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presumptuous assumption, which has a tendency
to limit the perfections of Deity, and to present
a partial and distorted view of the economy of
human redemption. For, in the first place, it
has no foundation in Scripture. There is not a
single passage from which it can be legitimately
The onus probandi, on this point,
rests with those who make the assertion. A
gentleman, when lately conversing on this sub-
ject, brought forward the following interrogation,
as a demonstrative argument in proof of the po-
sition in question: "Is not redemption declared
in Scripture to be the chief of all the works of
God ?" but he was not a little surprised, when
he was informed that the passage, which he had
partly misquoted, is applied to the behemoth or
the elephant, as stated in Job xl. 19.-2dly, the
assertion is as presumptuous as it is unfounded.
It takes for granted, that we know all the events
which have already happened, and which are now
taking place throughout the whole range of God's
universal empire. This empire appears un-
bounded; and that portion of it which we can
minutely explore, is but as a point in comparison
to express all the meaning here attributed to it, can-
not be denied. But why may it not have been some
times used to distinguish the work of mediation from
all the other favours which God has conferred on
our race? In bis History of Redemption, p. 342, Pre-
sident Edwards says, "From what has been said, one
may argue, that the work of redemption is the great
est of all God's works, of which we have any notice,
and it is the end of all his other works." This view
of the subject accords with the scriptures. Though
it cannot be asserted, that in a single instance they

An interesting report has lately been published of a series of experiments, made with a new steam engine, invented by an American machinist, called the capillary steam engine. Three great objects are said to be accomplished by this invention, lightness, safety, and economy of fuel. In an engine calculated for a four horse power, the generator is formed of a copper tube inch in diameter, and 100 feet long, which weighs about 16lbs. It is arranged in coils, one above another, in the form of a sugar loaf, 30 inches high; the bottom coil being 18 inches in diameter, and the top one considerably less. The wood is prepared as is usual for a stove, and put within the coils. The steam cylinder is formed of sheet copper, three inches in diameter, 27 inches in stroke, and, with all its appendages, weighs about 25lbs. It has been ascertained, that the generator and main cylinder, with their contents and appendages, exclusive of fuel, need not weigh more than 20lbs. to the horse power. No harm can be done by the bursting of boilers -even a safety-valve is considered as useless. In the course of the experiments, the experimenters several times burst the tube; but, so far from doing any injury, it could not always be perceived by the spectators. To ascertain what may be done towards aerial navigation, by steam, experiments were made on the power of wings in the air, and on the power necessary to work them. The result is, that it requires a horse power to carry 30lbs. in the air; so that a flying engine, to be worked by charcoal, would weigh directly affirm the work of redemption to be the

about 30lbs. to the horse power, wings, condenser and fuel included. It was also ascertained by experiments and calculations, that a balloon could be made to carry a man with an engine, which would push it at the rate of 15 miles an hour in the air. A more particular detail of these experiments may be seen in the "London Mechanics' Magazine," No. 60, for 16th October, 1824.

No. X. p. 146.-Strictures on a certain sentiment respecting the work of Human Redemption.

The sentiment referred to in this paragraph, "That there never was, nor ever will be, through all the ages of eternity, so wonderful a display of the divine glory, as in the cross of Christ," has been reiterated a thousand times, in sermons and in systems of divinity, and is still repeated by certain preachers, as if it were an incontrovertible axiom, which ought never to be called in question; and is, no doubt, intended to magnify the divine attributes, and the work of redemption. But it is nothing more than a

It is not important to determine how often the sentiment here expressed has been "reiterated in sermons and systems of divinity." We cannot, however, believe that it has been repeated with the same frequency as the author's language seems to imply. That there are instances, in which it was designed

greatest of all the works of God, yet they give it such an importance and prominency, as are conceded to no other of His dispensations. In this light the apostles seem to have regarded it. Paul counted all the distinctions and honours and advantages which he had acquired among the Jews, as loss in com parison with the glory of the gospel. He went even farther. He declared that he counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord. In this view of the subject there is no presumption and no limitation of the "divine perfections and operations." It has no tendency either to damp the hopes, or obscure the prospects of immortal beings.

