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We shall not fail in realizing the highest ideal

of which we are capable if only we will let Him do His work unhindered.-F. B. MEYER.

Christ, the Comforter.


Goes with me everywhere.

The broken lights upon the sea,
The star-lamps shining lustrously,
God's great wide world of field and moor,
The lofty cliffs that guard the shore—
I turn from all to meet the face

Of one who shows me little grace,
For care

Is with me everywhere.


Whose light is as the sun,

Whose pity never comes too late,
Whose pardon, like HIMSELF, is great,
Knows me unworthy, yet no less
Lingers in his sweet gentleness;
Jesus, my Savior, takes my care
And He is with me everywhere;
For He

In life or death abides with me.


Knowing Christ.

How do we get to know Christ? Put away all doctrines and try to become a little child in answering this. Just in the same way as you get to know anybody else. Personal acquaintance generally begins by two or three words of conversation, and so with religion. Don't take your inquirer to a text in the first place. You may give it him as a documentary evidence that he may look up and build upon in some respects; but rather than that, introduce him to your friend and get him to talk to him. Start the two in life together. Get him to go down on his knees and open communion with Jesus Christ. Then you have him at once in the heart of things. He does not have to wait ten years before he learns how to abide in Christ. He begins at the outset, and, supposing he lived a thousand years, you could not do anything more than take him to Christ, and leave it to him. The whole of religion is summed up in coming to Christ and sitting there. "Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you." Cause and effect. There will be begotten in you all those things which He has: Peace and forgiveness and joy and love. The whole duty is to come to Christ; their status has been determined by the principles of eternity, and they may have confidence that, coming to Him, they will in no wise be cast out. --HENRY DRUMMOND.

Christ Gives Rest.

Two painters each painted a picture to illustrate his conception of rest. The first chose for his scene a still,

lone lake among the far-off mountains. The second threw on his canvas a thundering waterfall, with a fragile birch-tree bending over the foam; at the fork of a branch, almost wet with the cataract's spray, a robin sat on its nest. The first was only Stagnation; the last was Rest. For in rest there are always two elements-tranquility and energy; silence and turbulence; creation and destruction; fearlessness and fearfulness.-HENRY DRUM


Christ Speaks for a Whole World.


Do not permit these proud days to deceive you. time is not far away when you will feel that it is not in the power of rhetoric or passion to add anything to the words of Jesus Christ. The metaphysician may secretly regret that the Nazarene did not discourse like a Plato or a Locke; the poet may wish that the Son of Man had said more about land, sea and sky, about opening springtime or the falling leaf; the Calvinist and Trinitarian may wish they could find in the Lord's discourse a system that should more fully shadow forth their own; and devotees of science may feel at times that the "Cosmos" of Humboldt surpasses the simple story of the Gospels. But these longings and complaints are only the result of narrow specializations. Christ spoke for a whole world, for the times of its greatest need; and the wish of the specialist is engulfed in the wide, infinite wish of mankind. Our wishes are the style of time; Christ's manner the style of eternity.-SWING.

Christ and Matthew.

When Christ got Matthew, He got him altogether. Matthew had been a bold man before; he had absolutely and openly broken with the religion of his fathers, with all national and ecclesiastical sentiments and feeling, and became a tax-gatherer. And now, when he becomes a Christian, was he going to sneak along through by-ways and alleys? Not he. Matthew made him a great feast, and got all his publican friends and all the riff-raff down town, to come in, so that Christ got a big introduction.


When Christ opened the door in Matthew's heart, He opened a far wider door than the eye of sense could see. Matthew was worth the calling. See what a world was behind him! It led Christ into wonderful company. do not dwell upon that. Here you have a man taking leave of the world joyously; with a true merriment and heartiness he held this "carnival," this farewell to the world and the flesh. Here is your Salvation Army man snapping his fingers and shouting "Hallelujah!” I never find fault with men for that. A Hallelujah is justified any day in the week and in any place under the sun if it comes from the heart. It is justifiable and always in order to say: "Hallelujah! 'Tis a fine thing to be saved." That is Matthew. He made Him a great feast. -MCNEILL.

Following Christ.

Matthew, look up; you are called! City man, you are called! Partner, you are called!

called! Don't you hear? Called!

Cashier, you are Answer to the call.

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