Abbildungen der Seite

authorship of, ii, 731; conversions
to, ii, 691; Essenism the author of, ii,
744; origin of, ii, 575, 612; Paul the
author of, ii, 728, 743; revamped
paganism, ii, 687; propositions con-
cerning, ii, 928; Liberal and ortho-
dox, ii, 941
Chronicles, 'i, 625
Christna, i, 97

Christmas, origin of, i, 126

Cholula, pyramid at, i, 482
Chiron, i, 264

Chemosh, i, 513
Churches, ii, 855

Church history, incidents in, ii, 841;
quarrels, ii, 810, 815

Child, Mrs., quot., ii, 163, 167–169, 298-

304, 338-361, 385-398, 456-459
Cicero, ii, 418; maxims of, ii, 418
Cinderella, story of, i, 72

Circumcision, ii, 503; in Egypt, ii, 338,

Civilization, India the cradle of, i, 34, 61
Clarke, quot., ii, 137, 139, 140, 177, 180,

189, 191, 198, 211, 229, 271, 280,
281, 289, 291, 297, 322-326, 329,

330, 383-385, 412, 413-415, 426,
427, 565

Clement, St., ii,782, 765; of Alexandria,
ii, 615

Clergy, subordinate, ii, 690

Clio, i, 252

Crocodile worship, i, 409
Cruelty of Jehovah, i, 558
Crysostom, St., ii. 808
Cuneiform inscriptions, i, 119
Cupid, i, 260
Cybele, i, 190
Cyclops, i, 200

Cyprian, St., ii, 788, 812
Cyril, St., ii, 809

Daniel, i, 639
Days, holy, ii, 322

Dasent, quot., i, 319

Data of criticism, ii, 676
David, i, 815; ii, 469

Davies, quot., ii, 449, 450, 454
Dawn, i, 87

Dead, trial of the, ii, 324
Death ceremonies, ii, 302
Decalogues, ii, 506

Deities, good, i, 311; evil, i, 314
Deluge, Chaldean account of, ii, 260,
370; tradition, universality of, ii, 455
Demeter, or Ceres, i, 187
Demigods, i, 281,
Demonolatry, i, 407

Demons, i, 278

Demoniacal possessions, i, 408
Devil, i, 435, 576; -doctors, i, 436
Dhammapada, extracts from, ii, 192,


Diana, i, 215

Clodd on Mohammed, ii, 551; quot., i, Dionysos, i, 217

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

as a reformer, ii, 273; disciples of,

ii, 274; compared with Jesus, ii, 284;
quot., ii, 277, 278, 279
Coromandel, temples of. ii, 160
Constantine the Great, ii, 789
Contradictions of the Bible, i, 796
Convents, Thibetan, ii, 309
Cooper on New Testament, i, 716
Cosmogony, origin of Jewish, i, 40,119;
Chaldean, ii, 259

Council of Nice, ii, 793, 842
Councils of the church, ii, 841; Bud-
dhist, ii, 181

Cow, Audhumbla, i, 326

Creation, Norse idea of, i, 324; Greek
idea of, i, 167; Persian version of,
ii, 224.

"Creed of Christendom," quot., i, 683
Criticism, canons of, ii, 675; data of,
ii, 676

[blocks in formation]

Doctrines of Buddhism, ii, 193–198
Domestic chaplains, ii, 690

Dominic, St., ii, 893.

Draper, quot., i, 15, 17; ii, 103-108,
836, 838

Druidic Bards, ii, 444; legend, ii, 453;
religion, ii, 445; schools, ii, 458;
trinity, ii, 446

Druidism, modern, ii, 452; summary
of, ii, 449

Druids, gods of the, ii, 446-449; learn-
ing of the, ii, 440; origin of, ii, 435;
relics of the, ii, 441; religion of the,
ii, 435; supreme god, titles of, ii,
456; writers on the, ii, 437
Dryads, i, 247

Du Halde, quot., ii, 296
Dwarfs, i, 378

[blocks in formation]

Fauns, i, 238

Faunus, or Fatuus, i, 235
Faustus, ii, 833

Fenris wolf, i, 371
Fetiches, i, 402

Fetichism, i, 37; ii, 9, 25, 34; of the
Jews, ii, 32

Festival of Mithra, ii, 36

Festivals, Chinese, ii, 299; Egyptian,
ii, 321, 343, 345, 346; Grecian, ii,
393; Hindoo, ii, 171, 173; Roman,
ii, 413; Scandinavian, ii, 427
Fijians, ii, 15

Fire-worship in Persia, ii, 235

Flagellants, ii, 91; Thibetan, ii, 311
Flamens, ii, 415

Fo, or Fohi, i, 162, worship of, ii, 299
Forbes, Lieutenant, quot., ii, 296
Forsete, i, 344

[blocks in formation]

Giants, i, 376; origin of, i, 325
Glossary, Norse, i, 382

God of the Hyperboreans, ii, 426;
idea, development of the, ii, 534;
natural history of, ii, 940

Gods, comparison of, i, 573; of Africa,
1, 401; of American savages, i, 465;
of China, i, 155; of Egypt, i, 129;
ii, 335; of Greece and Rome, i, 165;
11, 385; of Persia, i, 119; of Chal-
dea, i, 119; of Mexico, i, 481; of
the Druids, ii, 446; of the Norse-
men, i, 319; of the wind, i, 256;
of savage tribes, i, 401; of Semitic
races, i, 503: Vedic, i, 77; of the
Hindoos, i, 61; ii, 137, 139, 154, 155
Golden Fleece, i, 298
Gnaa, i, 346
Gorgons, i, 275