On the other hand, who, that is not presumptuous beyond endurance, will suppose, that he now understands the full extent of the love of Christ, and its bearings on all the other divine operations? Who will dare to assert, that this theme will not be suffi cient for ever to employ the meditations and the songs of the redeemed? Has any one ascertained, that it is so limited, as to be soon exhausted? On these topics the author is happily silent; or rather he "pronounces nothing decisively;" but affirms, that were he "to hazard a conjecture." he should say, that the converse of the proposition" under consideration "is true." But for ourselves "we feel chained down to an obscure corner of God's domains," and possess no light except that which he has given us. In our present condition we dare not launch with the author into the ocean of conjecture. Guided by the revelation which God has made, we are compelled to regard the work of redemption as the greatest of all the divine works of which we have any knowledge; and we are satisfied, that the development of the relations and bearings and effects of this stupendous work will be sufficient to employ all our powers of comprehension, and ever to minister to us new and constant delight.→ Am. Editor

of the whole. But before we can, on good grounds, hazard such an assertion as that under consideration, we must have explored all the dispensations of God, through every portion of his vast dominions; and be able to form a comparison between the different displays of divine glory, made to all the different classes of intellectual Deings, under the government of the Creator. And who, among the sons of Adam, can lay claim to such high qualifications for pronouncing so sweeping a decision on this point? 3dly, It sets limits to the divine perfections and operations. For although it could be proved, (which it cannot be,) that no such displays have hitherto been made to any other beings, yet who can take upon him to assert, that displays of divine perfection far more glorious and astonishing will not be exhibited during the countless ages of eternity which are yet to come? To set limits to the operations of almighty power and boundless benevolence, during the lapse of infinite duration, is not the province of any created intelligence, and far less of man, who stands so low in the scale of universal being. 4thly, It tends to damp the hopes and prospects of immortal beings, when looking forward to an interminable existence. For this sentiment leads them to conclude, that they are already acquainted with the greatest display of divine glory which can be made; and that whatever scenes of wonder may be exhibited in the re world, they must, of course, be all inferior to this, in point of extent and grandeur.

The redemption of the human race, as displayed in the Christian revelation, is a theme sufficiently grand, astonishing, and interesting, to command the attention of all who are convinced that they belong to an apostate race of intelligences, and to excite the admiration and gratitude of all who have experienced its bene. fits; and it stands in no need of such unfounded and extravagant assertions, to display its riches and glory." Will a man speak deceitfully for God? Shall not his excellency make you atraid, and his dread fall upon you?"-We pronounce nothing decisively on this subject. We feel ourselves chained down to an obscure corner of God's dominions, to be in the very infancy of our knowledge, and withal, to be connected with a race of beings whose "understandings e darkened by reason of sin;" and are therefore unable to pronounce an infallible decision on what God will or will not do. Were we to hazard a conjecture on this subject, we would say, that the converse of the proposition under consideration is more probable than the proposition itself. We can conceive of worlds ten thousand times more populous than ours, and peopled with a higher order of intellectual beings, towards whom a similar display of benevolence and mercy, were it necessary, may be made; and, therefore, in point of the extent of its objects, we can conceive the love of God more illustriously mani

fested than even to the inhabitants of our globe But whether such an event shall ever take place it would be presumption in us to determine. For the thoughts and the ways of God as far transcend ours, "as the heavens are high above the earth." It demands our highest tribute of grateful adora tion, that the Almighty condescended to “regard us in our low estate," and to deliver us from the moral degradation into which we had fallen; but, surely, it would be unreasonable to conclude, from this consideration, that of all the rational tribes which people the universe, man is the only favourite of the Most High, "when thousand worlds are round." Though myriads of other intelligences were to share in similar favours, it would not lessen the happiness conferred on us, nor ought it in the least to detract from our admiration of "the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

There are a great many other vague and untenable notions which are entertained and reiterated by certain commentators and divines, as indisputable axioms, which it would be of importance to the cause of religion to discard such as-that angels are pure immaterial substances that they were formed on the first day of the Mosaic creation-that the wisdom of God is no where so illustriously displayed throughout the universe as in the scheme of redemptionf-that the chief employment of the future world will be to pry into the mysteries of salvation-that sin is an infinite evil§-that the

In the Scriptures angels are called spirits. And shall see no reason to alxundon the opinion, that they till some evidence is offered of their materiality, we

are pure spirits.-Ed.

