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De supervisione maneriorum.

101. Ne quid vestrum firmariorum aut tenentium vitio corrumpatur aut adimatur, statuimus et ordinamus ut quarto quoque anno invisatis omnia prædia vestra, et sexto anno etiam lustretis omnia et singula maneria, terras, tenementa et beneficia vestra peragrando omnia, intelligendoque in cujus sunt quæque possessione, quotque acras sive jugera, quot loca et tenementa quisque tenet, et an assignentur ea per cardines et decumanos, an secus, liberene an custumarie, an in villanagio, per indenturam an per rotulam curiæ, ad firmam an aliter, in agris, clausuris, sylvis an in pratis positas: quibus nominibus censeantur, quibus finibus seu limitibus circumscribantur, qua quantitate et acrarum numero æstimentur. Quæ omnia commendabitis suo anno atque ordine libro evidentiarum in archivis asservato. Sumptus faciant commeatus firmarii, dum fueritis apud eos, ut est ante constitutum.

Jugera vocamus acras: cardines agrorum limites a meridie ad septentrionem: decumanos ab oriente in occidentem, secundum mundi cardines atque plagas quas jugera respiciunt. Sic ut cardines respiciant latitudinem: decumani longitudinem. Nam decumanus significat longum et maximum, ut decumanus fluctus, decumana porta, decumanum ovum, quia decimum quodque majus æstimatur. Plinius lib. 18°. cap. 33o. et 34°. Politianus etiam Epist. 2a. lib. epist. primo.

De supervisionibus terrarum.

102. Ad supervisionem istam faciendam volumus et ordinamus ut custos et alius socius (quem custos et major sociorum pars propter rerum usum et experientiam, frugalitatem et prudentiam bonumque erga collegium affectum duxerint eligendum) in supervisores præficiantur. His in redditu suo reddita vera et particulari ratione omnium et singulorum, quæ ea de causa necessario expensa sunt, et juramento suo confirmata, viatici sumptus faciat collegium, tantisper dum alibi fuerint quam apud firmarios aut amicos: proviso non futuros plures custode, socio uno, uno custodis famulo et tribus equis collegii sumptibus. Nam si custos indigus sit, unus famulus sufficiat: si abundans et plures voluerit, ipse reliquorum sumptus faciat. Custos enim honorem ex officio magis spectet quam commodum, prodesse magis collegio ut bene audiat, quam ex eo ditescere ut male audiat, charitatis officio fungi potius quam domini. Qui hujusce animi non est, indignus est ut sit custos. Nam qui collegii custodiam desiderat, charitatis opus desiderat. Proinde prodesse literis et reipublicæ debet et paupertati studere omnibus modis et conservando res collegii præsentes et acquirendo futuras.

De observatione Statutorum.

103. Ista omnia statuta a Rev. patre seorsum, et a nobis in præsenti libro præscripta atque durante vita nostra naturali præscribenda ad honorem Dei, utilitatem patriæ et collegii spectantia, ejusdem singulas personas atque res ad honestatem, ordinem, literarum et virtutis incrementum, atque reipub. et universitatis decus dirigentia, ut singuli custodes atque socii nostri collegii et scholastici, qui pro tempore fuerint, prout ad eorum singulos pertineant, diligenter observent, per honorem et utilitatem collegii, honestatem et virtutem suam, reipub. et universitatis decus obtestamur, et per salutem animarum suarum, quas fidei et juramenti sui sacri et spontanei religio astrinxit, ac per viscera et misericordias Ihesu Christi Salvatoris nostri et tremendi judicis obsecramus. In observatione enim statutorum omnis salus collegii vestri sita est, quæ nihil præcipiunt quod non est honestum et utile.

Fidem autem et juramentum suum qui neglexerit aut contempserit, honestatis, literarum et virtutis finibus qui contineri nolit, quem nec honor Dei, utilitas sua et collegii, nec reipub. et academiæ decus movent, sed quærit et procurat, quæret aut procurabit aliquando

per se vel per alium appellando, querendo aut supplicando (nisi in ea supplicatione simplex sit submissio, quod sub nomine supplicationis juris contentio sæpissime alitur, et tacita appellationis et querela prosecutio continetur) aliter vivere, aliterque sibi cæterisque prospectum, consultum aut dispensatum iri in parte vel in toto per alios aut per alias rationes quam per ista statuta Rev. patris et nostra authoritate principum sancita constitutum et decretum est, istisque nostris statutis conabitur contraire, aliquid addere, diminuere, aut aliter quam pro sensu grammatico eadeın interpretari, vel cum eis dispensare, execrabilis esto, priveturque is sive custos sive socius aut scholasticus sit omni Collegii beneficio et excludatur in æternum. Constituimus præterea ne quæ consuetudo prævaleat adversus statutum aliquod aut Rev. patris aut nostrum.