[blocks in formation]

Eunuchs. 613
Eclectics ii 614, 6/5, 6/0, `


Truth, ii, 636; of Nicodemus, ii,
666; the Clementine, ii, 630; of the
Hebrews, ii, 628; of the Egyptians, ii,
630; of the Birth of Mary, ii, 645; of
Judas, ii, 643; of Perfection, ii, 639;
of the Protevangelion, ii, 648; of the
Infancy of Jesus Christ, ii, 653; of
Thomas, ii, 663; of St. Philip, ii,
640; of the Lord, ii, 633; of Paul, ii,
739; story of, the, ii, 721; story, pre-
cedents for the, ii, 620; dates, errors
of, ii, 682; phraseology, falsehood
of, ii, 684; statistics, falsehood of,
ii, 683; Gospels, the four, i, 665;
disagreement of, ii, 723; errors
of the, ii, 681; spurious and un-
canonical, ii, 622; spurious, list of,
ii, 625; the four, speculation con-
cerning, ii, 609; recapitulation of, ii,
684; unreliable translations of, ii,685
Gnosticism, ii, 579, 583, 584, 633
Graces, the, i, 203, 253
Greece, gods of, i, 165; ii, 385; his-

tory of, i, 382; religion of, ii, 381-

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[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hindoo beliefs, ii, 167, 171; blood
atonement ii, 170; castes, ii, 148-
150; festivals, ir, 171, 173; hermits,
ii, 141, 145; hermits, austerities of,
ii, 142; hermits, miracles of, ii, 142;
hermits, their schools, ii, 144; gods,
ii, 154; idolatry, ii, 173; mythology,
ii, 161; prayers, ii, 173; temples,
ii, 155-164; trinity, ii, 137–139;
pilgrims, habits of, ii, 169; priest-
hood, ii, 172, 175; nature and sex
worship, ii, 146

Hindoos, future judgment of the, ii,

150; good and evil spirits of, ii, 145;
four ages of the, ii, 140; holy cities
of, ii, 164-167; paradise of the, ii,
151-154; religiou of the, ii, 96-175,
sacred books of the, ii, 131-136;
their origin, i, 76; holy rivers of the,
ii, 164-166
Hippolyte, i, 301
Hiro, i, 459
Hlyn, i, 346
Hoder, i, 363

Holy days, ii, 322; objects, ii, 311;
rivers, ii, 343; words, ii, 314; Ghost,
i, 581

[blocks in formation]

Images, ii, 855; of saints, ii, 311
Incas of Peru, i, 499

India, Persia contrasted with, ii, 213;
the cradle of civilization, i, 34, 61
Indian tribes, religious ideas of, ii, 15,
16, 17
Infidels, persecutions of, ii, 918-922
Innocent VIII., cruelty of, ii, 894
Inman, quot., i, 520; ii, 505, 506
Inquisition, ii, 882, 917; mode of ex-
amination of the, 884; spy system
of the, 883; process of torturing in
the, 885; Auto da fé of, 889
Institutes of Menu, ii, 119-130
Ingersoll, quot., ii, 915-918, 922-927
Irenæus, ii, 780; description of Christ,

ii, 585

Iris, i, 254

Irish penal laws, ii, 913

Isaac, i, 811; sacritice of, ii, 463
Isa, i, 96

Isis, i, 146

lva, i, 514

Ingala, i, 430

Invocation to the universe, i, 832

Jason, i, 298

Jacob, i, 811; his dream, ii, 465; and
Esau, ii 466; and his sons, ii, 467;
his contract, ii, 465
Jains, temples of the, ii, 162
Jamblichus, quot., ii, 356
Jah, i, 519

Jahveh, 1, 579; and Jacob wrestle, ii,

175; a family god, ii, 474; char-
acteristics of, ii, 492; duplicity of,
ii, 501; tutelary deity, ii, 489
Jerome, St., ii, 808

Jesus, i, 583; and Confucius, ii, 284;
and Buddha, ii 203; and Moham-
med, ii, 557; book of the Generation
of, ii, 587; did he exist? ii, 705;
genealogy of, ii, 719; is his history
credible? ii, 713; his resemblance
to other saviors, ii, 709
Jehovah, i, 579; compared with other
gods, i, 573; cruelty of, i, 558; his
disregard of human life, i, 555; his
imperfections, i, 560; not the only
god, ii, 533; partiality of, ii, 502
Jews, origin of their cosmogony, i, 40,
119; their scriptures and the Zend-
Avesta, ii 228; legends of the, ii,
487; truth of their history, ii, 482:
improbabilities of their history, ii,
495; number of, ii, 479, 498; rapid
increase of, ii, 499

Judaism, ii, 461-539; borrowing from
the Egyptians, ii, 362; Christianity
and Zoroastrinism, ii, 240; monothe-
ism in, ii, 529; features of, ii, 537; |

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mithra, i, 126; festival of, ii, 236

Miracles ii, 500; Thibetan workers of,
ii, 311

Milman, quot., ii, 530

Mohammed, i, 517; and the Jews, ii,
549; battles of, ii, 548; a real char-
acter, ii, 563; becomes a sovereign,
ii, 547; death of, ii, 550; compared
with Jesus, ii, 557; character of,
ii, 552, 554; Hegira, the, ii,
547; journey of, to heaven, ii, 544;
life of, ii, 541; prayer of, ii, 545;

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