To show that it is important to discard this sentiment, the author ought at least to have stated some good reason for believing it to be without foundation. Until something more decisive of this point shall be made to appear, there cannot be the least occasion to abandon the sentiment in question.-Ed.

Here substantially the same reply may be made as in the preceding instance. Prove that this win any thing else will, for the most part, occupy the not be the chief employment of heaven-Show that attention of the spirits of just men made perfect in glory, and the sentiment under consideration will be reutily renounced. Till then we shall claim the right to believ, and maintain, that the employment of the redeemed in glory will consist, to a great exten, in beholding, admiring, and adoring Him, who nath loved them and died for them.-Ed.

§ Infinite is once used in the scriptures to qualify the term iniquity, Job xxii. 5. Is not thy wickedness great and thine iniquities infinite? But not to insist on perhaps a too literal interpretation of the term, it will be sufficient to show what it is ordinarily used to denote.

Some authors, regarding only the very limited faculties and powers of human beings, deem it impossible, that any of their deeds can be an infinite


Others, considering only the infinity of the Being against whom sin is committed, find no difficulty in convincing themselves, that it is an infinite evil. There is also a third class, who, taking the word of God for their guide, and learning that sin exposes men to everlasting punishment, do not hesitate to denominate that an infinite evil, which brings on its guilty victim sufferings infinite in duration. Under stood in this last sense, we can feel no obligation te

whole material universe was brought into existence at the same time with our earth-that the Creator ceased to create any new order of beings in the universe, after arranging the fabric of our globe-that the whole system of material nature in heaven and earth will be destroyed at the period of the dissolution of our world-that our thoughts and affections should be completely detached from all created things, &c. &c.-Several vague notions of this description are founded on the false assumption, that the globe we inhabit, and the rational beings that have appeared on its surface from age to age, are the chief objects of God's superintendence and care-and that the Scriptures are the only medium through which we can view the plans and operations of the Deity assumptions, which are contrary to reason, which are unwarranted in revelation, nay, which are directly contradicted in numerous passages of Scripture, some of which have already been referred to in the course of this volume. It would be of essential service to the cause of Christianity, that its doctrines, facts, and moral requisitions were uniformly exhibited in their native simplicity and grandeur, without being obscured and distorted by the vague and extravagant representations with which they are too frequently blended by injudicious minds.

Νο. ΧΙ.

As authority has a considerable degree of weight on some minds, I shall conclude with an extract on the subject of this volume, from that respectable and enlightened divine, Dr. Dwight, late president of Yale college:-"The works of God were by him intended to be, and are, in fact, manifestations of himself; proofs of his character, presence, and agency. In this light he requires men continually to regard them: and to refuse this regard is considered by him as grossly wicked, and highly deserving of punishment, Psalm xxviii. 5. Isa. v. 12-14. I am apprehensive, that even good men are prone to pay less attention to the works of creation and providence than piety demands, and the scriptures require. We say and hear so much concerning the insufficiency of these works to unfold the character of God, and the nature of genuine religion, that we are prone to consider them as almost uninstructive in moral things, and, in a great measure, useless to the promo tion of piety. This, however, is a palpable and dangerous error. The works alone, without the aid of the scriptures, would, I acknowledge, be far less instructive than they now are, and utterly insufficient to guide us in the way of right

reject it. It must, however, be admitted that it is not always used in this manner, and that it is someames an occasion of ambiguity.-Ed.

eousness. The scriptures were designed to L a comment on these works; to explain their nature, and to show us the agency, purposes, wisdom, and goodness of God in their formation. Thus explained, thus illuminated, they become means of knowledge, very extensive and eminently useful. He who does not find in the various, beautiful, sublime, awful, and astonishing objects presented to us in creation and providence, irresistible and glorious reasons for admiring, adoring, loving, and praising his Creator, has not a claim to evangelical piety."-System of Theology, vol. iii. p. 477.

