greatest man in England but the king. (Exeunt. SCENE III. The same. A Hall of Justice. Trumpets sounded. Enter KING HENRY, QUEEN MAR GARET, GLOSTER, YORK, SUFFOLK, and SALISBURY; the DUCHESS of GLOSTER, MARGERY JOURDAIN, SOUTHWELL, HUME, and BOLING BROKE, under Guard. K. Hen. Stand forth, dame Eleanor Cobham, Gloster's In sight of God, and us, your guilt is great; [wife; [To Jourdain, &c, From thence, unto the place of execution: [To the Duchess, Despoiled of your honour in your life, Duch. Welcome is banishment, welcome were my death. Glo. Eleanor, the law, thou seest, hath judged thee; I cannot justify whom the law condemns. [Exeunt the Duchess, and the other Prisoners, guarded. Mine eyes are full of tears, my heart of grief. K.Hen. Stay, Humphrey, duke of Gloster: erethou go, Q. Mar. I see no reason, why a king of years |