De indulgentia.

104. Ut autem observari hæc statuta nostra maxime cupimus in rem cujusque, ita si quis parum considerate ex præcipiti passione et humana fragilitate eorum aliquod quæ ad mores pertinent violaverit promptus ad correctionem facti et emendationem vitæ, volumus ut ob id non habeatur perjurus. Contra qui fecerit, perjurus esto, nisi offenderit in ea statuta quibus pœnæ seu mulctæ propositæ sunt aut admonitiones. Ea autem statuta subjici volumus admonitionibus, quæ aut moram trium septimanarum patiuntur sine præsenti aut futuro damno et periculo collegii aut personarum ejusdem aut nou nimis urgent. Cætera perjuriis. At qui perjurus est, constituimus ut expellatur collegio et privetur omni ejus beneficio in æternum.

Perjurium autem ut grave crimen est, ita cujusque est providere ne in id sua culpa et voluntate incidat, ut cui postea nisi expellendi correctione mederi non licet propter exemplum aliorum. Neque enim animus noster movetur ad correctionem, quia ipsi læsi sumus, sed quia alii, sed ut disciplina servetur, mores corrigantur, licentia comprimatur. Etenim vitiosa est in peccatis iræ suæ cohibitio. Siquidem justa ira non est ira, sed mater disciplinæ quæ utique cupiditas ultionis non est, cum non præcessit injuria. Neque enim in homines aliter commoveri, si deliquerint, cum Demonace censeo, vitia tamen corrigenda statuo, siquidem medicus non indignatur ægrotis, sed morbis medetur. Nam scio hominis esse peccare, boni vero hominis emendare per disciplinam peccata. Neque indignandum si quis ob malefacta det pœnas. Etenim longe miserius est meruisse pœnas quam dedisse: et facile supplicium perpetietur, qui se honesta vita a supplicio liberare noverit. Itaque etsi non ira, at certe disciplina necessaria est, cum multi hodie sint olow οὔτε βωμὸς, οὔτε πίστις, οὔθ ̓ ὅρκος μένει, hoc est, quibus nec religio, nec fides, nec jusjurandum curæ sunt, uti in Lacones Aristophanes solebat dicere. A quibus hominum morumque generibus nostros omnes longe abesse cupimus, oramusque Patrem, Filium et Spiritum Sanctum, ut vos omnes in decenti ordine, honestate morum et sanctitate vitæ conservent in æternum: quod certe fiet si vicissim Deo Patri, Filio et Spiritui Sancto vosmetipsos dederitis et devoveritis supplices, bonasque literas et virtutes illis ducibus et magistris amplectamini atque excolatis, alioqui frustra divinam imploraturi opem.

De potestate fundatori reservata.

105. Præscripta hæc omnia et singula diligenter observari statuimus, aliaque omnia et singula statuta ante per nos ordinata et a primo Januarii anni Domini 1557 ad hunc usque diem primum ejusdem mensis anni salutis 1572 per nos edita, et hic non comprehensa irrita facimus et expresse revocamus. Reservata tamen nobis semper potestate hæc quoque statuta omnia et singula mutandi, minuendi, augendi, supplendi, corrigendi, interpretandi, delendi et alia nova faciendi, et super his et illis omnibus atque singulis dispensandi, quando et quoties nobis videbitur durante vita nostra naturali: reservata

etiam nobis potestate libera eligendi et amovendi socios et scholares nostros et de eis disponendi, ordinandi et determinandi prout nobis videbitur quamdiu fuerimus in hac vita.

De Lectione Statutorum bis singulis annis.

106. Statuimus etiam et ordinamus ut statuta ista nostra omnia diligenter, clare et sine omissione perlegantur bis annis singulis eisdem temporibus quibus statuta Rev. patris perleguntur, ne quis causetur ignorantiam: illud etiam statuentes ne plura statutorum exemplaria uno (præter ea quæ in collegio Corporis Christi et beatæ Mariæ, et in archivis collegii Regalis reponuntur) transcribantur, et eo apud solum custodem, aut eo absente præsidentem in usus quotidianos remanente. Non negamus tamen cuiquam in certiorem cognitionem officii sui et vivendi regulam, non ad contentionem, quin ad custodem aut eo absente præsidentem statuta videndi et legendi, non autem transcribendi causa cum velit recurrat, nec id denegatum volumus.

De contradictione Statutorum Reverendi patris et nostri.