No. XII.-List of Popular Works on the different Sciences treated of in this volume, with occasional remarks.


"Goldsmith's History of the Earth, and animated nature," with notes by T. Brown, Esq. published at Manchester, 6 vols. 8vo. The co pious notes appended to this edition, contain an account of the latest discoveries, and form a valuable addition to the original work-" The Gallery of Nature and Art," by Dr. Masor. Good, and others, 6 vols. 8vo.-" Spectacle de la Nature," or Nature Displayed, 7 vols. 12mo. -"Nature Displayed," by Dr. Simeon Shaw, 3 vols. 8vo. or in 6 vols. 12mo. This work, though chiefly a compilation, inbodies a great variety of interesting and popular descriptions of the most remarkable facts in the system of nature, which are illustrated with numerous engravings, both plain and coloured.-Clarke's "Hundred Wonders of the World," one vol. 12mo. and Platt's" Book of Curiosities," contam a number of interesting selections on this subject.Smellie's "Philosophy of Natural History," 2 vols. 4to. and his translation of "Buffon's Natural History."-Works entitled, "System" and "Elements" of "Natural History," are numerous; but the greatest part of them is confined to descriptions of the forms, habits, and instinct of animals. On this department of natural science, a work is just now in course of publication, by the celebrated Cuvier, entitled "The Animal Kingdom," with engravings, chiefly from the living subjects in the Museum of Natural History at Paris.-A popular and compre hensive history of the facts which have been ascertained respecting the earth, the atmosphere, the meteors, the heavens, &c. calculated for general readers, and interspersed with appropri ate moral and religious reflections, is still a desideratum. The facts of natural history, next to the facts recorded in the sacred volume, are the first subjects to which the minds of the young should be directed in the course of a general education.


Pinkerton's Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to. and the Abridgment, one vol. 8vo.-Guthrie's Geographical Grammar.-The Glasgow Geography, in 5 vols. 8vo. This work comprehends an immense mass of information, on the historical and descriptive parts of geography. It also contains comprehensive compends of astronomy, geology, meteorology, &c.-Malte Brun's "System of Geography," 8vo. The English translation of this work, when completed, will comprise the fullest and most comprehensive view of universal geography that has yet appeared in our language, including details of the most recent discoveries. Five volumes of the English translation have already appeared. The first volume contains a luminous and comprehensive outline of the science of Geology, and Physical and Mathematical Geography. Myer's "System of Modern Geography," with maps, views, engravings representing costumes, &c. 2 large vols. 4to.-Cooke's "System of Universal Geography," in 2 very large quarto vols. closely printed, contains a great variety of interesting sketches in relation to Descriptive Geography, extracted from the writings of modern voyagers and travellers; the details of incidents, &c. being related for the most part, in the words of the respective authors from whom the information is collected.-Winterbotham's "Geographical and Historical view of the United States of America, &c." 4 vols. 8vo. -Morse's American Geography," 8vo.-Goldsmith's "Geography on a popular plan," contains an interesting account of the manners and customs of nations, for the entertainment and instruction of the young, illustrated with above 60 engravings. Of smaller systems, there is a great abundance in the English language, but most of them are extremely deficient, particulary in what relates to General Geography.-On Sacred Geography, Wells's Geography, modernized by the editor of Calmet's Dictionary, is the most complete work of its kind.-On Physical or General Geography-Playfair's System of Geography, vol. I. and Varenius's General Geography. A Modern system of Geography, in a separate form, on the plan of Varenius, is a desideratum. -Edin. Ency. Art. Geography.-Sup. to Ency. Brit. Art. Physical Geography, &c. &c. Books of Voyages and Travels, generally contain the most circumstantial details of the physical aspects of the different countries, and of the dispositions and customs of their inhabitants; and present to the view of the Christian philanthropist, those facts and incidents, from which the moral state and character of the various tribes of human beings may be inferred. The following works contain comprehensive abridgments of the most celebrated voyages and travels.-"Pinserton's General Collection of Voyages and

Travels in all parts of the World," 17 vols 4to -"Mavor's Voyages," &c. 28 vols. 18.-"The World Displayed," 18 vols. 18mo."Philips's Collection of Voyages and Travels," &c.

