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several illustrative engravings. In its present form, the Author trusts, that independently of the moral reflections it contains, it will be found to comprise popular descriptions of a greater number of scientific facts than is to be found in any other volume of the same size.

Various topics, originally intended to be illustrated, have been unavoidably omitted. Some of these are stated in the last paragraph of Chapter IV. the illustration of which, in combination with other kindred topics, would fill a volume of nearly the same size as the present. This subject (for which the author has abundance of materials) will be prosecuted in another volume, under the title of THE PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION; and will comprise, among many other objects of discussion, illustrations of the moral relation of intelligent beings to their Creator, and to one another-the physical and rational grounds of those moral laws which the Deity has promulgated-the views which science affords of the incessant energies of Creating Power, and of the grand and multifarious objects over which Divine Providence presides-the relation of science to a future state, and of the aids which the discoveries of science afford, for enabling us to form a conception of the perpetual improvement of the celestial inhabitants in knowledge and felicity. These subjects will be illustrated by a variety of interesting details of facts, in relation to the system of nature, the history of nations, and the moral state of Christian and general society



The material world exhibits a more striking display of this Perfection than the super-
natural facts recorded in Scripture. Immense quantity of Matter in the universe.
Mode of acquiring the most comprehensive conception of the bulk of the Earth-
its variety of scenery-its mass of solid matter. Magnitude of the bodies which
compose the Solar System. Magnitude and number of the Stars. Procedure of
the mind in acquiring the most impressive conceptions of such august objects. Re-
flections. Rapid Motions of the Celestial Bodies. How we acquire the ideas of
relative velocities-weight of the Earth-immense physical forces-Grandeur of
the motion of Saturn-immense number of bodies impelled through the heavens
Reflections. Immense Spaces which surround the Heavenly Bodies-
Popular illustration of the Motions of the Earth and Heavens. Extract from Dr.
Ridgeley, with remarks. Universe intended to adumbrate the Attributes of God, and
to make a sublime impression on created beings. Similar trains of thought sug-
gested in the Scriptures. Moral Effects of such contemplations. Humility. Folly
of pride-low rank of man in the scale of being. Reverence and Veneration-Rea-
son why mankind feel so little veneration of God-how it may be increased. The
Deity unsearchable. Hope and Confidence in the prospect of futurity-Resurrec-
tion-Scenes of Eternity.

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Benevolence of God in relation to Man-considered as a depraved intelligence. Mercy
displayed in the system of nature. Benevolence as displayed towards the lower
animals. Extract from Dr. Paley. General Reflections.

INTRODUCTION. Extensive range of Theology. Bad effects of setting Religion in oppo-
sition to Science. Harmony of the operations of God in Nature and Revelation


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Its extensive range. Outline of its principal objects-on the surface, and in the interior
recesses of the earth-in the atmosphere-the vegetable, mineral, and animal king-
doms-and in the region of the heavens. Description of the Banian Tree. Reflec-
tions. Monkey Bread Tree. Splendour and felicity of insect life. Invisible worlds
-infinity of the universe. Religious tendency of this Science. It affords a manifest-
ation of the Deity, and expands our conceptions of his operations-ennobles the human
mind. Recommended by the Sacred writers.


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Its object-Figure of the Earth-Proofs of its spherical form. Relation which the dis-
covery of the figure of the earth bears to the plan of Providence. Magnitude and
natural divisions of the earth General features of its surface. Mountains--their
general ranges, and the sublime scenes they exhibit. The Ocean-its extent, depth,
bottom, and motions. Rivers--their number, size, and the quantity of water they
pour into the ocean. How they are supplied--their use in the system of nature.
Artificial division of the earth. Number and variety of its inhabitants. Number
which have existed since the Creation-number at the resurrection, and the space they
would occupy. Number which the earth would contain-strictures on Malthus.
Utility of the study of Geography to Religion-to Directors of Missionary Societies
-to Private Christians. Grandeur of its physical objects-utility of its moral facts.


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in its present form. The Deluge, and its effects on the earth's strata. Marine shells,
&c. Grand and terrific objects which this science exhibits-illustrate the sublime
descriptions of the Deity recorded in the Scriptures.


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Its sublime objects. Apparent motions of the Sun-of the Moon. Eclipses of the Sun

and Moon. Apparent motion of the starry heavens. Stars and planets seen in the

day-time, and with what powers of the telescope they may be distinguished. Appar

ent revolution of the celestial vault indicates Almighty power. Stars never shift their

relative positions. Solar System. The Sun-his size and probable destination illus-

trated-his spots and atmosphere-different kind of rays emitted from his body-his

distance illustrated. Mercury-his size, rotation, quantity of light and heat, &c.

Proportions of caloric on the different planets. Venus-her size, phases, mountains,

transits, and general phenomena. Original observations on, and mode by which her

diurnal rotation may be determined. Earth--proofs of its annual and diurnal motions.

The moon-description of her majestic mountain scenery, luminous spots, celestial

appearances, illuminating power, superficial contents, &c. Mars-his distance,

atmosphere, luminous zone, &c. New Planets-Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta-

their anomalies, singularities, and probable origin. Meteoric Stones. Jupiter-his

bulk, rotation, belts, and the appearances of his moons. Saturn his figure, belts,

moons, and quantity of light. His Rings, their dimensions, motion, and phenomena

-illustrated by a figure. Splendour of the firmament, as viewed from this planet (see

the engraving.) Herschel-his distance, size, and quantity of light. Comets-their

tails, velocity, orbits, size, and number. New Comet. Motion of the solar system

in absolute space-its destination-plurality of worlds intimated in Scripture. The

Fixed Stars-their distance illustrated--their arrangement, changes-moral reflections.

Relation of Astronomy to Religion-moral effects which its objects have a tendency

to produce-criminality of overlooking the works of God, &c.


Its objects and different departments. Mechanics--subjects it embraces, and its impor-

tance to the improvement of mankind. Hydrostatics-its leading principles and uses,

illustrated by figures. Pneumatics-its principles, and the experiments by which they

are illustrated. Acoustics. Optics-leading facts and principles of this science.

Burning-glasses, &c. Electricity-its nature, phenomena, effects, and agency in the

system of nature. Galvanism-its singular effects on metals, &c. and on the animal

system-various facts which it explains. Magnetism-its various phenomena and

effects. Relation of Natural Philosophy to Religion-its inventions meliorate the con-

dition of mankind-illustrated in the case of the electric fluid-it undermines the influ-

ence of superstition-unfolds the incessant agency of God-indifference to this subject


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