107. Volumus etiam ut si qua in re contradicunt aut repugnant statuta nostra statutis Rev. patris (quod potest evenire, non sponte mea, sed vel oblivione, vel incuria, vel sinistra interpretatione volentium abuti eis vel repellere in malum aliquod) sic ut ex eo controversia oriatur inter custodem et socios, aut inter socios ipsos, per visitatores nostros definiatur et determinetur, utra statuta salubrius aut commodius præcipiant in rem præsentem, usum, commodum aut necessitatem collegii, custodis et sociorum, et ea prævaleant: proviso ut si quæ statuta nostra diversa fuerint a statutis Rev. patris, aut eorum vim intendant atque augeant, aut ad nostros fundos, nostram donationem, fundationem, peculiares nostros socios aut scholasticos pertineant, non ob id censeantur contradicere et repugnare. Verbi gratia, Rev. pater statuit ut plures medici uno non sint aut summum duobus: ego autem volo duos meos aut tres. Hæc non repugnant nec contradicunt, quia non sunt in eodem genere. Ille enim intelligit non futuros plures ex sua vel in sua fundatione, non in mea, quam nescivit futuram. Et ego intelligo futuros duos meos aut tres in mea, non in sua. Mihi enim licet in omnes quoslibet honestos usus mea impendere sine adversatione aliqua. Ad hæc Rev. pater præcipit, ut post annum regentiæ unusquisque eligat quam velit studii sui rationem in vitam. Benefactores qui post illum et ante nos fuerunt, contra, non sociorum suorum arbitrio relinquunt studii et vitæ genus, sed assignant. Non tamen contrarii isti sunt fundatori, quod (ut dixi) cuique Benefactori licitum est studii vitæque genus suis præscribere, quemadmodum fundatori suis in hoc genere præcipere et non aliorum sociis.

Postremo volumus ut post mortem nostram ea statuta, quæ non cassata a nobis relinquentur, in librum statutorum pargameneum, quem ad hoc paratum fecimus, quam pulcherrima litera nostro sumptu transcribantur sine additione, subtractione aut mutatione ulla sub pœna perjurii et amissionis omnis sui cujusque juris in collegio ipso facto. Quod ut rite fiat, volumus et ordinamus ut examinentur statuta omnia ad exemplar statutorum nostrorum in custodia præfecti et sociorum collegii Regalis et magistri et sociorum collegii Corporis Christi et beatæ Mariæ et ad ea reformentur, si quid alienum, si quid additum, si quid imminutum sit, nisi interim aliquid manu mea propria additum aut ademptum sit. Id si fuerit, volo ut in librum statutorum in custodia Collegii Regalis et magistri et sociorum Collegii Corporis Christi referatur quoque et liber dein in cistam eorum reponatur.

Datum Londini tricesimo Martii ano. Christi 1558 ac postea auctum primo Januarii ano. Dõi 1572o. annum inchoando a festo Annuntiationis beatæ Mariæ Virginis, quod in eo ipso festo anni Verbi Incarnati 1558 Collegium istud fuit erectum, ac

Deo, Divæ Virgini et reipub. consecratum, appenso sigillo nostro et addita subscriptione nominis nostri manu nostra.

Per me Joannem Caium.

Memorandum. Quod durante prima locatione Maneriorum de Roughton et Crokesley erunt tantum tres socii et duodecim scholares nostræ peculiaris fundationis, post vero secundam dimissionem auctis redditibus alantur tres socii et viginti scholares. Per Johannem Caium.

XXX. WILL OF DR CAIUS: FROM COPY IN OUR TREASURY. In the name of God Amen, the Fourteneth daye of June in the yere of oure Lorde God 1573, and the fiftenth yere of the Reigne of our sovereigne Ladie Elizabethe, by the grace of God Quene of England Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of the faithe, &c., I John Caius doctor of Physicke of the parishe of St Barthilmewes the Lesse next unto Smithfelde of London, beinge of good and perfect mynd, thanks be to God, doe make this my laste Will and Testament in maner and forme folowinge. Firste, I commend my soule to God Almightie and my bodie to be buried in the Chappell within my College of Gonnevill and Caius in Cambridge under the Tabernacle wherein the Image of our Ladie sometime did stand, in a Tumbe ther to be made of Allablaster. And I geve and bequeath unto my said College all my books newe and olde wherein thes words be written, Johannes Caius Collegio suo dono dedit. And I will that all the said books shalbe bounden with cheynes to the desks of the liberarie ther, for the common use of students. And all other my books I will shalbe solde and the monye thereof cominge to be imploid towards the charges of my buriall and performaunce of this my laste Will and Testamente. Also I geve and bequeathe unto my saide College of Gonnevill and Caius all my armore, all my plate, and all my monye that shalbe lefte and remaine over and besides my buyldings finished, the charges of my bnriall discharged and paid, my Tumbe, and all other things appoynted by me in this my will to be done made and finished, and my legacies of this my laste will and Testament also paid and discharged, to thentent that there shalbe good lands of good title bought with the saide remnaunt of monie and plate. And the said Lands to be geven and assured unto my said College of Gonnevill and Caius, that is to saie to the Mr and fellowes and their successors for ever to the use herafter appointid. And I will that my exequutoors within one monethe next after my buriall shall make a perfect accoumpte of all my said goods and cattells, as well of that which is by them disbursed and expended for and uppon the exequution of this my said laste will, as of that whiche remainethe, the same accoumpte to be made before my Lord of Canterburies grace that nowe ys (if he shalbe then levinge), if not then before the Mr and felowes of Gonnevill and Caius College aforesaid. And I will that my exequutors with the same remnaunt, within towe years next after my decease shall purchase and assure to and for the Mr and felowes of the said College and to their successors forever, so moche good lands either in revertion or possession as that monie that remainethe will amount unto after twentie yers purchase in revertion, or xxv yeres in possession, of good title and unracked rents, and suche lands as shall lye so nere unto the said College as they canne, or els to lie nere or within one of the mannors belonginge to my said College. And also I will that my said exequutors shall within one monethe after my buriall deliver and paie to the Mr and fellowes of the said College all suche and so muche mony and plat as they shall have remaininge after the charges of my burialle and my legacies discharged and paid. Provided alwaies that the said Mr and fellowes of my said College upon requeste unto