The following are among the most respectable modern publications on this subject, arranged according to the different quarters of the world. ASIA. Valencia's Travels in India, Arabia," &c.-" Porter's Travels in Georgia, Armenia," &c.-"Golownin's Travels in Japan."—"Staunton's Account of Macartney's Embassy to China."-"Raffle's Travels in Java."—"Clarke's Travels in Asia Minor, and the Holy Land.”— "Chateaubriand's Travels in Palestine."-" Ali Bey's Travels in Arabia."-" Morier's Travels through Persia," &c. AFRICA.-"Lyon's Travels in Northern Africa."-Burckhard's Travels in Nubia.-Bruce's Travels in Abyssinia.Salt's Travels in Abyssinia.-Bowdich, Hutton, and Dupuis's Account of Ashantee.-Leigh's Jour. in Egypt.-Belzoni's Travels in Egypt.Sonini's Travels in Egypt.-Barrow's, Burchell's, and Campbell's Travels in Southern Africa, &c. &c. AMERICA.-Howison's Sketches of Upper Canada. Fearon's Sketches of the United States.-Miss Wright's Views of Society in the United States.-Humboldt's Travels in South America.-Duncan's Travels in the United States.-Luccock's, Vidal's, Kosters's, and Hall's Travels in South America, &c. EUROPE.-Henderson's and Mackenzie's Tra vels in Iceland.-Thompson's Travels in Sweden.-Carr's Travels in Russia, Denmark, &c -Pallas's Travels in Russia.-Wraxhall's, Neale's, Coxe's, and Lemaistre's Tours through France, Switzerland, Germany, &c-Bourgoing's and Jacob's Travels in Spain.-Brydon's Tour in Sicily, &c.-Von Buch's Travels in Norway and Lapland.-Cochrane's Travels in Siberia, &c.-Cook's, Anson's, Byron's, Perouse's, and Bougainville's Voyages round the World, &c.-Prior's Universal Traveller, one thick vol. 12mo. closely printed, with one hundred engravings.


Kirwan's "Mineralogy," and his "Geological Essays."-De Luc's "Geology," and his "Geological Travels."-Parkinson's "Organic Remains of a former World," 3 vols. 4to.-" The Fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex, by G. Mantel, F. L.S." The preliminary essay to this splendid work contains several excellent remarks respecting the connexion of geology with religion, which are calculated to advance the interests of both. -Cuvier's "Essay on the Theory of the Earth,” with illustrations by Professor Jameson; 4th edition.-Playfair's illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth.-Transactions of the

Geological and Wernerian Societies.-Jameson's Mineralogy.-Buckland's Account of the Discovery of a Den of Hyenas in a cavern in Yorkshire.-Philips's "Outlines of Mineralogy, and Geology," 12ino. This last work forms a good introduction to the study of Geology, for those who are just commencing their inquiries on this subject. The object of this science, in the mean time, should be chiefly to the collecting of facts in reference to the structure of the earth, and the changes it has undergone. The exterior aspect of our globe, and its internal recesses, must be still more extensively explored, before any theory of the earth can be established on a broad and solid foundation. It should be left to future ages to build a system with the materials we are now preparing.


Brewster's "Ferguson's Astronomy," 2 vols. 8vo. with a vol. of plates. The notes and supplementary chapters of this work, written by Dr. Brewster, contain a full and comprehensive detail of all the modern discoveries in this science." Bonnycastle's Introduction to Astronomy," 1 vol. 8vo.-La Place's "System of the World," 2 vols. 8vo. Dr. Olinthus Gregory's Astronomy, 1 vol. 8vo.-Mrs. Bryan's "System of Astronomy," 8vo.-Dr. Mylne's "Elementary Treatise on Astronomy," 8vo.-Adam's "Astronomical and Geographical Essays," 8vo. -Philips's "Eight Familiar Lectures on Astronomy," 12mo.-Squire's "Grammar of Astronomy," 1 thick vol. 18mo. closely printed and illustrated with 35 plates.-The "Wonders of the Heavens," 12mo. This work contains a popular view of the principal facts of Astronomy, and is illustrated with 50 elegant engravings, of a variety of interesting objects connected with the scenery of the heavens; but its discussions are too frequently blended with the peculiarities of a modern physical theory.-Martin's "Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy," vol. 1.-Derham's "Astro-Theology," and Whiston's "Astronomical principles of Religion," 8vo.-Baxtess "Matho," 2 vols. &c.-An elegant and comprehensive outline of the leading facts of Astronomy, in their relation to revealed Religion, will be found in Dr. Chalmers's "Discourses on the Christian Revelation, viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy," 8vo.-The genera! reader in commencing his study of this science, will find Bonnycastle's "Introduction" a very interesting work. It is written in an elegant and animated style, and is agreeably interspersed with a number of appropriate reflections; but it is deficient in the detail of modern discoveries. He might next proceed to the perusal of Ferguson, Gregory, Squire, &c. La Place's work contains a beautiful exposition of the Newtonian system, but it ́is glaringly defi

cient in a reference to the wisdom and agency of a Supreme Intelligence. "An undevout astronomer is mad." Baxter's "Matho," contains a popular and interesting view of this subject, and forms a striking contrast to the apathy of La Place, who carefully keeps out of view the agency of the Creator-the main design of this author being to connect the phenomena of the heavens and the earth with the attributes of Deity, and the high destination of immortal minds. Though this work passed through three editions, it does not seem to have been appreciated according to its mere. As it has now become scarce, a new edition, with notes, containing a detail of modern discoveries, might be an acceptable present to the public. Those who wish to prosecute this subject to a greater extent, may be referred to "Long's Astronomy," 2 vols. 4to.-Robinson's "Mechanical Philosophy," vol. 1.-Vince's "Complete System of Astronomy," 3 vols. 4to.-"La Lande Astronomie," 3 vols. 4to.-and Biot's "Traite Elé mentaire d'Astronomie Physique." A comprehensive work on Descriptive Astronomy, detailing, in a popular manner, all the facts which have been ascertained respecting the scenery of the heavens, accompanied with a variety of striking delineations, and interspersed with appropriate reflections, accommodated to the general reader, is a desideratum.


Hauy's "Elementary treatise on Natural Philosophy," translated by Dr. O. Gregory, 2 vols. 8vo. This translation contains a number of valuable notes by the translator.-Ferguson's "Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics," &c. by Dr. Brewster, 2 vols. 8vo with a volume of plates. The Appendix to this work, by Dr. Brewster, contains a mass of valuable information on Mechanics, Hydraulics, Dialling, and the construction of Optical Instruments; besides a variety of illustrative notes interspersed through the body of the work. A new edition of this work, comprising a detailed account of the recent discoveries in Experimental Philosophy, has been lately published.-Nicholson's "Introduction to Natural Philosophy," 2 vols. 8vo.Cavallo's" Complete Treatise on Natural and Experimental Philosophy," 4 vols. 8vo.-Martin's "Philosophia Britannica,"3 vols. 8vo. His "Gentleman and Lady's Philosophy," S vols. 8vo. and his "Philosophical Grammar," 1 vol. 8vo.-Gregory's "Economy of Nature," 3 vols. 8vo. and his "Lectures on Experimental Philosophy, Astronomy, and Chymistry," 2 vols. 12mo.-Joyce's "Letters on Experimental Philosophy," 2 vols. 12mo. and his "Scientific Dialogues," 6 vols. 18mo.-Adam's "Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosonhu" 4 vols. 8vo. with prales.-roung's

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