them made shall deliver unto my exequutors such reasonable some and somes of monie as by them shalbe thought meet to be expended about my Tumb and the clearinge and mendinge of Mr Lynacres Tumbe in Paul's Church in London. And likewise I will that the said Mr and fellows shalbe bound unto myn exequutors to deliver unto my said exequutors so muche or all the remanent of monie and plat as shall amount to the valewe of the lands that my said exequutors shall purchase, they accomptinge unto the said Mr and fellowes for everie parte and parcell of the monye receaved into their hands. And yf my said exequutors shall not within towe yeres after my decease purchase such lands as ys aforesaid, then I will the Mr and fellowes shalbe bound unto myn exequutors to purchase so much lande in valewe as the remanent of my monye and plate shall amount unto, and that within towe yeres next after the makinge of their said bond. Also I will that the yerelie rents and proffitts of the said lands, so to be bought and purchased to the use of my College, shalbe yerelie employd and disbursed for the expenses and charges of the fyer in the kichen within the said College for the necessarie dressinge of meate at lawful tymes within the said kitchinge, to thend that the Mr and fellowes and scollers of the foundation of the said College shalbe disburdened yerlie forever for so moche of the said charge as the proffitts of the said lands shall yerelie extend unto. Item, I geve and bequeathe unto the Mr and fellowes of my said College all the evidents deeds writtings escripts myuniments terrors serveis courte rolls and rolls of accompts, and all other escripts and writtings whatsoever they be concerninge any of the mannors lands tenements or heriditaments belonginge to my said College, or any part or parcell of the same by anie meane or meanes. Item, I doe geve and bequeathe unto the right reverend Father in God Matthewe Archebishoppe of Canterburie all my books which I have made not yet printed, and all those that I have made that be printed and augmented, upon condicion that it maie plaise his grace to cause them to be printed, as my trust is wholie in him that he will so doe in a faire letter and forme all togeather in one volume, and twelve of them to be geven to my said College ther to be kepte as the other books are, and to be successivelie tyed with cheynes in the librarie of the same College. Item by this presente laste will and testament I doe chose nominate make and ordaine my trustie and welbeloved ffriend Thomas Legge, of Jhesus College in Cambrige to be master of my said College of Gonneville and Caius after my decease, which I maie lawfullie doe by aucthoritie of a graunt made unto me in writtinge by the Master President and fellowes of the said College under their common seale, and signed with their hands, bearinge date the firste daie of September Anno 1573 (sic), and in the fourteenthe yere of the Reigne of our sovereigne Ladie Quene Elizabeth. Item I doe geve and bequeath to my saide College my carpet of Tapestrie and my counterpoint or coveringe of Tapestrie, to laie upon the desks in the chappell at solempe ffeasts, and also all my cosshens bothe of carpet worke and of nedleworke and all my soellers and testers of silcke to be occupied in the Chappell within my said College as occasion shall serve from tyme to tyme. Item I geve and bequeathe unto the Master of my said College xxx, to Mr Hounde Mr of Arte and one of the fellowes of the said College xx, and unto Mr Churche one other of the fellowes of my said College other xx. And I will that Mr Hounde shall make a sermon at my buriall and shall have for his paynes other xx. And for thexecution of this my laste will and testament I doe constituit and ordaine my trustie and welbeloved friends Mr William Gerrarde of Harrowe upon the hill in the county of Middlesex, gent., and William Conwaie of the parishe of St Sepulchre in London, grocer, my trewe and lawfull exequutors. And I will and moste humblie desier the said moste reverend father in God, Matthewe Archebishoppe of Canterburie, to be my supervisor of this my laste will This is the explanation of the small item in a senior fellow's annual dividend which was separately entered as "pro foco."

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